We need more then 50 toon per account

The most fun I have in the game, and I am attached to every one of my high level characters.

If I wasnt attached to them I would delete them, and yet I dont.


It doesn’t really matter if you buy it. Storage is extremely expensive. I’m a sys engineer working for a fairly large company and some of the invoices I’ve seen have made me sick to my stomach. Being able to recover the characters (which probably isn’t that many in reality) you’ve deleted really doesn’t detract from anything that’s been said. The point is every additional ‘slot’ they allow is additional ongoing storage costs for the life of the account. The reason you’re able to recover from years back is BECAUSE there’s a limit to the amount of total character slots. Across 7 figures worth of accounts, every bit of data which needs to be recoverable at a moment’s notice adds up significantly. Non-technical people think all this stuff is just pixels that don’t amount to anything and don’t understand the backend (or even frontend UI) repercussions. It’s like when people don’t understand why they can’t have infinite bag space.


Here is my dilemma. If 9.0 comes with a new class and any new Allied Races I do not know what I am going to do unless they increase the 50 characters per account cap.

If this 50 character cap extends to Classic I am already screwed.


I just can’t imagine having 50 characters, just one character and a few alts can take up an entire day.

If you play 16 hours a day , that’s about 20 min per each of the 50 character, insanity…

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You’re telling me the most popular MMO on the market cant afford to give me more than 50 character slots, but SWTOR can afford to give me 100?

(X) Doubt


It really is. Just look at what cloud storage costs nowadays.

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I am in a similar situation. AT this point I am not making characters I want to make because I am reserving character slots for future allied races.

I need more blizzard. I like to RP and thus I create a lot of characters to fill racial/class fantasies I like.

I think it would be okay to bump the limit up to 100. It can’t be a storage issue since blizzard already saves every character ever made even if deleted so the player can restore them at any time.


I played 2 accounts in WoW for more than 10 years. $1 per day is still very cheap, if you play an hour or more every day. If you are the 0.01% of players that really needs 3 accounts, $1.50 per day is still cheap.

At the start of Legion I switched to 1 account. I’m an altoholic so I came close to the 50 limit a few times, but I never hit it. I ended Legion with 34 level 110s. I plan to end BFA with a level 120 of every subclass and every race and 3 of every class: 37 level 110s. 50 limit is still no problem.

I learned the secret years ago: if I have not touched a character in 6 months, and don’t feel like playing it now, then I delete it – even though I still LOVE it, and even though it’s level 45 or 63 or whatever. You can always undelete later (though I never have).


This whole thread started out with me thinking a bot-farmer had become sentient and had some demands. I don’t know what to think anymore.

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If its so cheap and easy, will you pay for my second account?

Anyways, this is all beside the point that I would like to not have to switch accounts to see all my characters.


Yep. I could, easily, use more than fifty slots per account.


Right! After 14yrs playing both Horde and Alliance how is it hard to think people could have almost 50 if not 50 high level characters on their account.

Blame Blizzard for adding new races and changing things such as skills over time to create the need for different race/class combinations. Sure there is paid race change and I have bought a few but lets be honest. It is WAY OVER PRICED for an automated system.

The only reason to not raise it would be to promote those sales and that is just messed up in my opinion.


Having multiple accounts is still an easy expense.

  1. Boat storage = $127.00 per month.
  2. 30,000 car = $541 for 60 months.
  3. Golf course membership = $520 per month.
  4. Gym membership = $60 per month.
  5. Hunting lodge membership = $71 per month.
  6. One pack day smokers = $168 per month.
  7. Cable plan = $120 per month.
  8. Two cinema movies (not food, but you gonna popcorn) = $16 per person.
  9. HOA dues = $200 per month.
  10. Cheapest Starbuck’s drink = $82.50 per month

Hold up…


  • Dark Iron
  • Draenei
  • Dwarf
  • Gnome
  • Human
  • Kul’Tiran
  • Lightforged
  • Night Elf
  • Void Elf
  • Worgen


  • Blood Elf
  • Goblin
  • Highmountain
  • Mag’har
  • Nightborne
  • Orc
  • Tauren
  • Troll
  • Undead
  • Zandalari


  • Pandaren

That’s 21x races

multiplied by:


  • Female
  • Male

x2 (despite previous troll threads, this is not a political statement, it’s just the literal option on the character creation screen)

So… by my count that’s: 21 x 2 = 42

And 42 < 50

So… how can you not make one character of every race/gender right now?


I think it should be capped at 999. It’s not like it matters since most everything is account-wide anyways. Most of the old reasons for limiting character creation so much no longer exist so I think they should go ahead and do it.


i think it should be done. i’m not fond of deleting characters because i wanna play something else- i will get back to those alts.

poor poor blizz can’t afford it? please…


Wait… what?

There are 21 currently playable races.

There are 2 genders.

21 X 2 = 42.

50 - 42 = 8.

You still have room to play both genders with 4 more allied races if they are released.

Is my math off? Because it seems to me like you should be fine.

EDIT: Bah I didn’t see Lorsaire’s post. He beat me to it.

But yeah, your math seems off. You’re good for the foreseeable future.

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I have a complicated love-hate relationship with alt collecting. I’m not at he cap, but I am streched very thin trying to play what I have.

But I’m over 1500 leveled battle pets now … so I’m a bit scared of how far my alt collecting would go if there wasn’t a cap to cause me to ration my remaining slots.

I have 20 characters at or above 100 and the only reason most of them even log in is to kill Sha and Rukhmar. I don’t think I’ll ever get to 50 at my rate.

Man, some of you people need to go outside.