We need range Survival Hunters back

No thanks. Survival is currently in a decent/good spot.


How so? Play-style, theme, what is it that makes it good?

Yeah, I enjoy the way it plays. I wish blizz would make chakrams better so I could be more of a ranged/melee hybrid.


Blizzard likes to give out cool abilties, but then makes under performing that we get stuck in same cookie-cutter builds.

If they want MSV to be a melee/range class then let the playets push that theme.

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I was completely against this whole change to a melee spec on my Hunter (main) pleading against it, but it is a lot fun to play. That being said, I play Marks because I want to be ranged.

Marks sucks personally, as far as a ‘fun’ spec. Oh sure it can be fun to one-shot something when everything lines up but that is a short lived thrill as you are swarmed by a Mob.

I’ve been in beast spec for like an hour? Hate it personally. Thought that should have been the melee spec but whatever, my dollars only count for a minimal amount of influence.

My survival play style is probably want made Blizzard eliminate ranged Survival Hunter and I am sure other people did it too. It really became evident on Timeless Isle kiting large mobs over alliance players that would temporarily pull aggro and die. So much fun to watch! A Blink Fox with a Tail whip to slow on a mob and blink to the next. Yup, fun managing a dozen Mogul and guiding to some unsuspecting Human Pally. sighs.

Survival was the spec of choice, now it is a diversion to switch things up. I wish they would give it back to the way it was but it is like arguing with a Child that does no wrong.

My idea would be to give this entire spec to Demon Hunters, and have a 3rd spec a pet spec for DH’s. They would not summon a pet, they would corrupt one to be their companion and have the ability to permanently sacrifice it as a full on heal.

Again, my dollars to ideas and wants = nothing. I’m sure that they will give up something a kid comes up with because it would be ‘edgy’.

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I agree that there were a lot of things you could do with old ranged SV. It was a lot of fun indeed.

I understand why you would suggest for a spec to be added to DHs as they only have two atm. Though I can’t say that I’m overly thrilled of having the old SV moved and re-shaped to fit another class instead.

Also, not entirely sure that I understood what you’re after :slight_smile:

On another note, I’m thinking of re-designing one of the talents tied to my suggestions for ranged SV as a 4th spec option for the Hunter class.

Found here:
#[Suggestions updated] Pre-Legion/Ranged Survival

Thoughts involve the talent T.N.T. below

Current design:

T.N.T. - If Explosive Shot is used on an enemy already affected by a previous charge, the charge’s remaining duration is refreshed as well as increased by an additional 3 seconds. An active charge can only have a max duration of 9 seconds.

Exotic Munitions-procs now also increase the remaining duration of any active Explosive Shot charge you have on the current target by 3 seconds.

Potential new design:

T.N.T. - If Explosive Shot is used on an enemy already affected by a previous charge, the charge’s remaining duration is refreshed as well as increased by an additional 3 seconds. An active charge can only have a max duration of 9 seconds.

Exotic Munitions-procs now also increases the base duration of the next Explosive Shot fired by 3 seconds.

What would the difference be to the current design?

Instead of having Exotic Munitions-procs affecting charges that are already active on a target. It would instead allow for the next Explosive Shot you fire to have it’s base duration increased from the default 4 seconds. Explosive Shot still cannot have a max duration longer than 9 seconds.
Just that now, you would be in more control of when you gain that extra duration bonus. As you’re the one deciding when and at what target you fire your Explosive Shot.

Thoughts? Which design is preferred?


I get what you’re saying but there’s plenty of differences between those two skills. Even if they were the exact same skill that goes back to my point of me not thinking every spec needs to only have exclusive skills.

I concur.

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“Plenty of differences” what a joke. They literally have the same basic function. They are both offensive cooldowns that buff the damage output of the Hunter and the pet by a flat percentage. They are even similar in their values for duration, cooldown, and damage percentage buff.

The only differing factor is how they interact with other abilities. Bestial Wrath has a cooldown reduction tied to Barbed Shot, Coordinated Assault increases the chance Kill Command (the other ability it stole from Beast Mastery) will reset. I can respect that. That’s how Multi-Shot used to function for the three ranged specs; same base ability with different additional effects. But this is meant to be an iconic, defining element of the spec: the offensive CD. From WoD onwards they decided their explicit goal was to make each of the Hunter specs have its own CD. Look at Marksmanship’s CD: it’s totally different and it’s not just a flat damage percentage increase. Combined with Kill Command and Spirit Bond this just fits in the over-all theme of having no unique ideas therefore resorting to just lifting stuff from BM and putting it in SV.

It’s especially egregious when ostensibly the whole point of making SV melee in the first place, as alluded to by that clueless hack of a developer Travis Day, was to make the spec more different to the other Hunter specs. In every SV argument I’ve been in for the past 3 years I’ve been told I have to defend how SV had similar or sometimes the same abilities as other Hunter specs when it was ranged yet here melee SV is stealing the most iconic parts of BM and claiming them as its own. It just demonstrates the hypocrisy and fakery of the people who developed melee SV and the people who supported it. The goal was never to make it more different to other Hunter specs and improve its identity because they’ve utterly failed at both those objectives. The goal was to make a melee Hunter spec at all costs. Everything else is just an excuse invented after the fact to try and fail to justify it.


