We need portals to Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Uldum

use org cloak.
that knocks off another loading screen.

yeah… everything should just complete itself.
travel is soooo 2019.

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We really do need a portal to Vale. I can’t understand why Blizz thought that portals to the villages in the Jade Forest was a better option than portals to Shrine…

Just a brain dead decision imo


I believe thou doth protest too much - Remember when everything was a haul just to get there? No, maybe not… The big ole’ portal room in Org / SW is a luxury.

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Who hurt you?


No one. Don’t know why you would think that someone hurt me.

set a hearth to dwarven district. uldum port is basically right there and pandaria port is a hop, skip, and jump to the mage room by trade district. too easy. if you have engineering the pandaria wormhole is at your disposal. or…OR you can be dark iron and just tunnel your way straight to the moon. j/k lol

Sooo much anger. Someone definitely hurt you. I’m here if you need to talk.

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Not at all, we just want consistency. We’re gonna be portalling regardless, it’s just a matter of how many portals it’s gonna take to get where we’re going.

It’s not “immersive” and it doesn’t “make the world seem bigger”. It’s just inconvenience for the sake of it, in a patch where after every single Vision you’re portalled out automagically, and there’s a portal back from Silithus to your faction hub right outside the door.

It makes no sense at all for TWO daily quest hubs - the only current-expansion content - to not have portals to them. Even the crappy warfront zones still have portals to them.

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Uhm…no. 0/10 for the troll. Please level up before trying again.

This is what mages are for . And hearthstones.
Mage Port to vale=done
Set hearth to uldum =done

Problem solved people, move along

The idea is to waste as much time as possible. We’re lucky there are portals at all with their current “time metric” model.

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See, you mistook my attempt at help for trolling. you have trust issues too. I’m so sorry for you.


My advice: if your a vulpera you can set your camp out in the vale. Otherwise, you can set your hearthstone inside the shrine. It has a port to org/stormwind which have portals to boralus/dazar literally right there once you get out of the loading screen.

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Uldum already exists, but never understood why the capital city portals to Pandaria weren’t set to Shrines from the get go, regardless of current content.

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Somehow I feel very smug that I’ve kept my hearths set to the Shrines since Pandaria. If I need to go to Uldum, I either fly from Silithus, or take the portal in a capital city.

I missed the portal room in the Vale even before this, it was just a cooler hub


I wasn’t trolling people that whine about having to walk. It’s contempt. I have started playing this game since before TBC was released. On top of that, this is a game that defined farming, grinding, and everything long term. So I have no sympathy for people like this.
I’ll give you the trust issues though. I have good enough reasons not to trust people generally. The sad part is this game has contributed a small amount of those reasons. So please keep your sympathies. Doesn’t pay the bills or put food on my table.

Hmmm why don’t you just use your Path of the Mogu King portal to get to Mogu’shan Palace? :smirk:

people don’t want resolutions… they just want to complain :stuck_out_tongue:

Uldum is fine. It has a portal.

What we don’t have is a portal to Vale… which we did have before the new portal room removed a number of portals, at the same time they rearranged and collected existing ones in a single location.

While I strongly agree a space to host and organize all the game’s ever growing collection of portals was long overdue and desperately needed… they didn’t need to remove existing portals or add portals with less convenient destinations in order to accomplish this.

As part of the rearrangement they made the portal leading to Pandaria in the new portal room … Jade Forest instead of Shrine. The portal that leads to the Broken Isles sends you to Azsuna instead of Legion-Dalaran. This was an extremely odd decision, portals which don’t lead to the hubs/main cities of those expansion but instead drop you in the middle of one of their zones. Which is way less desirable.

I never understood that decision, even before this update which made Vale a relevant location. Why aren’t these two portals like all the other ones? The other portals in the portal rooms lead to hubs/main cities. Why can’t the MoP and Legion purpose portals just function like the mage portals that take players to those relevant expansions…?

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