Alright. This really should have been thought through when creating the 8.3 content that we should have gotten portals to both the Vale and Uldum considering the fact that every single day (if doing dailies in each of these places) that we’d have to run around just to get to the places of where the NEW CONTENT IS… It’s getting obsurd.
Yes I do play my mage and it’s been fine but anything other than a mage is just annoying and tedious just having to travel from place to place JUST to get the content done. Like really… How did you guys not think this through?
There has been a portal to Uldum in Stormwind/Orgrimmar since Cata…
Yes. There is. But you have to take a portal to Stormwind then run all the way over to get to the portal. The expansion mostly takes place on a completely different continent…
Oh the horror! You have to fly across…a city…to get to the portal to Uldum.
I thought that too initially, but I realized it isn’t really all that hard to get around. My hearth is set to Zuldazar and my alliance characters are set to Boralus. From there, I usually port to Silithus and then fly to Uldum. If I need to go to Vale, I port to Org/Stormwind and then really quick since it’s in the same room I go to Jade Forest. Then I just fly over.
It’s not perfect but it really isn’t that much of a hindrance IMO.
lets all hold hand and rp walk our way over thar ;D!
I agree with op though. You release a major patch then make it a pain in the neck to navigate the 2 latest questing areas. That does not help anything at all. It just is annoying.
I think it’s faster to just port to SW and take the port to Uldum.
What we also need - REALLY need - is a “Chamber of Heartstone”. The amount of times we have to head back there to right-click something so we can upgrade it makes it even more of a central utility point than the Legion class halls were, and yet to get to it usually means a portal back to base, a portal to Silithus, a portal to the Chamber, a portal back out, a portal back to base… and if you’re juggling travel spells with all this running around in the new patch, there can be occasions where this is the sequence:
Portal to WoD garrison
Portal to Trashran
Portal to Orgrimmar
Portal to Dazar’alor
Portal to Silithus
Portal to Chamber of Heart
Portal out of Chamber of Heart
Portal to Dazr’alor
…all to just right-click a newly acquired essence to add it to the library.
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The portal to Pandaria should have been to the Shrine regardless. Being in Jade Forest is inefficient, illogical, and just plain stupid.
They did think it through. That’s why they are having players waste so much time traveling. Gotta keep people actually in the game longer.
just curious… but where is your hearth?
where is the starting point in your above travel sequence?
…why would you go garrison > ashran > org?
Wouldn’t it be faster to legion hearth > org?
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It is annoying and pointless. There is no game value to having to take 2-3 portals to get somewhere.
It depends what’s up cooldown-wise at any given point. Even using the Legion hearth only knocks one portal step off the lengthy list anyway 
This is current content. There should be portals to Uldum and Vale in our faction hubs, portals back to the hubs at each remote quest zone, and we should have had a Chamber of Heartstone since the launch of BfA.
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They could ease a lot of frustration by making the Vale portal go to the Seat of Knowledge, and sticking a flight path in Silithus. I don’t understand why there wasn’t one from the get go.
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Well, of course up until very recently, we had an easily accessible portal to the faction Shrine right there in the Vale… which was removed “to make the world feel bigger” (!)
Who would have thought the player base would have devolved to be so lazy that an extremely minor amount of travel is complained about in a massive MMORPG.
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The portal to Jade Forest is the initial portal setup when you reach Pandaria for the first time.
Also I just use my Mogushan Palace CM port 
Beats the heck out of flying/riding to get there.
Or taking a taxi flight, or waiting for a boat or zepp.
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ROFLMAO!!! Oh my God this is hilarious! It just never quits. You gotta walk…poor poor thing.