You are a negative addition to the forums
The lesbian trolls in Voldun. Their relationship was central to a third of the entire zone’s story.
I like leveling and questing Voldun.
No, I just refuse to show you something that you can clearly find out for yourself.
Here let me help you out
I was gonna post a long and drawn out rant about the pointlessness of caring what imaginary people do in their nonexistant bedrooms but its not worth my time.
How does that work, anyways? Do the tusks get in the way? Do they cause thigh injuries?
Also there’s the human and night elf in arathi highlands that have been a couple since vanilla WoW.
The girls’ tusks don’t really protrude all that much and the key to‐
(I don’t wanna get a forum vacation!)
Some of you guys remind me of the creepy D&D players I used to run across at some conventions.
Those are called bards.
I do not think wow could be anymore diverse without stoking into the level of stereotypes.
Is that a bait? If it’s not, no thanks, you can RP if you want
oooh, not these guys. Bards are pious angels compared of some of the stuff I heard from them at the tables.
LGBT community is suffering like never before in these rough times.
How so?
oooh, not these guys. Bards are pious angels compared of some of the stuff I heard from them.
You’re obviously rolling with the wrong bards.
How can that be represented via character creation? You can still be LGBTQ despite what features your character has…
Yawn. This is bound to go to great places.
Do any of those help you kill the boss faster or be a good player?
You can identify as a doorknob or a piece of limestone for all I care. As long as you complete Dungeons and kill bosses
Gr8 b8 m8. I r8 8/8
Most characters in WoW are gay…how many children do you see running around?
So is this an Anduin Ship?
Please be more inclusive when writing new stories and events into the game. Anduin would be a great start.