Paying for the military is one of the few things the government is suppose to do. It has an obligation to do so. It is SO IMPORTANT that providing for the common defense is specifically called out in the first sentence of the Constitution of the United States.
I can’t imagine how anyone has more than 50 characters, I don’t really have a horse in this race. However, server wise with everyone being aloted 50 slots per account that is a ton of allocated space. Lets say 10 million accounts stored on the servers(its just a number not actually accounts calm down), that means technically they have to have 500,000,000 worth of resource locations just to store all that data that “could be” used. That plus that size must be part of multiple back ups, I’d want to punch someone in my company if they asked to extend that possible space let alone double it.
There are brave men and women who volunteer to protect and secure the liberty and freedom of the rest of us. They are true heroes and this country owes them a great debt.
If and when these brave people are asked to be put in harms way, this country owes every ounce of support and they deserve every advantage we can provide them to ensure they make it home.
The question isn’t whether the service they provide is valuable. The question should be how much is enough and does the U.S. have to foot the bill to be the world’s global cop.
Finally, do draftees rate less? Military service wasn’t always voluntary. The draft is something Gen X’ers and Millennials never had to worry about.
Um not that mind too much when a thread derails, as I actually quite enjoy banter, but I do think we are going completely off the rails talking about military spending and the sacrifice of soldiers when the only thing I was asking was whether they would reconsider the 50 cap.
Fortunately for me, there’s an easy enough solution, move the classic races to classic server when it comes out in a few months.
Didn’t read all the replies, but I’ve had to start deleting toons for allied races.
If we’re required to level up a new character instead of being able to boost for the armors, IMO, the xpac should have come with a slot per new race.
Expansion will release 8 new races drop us 10 slots. I’ve played games where you could buy slots and had no problems with that. FF14, Tera, Warframe, Megaten… as long as the price is reasonable.
I have some characters for random little things, they get played rarely, example: Running of the gnomes… not deleting her because I’d have to remake her next year AND HAVE NO SLOTS LEFT!