They still, are not, the same skill though. Even if they were I’ve already made a statement about that.

If y’all were nicer about going about getting back range survival then I could see myself coming along to agree with switching survivals kits and playstyle with Bm. The problem is you give trolls a inch and they take a mile. Next thing me and the superior survival hunters know we lose out on our spec cause people wanna throw everything around. The main issue with swapping the specs is people have been crying about there being a melee spec on hunters in the first place. Swapping the specs wouldn’t change that.

So y’all just gotta deal. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Not entirely sure what I’ve done to upset you but no, not all players take the diplomatic route.

Not you Ghorak, you’re gucci.

You just need to get these other shams onto your wave or you may very well sink with them tis all.

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I was suggesting the melee survival adapted to DH and the ranged survival be brought back.

This move would be in conjunction with another concept of hero spec being added to existing classes.

Specifically for hunter at max level opting to convert to a ranger and drop the pet altogether. We are going to get ranger in the next xpac since they are setting us up for that with undead night elves reporting to calia.


Then you never had the chance to enjoy a survival hunter when it was fun to play.

  1. Says who?

  2. fun is subjective.

and 3) when do YOU think survival was fun to play? You don’t know me and i don’t know you so we very well could agree on that. lol

and what are you referring to with that quote? my comment or my response to Theon??


Survival was the go to spec through many of the expansions, I started in BC but really only understood the class through Wrath and finally in MoP was an expert. That is when it was the most fun, for me and many others that dedicated to playing a survival ranged hunter.

I do not care for Marks at all, it is very boring and clunky especially in Solo playing and I never liked Beast Master. I wanted to be ranged with a pet that is secondary to my class, I used my pet as a utility.


Survival back then had a quite unique theme compared to the other two specs. While it wasn’t exactly a multi-dot spec like we imagine/see them today. It had a core gameplay that was very much focused on several abilities that dealt DoT.

This type of gameplay, is not for everyone.

We also had some who claimed that Survival back then was a caster spec because of all the DoTs and magic damage. This I cannot agree with as most of it wasn’t actually of a magical nature. Sure, it wasn’t a pure physical spec but that does not mean that it was a caster either.

But well, back on point…

…which is that we are all very different. We all like different things.
And the gameplay and theme surrounding the old ranged SV spec, was to many players, the most fun we’ve had in WoW when it comes to class design/gameplay.

I get why some say that the old ranged SV wasn’t all that fun. I get why they say that they prefer . They simply did not/do not feel the same about the old SV as many of us here do.


you come up in this thread with your cringey posts and emojis and tell people that lost their spec to be nice. hilarious



Demanding things AND being rude about it is supposed to get people their way now??


That’s not it. What you’re seeing is the narrative of the hunter class being taken over by those who main primary melee classes.

Hunters class design are at the whim of those who use hunters as alts in their down time.

Just hope that blizzard continues to implement less catch up systems for alts to decrease this problem for example the lack of account wide essences and benthic gear is very good because it rewards those who picks a class and sticks with it.


You’re assuming that I’m only talking about comments/replies we can find on the forums today.

Which is not what I’m doing at all.

Yes sure, todays discussions/arguments tend to, most of the time, involve the subject of ranged vs. melee.

The thing is, I’m also talking about players/hunters that very much like the ranged aspect(especially in the form of the hunter) but they have no interest in dealing with DoTs or any form of non-physical damage(as little as possible).

The first time I saw someone who stated that they did not like what was done to Survival(turning into a type of DoT spec), that comment came in the pre-patch to Cataclysm. Which was also the patch where they took a major step in re-focusing class and spec design to be more about respective identities. At that time, it wasn’t an argument about ranged vs. melee. Not even close.

Technically, you could choose talents during WotLK that allowed for a lot of the old SV theme. Though it wasn’t as defined as it became later on.

Hunter class design is at the whim of the developers.
And some decisions made by them, such as the removal of ranged SV, were made entirely based on the mindset of the devs themselves. The amount of posts requesting a melee spec for the Hunter class at the time were nearly non-existent. Sure, there were a few. But only a few.

Not entirely sure what that reward is.

But I agree, account-wide essences or even AP levels(and similar) should NEVER become a thing. From a player standpoint, it might be favorable to some to have such functions implemented. But from a gameplay standpoint, it makes no sense whatsoever.

As far as the game is concerned, what your Night Elf Druid does in the world and what your Troll Hunter does, are completely different things altogether. In the world, your characters have no connection. And having things like AP scale account-wide or having perks like Essences unlock for multiple characters on your account at the same time, no matter what character you play, does…not…make…sense.

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