We need more (“subraces”) customizations and more Race/Class Combos for Dragonflight

  1. Subrace customizations for core races
  2. More customizations for core races
  3. More Race/Class Combos

1) Subrace customizations for core races

Since Wildhammer dwarves are a customization for Ironforge dwarves, we can finally roplay one of them. Of course it’s just a customization for the Ironforge dwarves but, at least, we can roplay a Wildhammer dwarf now. Same thing for the Dark trolls and Farraki trolls.

I have a big doubt if we could get them as allied race one day with their own racial traits, their own starting area, etc. I can understand some players don’t want another copy/paste race too. Time passes and I have the feeling we won’t get them as allied races.

Even if I want them as allied race, I have a big doubt if we could get them. So, at least, we could get them as customizations for core races like the Wildhammer dwarves, Dark trolls and Farraki trolls. It could be better than nothing.

Please keep in mind this system of subrace is to be able to roleplay a race for the players (play what you want). It doesn’t count as a race in the faction in question.

Here are the races I would like to see as customizations for core races:

  • Frostborn Dwarf skin options for regular Dwarves (Light blue color)

  • Man’ari Eredar skin options for regular Draenei (Corrupted red skin color + Corrupted orange skin color + Corrupted purple skin color + Green eyes color)

  • Druids of the Flame skin option for the regular Night Elves (Orange skin + Orange patterns on the arms and on the face)

  • Necromancer skin option for the regular Humans (Grey skin with tattoos on the face, Jandice Barov’s skin or Sally Whitemane’s skin in her death knight form)

  • Dragonmaw Orc skin options for regular Orcs (Grey skin color variations + Yellow eyes color)

  • Forest Troll skin options for regular Trolls (Green skin color)

  • Ice Troll skin options for regular Trolls (Pale blue skin color + White skin color)

  • Blood Troll skin options for regular Trolls (White skin color with red tattoos)

  • Grimtotem skin options for regular Tauren (Deep grey fur color + Red warpaint color + White warpaint color + Blue warpaint color)

  • Felborne skin option for regular Nightborne (Green eyes and hands)

  • San’layn skin options for regular Blood Elves (Very white skin color + Deep white skin color + Light grey skin color + Deep grey skin color + Some Bat-Style ear options)

2) More customizations for core races

Some races really need to get more customizations. So I will put only the very important ones.

Here are the customizations I would like to see some races:

  • More hairstyles for all the races

  • More scars for all the races

  • Upright option for the Forsaken

  • Beards for the Trolls and the Forsaken

  • More eye colors for the Draenei

  • More horn options for the Draenei

  • More customizations for the Mag’Har Orcs, the Dark Iron Dwarves, the Zandalari Trolls, the Kul Tiran, the Vulpera and the Mechagnomes

3) More Race/Class Combos

Adding eight new Race/Class combos for Dragonflight is a every good thing for the game and I like that.

But I’m pretty sure we could add some more new Race/Class combos with these new ones for Dragonflight. Players want that too, they want more Race/Class combos. It can only make the game better. The more Race/Class combos we have, better it is.

Here are the Race/Class combos we could add with the new ones:

  • Goblin => Monk (All races can be monks + Gakkiz Blusterblast is a Goblin monk)

  • Highmountain Tauren => Warlock (Bloodtotem tribe + It could be interesting to give warlock class - Bloodtotem tribe - to Highmountain Taurens as we can have it with the paladin class - Sunwalkers - for the Taurens from Mulgore)

  • Highmountain Tauren => Paladin (Highmountain Tauren could learn to be paladin with the Taurens from Mulgore and the Sunwalkers)

  • Zandalari Troll => Warlock (They can be warlock + Zandalari priests and mages wield magic with incredible power and utilize forbidden knowledge)

  • Blood Elf => Shaman (They are in the Horde for 8 years + Many of the Horde races master shamanism + “Master your magical addiction with shamanism to work in a respectful union with the elements”)

  • Night Elf => Paladin (Night Elf paladin, warriors who wield the power of Elune, the moon goddess in Night Elf mythology - it’s the same concept that Zandalari paladins with Zandalari troll prelates, warriors who wield the power of tRezan or Tauren paladins with the Sunwalkers, warriors who wield the power of An’she, the sun in Tauren mythology)

  • Draenei => Warlock (Warlock class isn’t just about Fel magic but Dark magic / Void power / Shadow magic / Necromantic magic too + They sometimes pledge themselves to the service of noble causes and are not innately evil + It gives us more “rp class” like Shaman for Dwarf - Wildhammer - or Mage for Night Elf - Highborne - or Rogue for Draenei - Rangari - or Priest for Mag’har Orc - Shadowmoon clan, Mag’har Darkcasters - or Rogue for Tauren - Grimtotem Tauren, Grimtotem Bandit - or Paladin for Tauren - Sunwalker - or Paladin for Zandalari Trolls - Zandalari prelate)

  • Dwarf => Druid (Wildhammer Dwarves can be druids + Shaman class for Bronzebeard dwarves because of Wildhammer Dwarves in Cataclysm + another “rp class” for the Dwarf race)

  • Lightforged Draenei => Monk (All races can be monks + Draenei can be monks + Even Nightbornes can be monks while they were isolated behind a protective barrier for 10,000 years)

  • Worgen => Monk (All races can be monks + “Master the beast inside you”)

  • Human => Druid (Kul Tirans are Humans as every other ones. Jaina Proudmoore and Katherine Proudmoore are Kul Tirans. We don’t have “normal” / tall humans in the “Kul Tirans race”, only tall Humans. Kul Tirans know druidism because of Ulfar and the Thornspeakers)

  • Kul Tiran => Paladin (They can be paladin + Chief Petty Officer was a mighty paladin and an officer from Kul Tiras + We can find Kul Tirans (Purified Soldier) among the Purified that defend Drustvar during Faction Assaults, the Purified are soldiers empowered by the Light)

  • Pandaren => Druid (The same concept that Zandalari druids with the Loa but with the August Celestial for the Pandaren)

None of those things are needed.

They are wanted. There is a difference.

And some of them do not make sense within the context of WoW’s worldbuilding, a World we all share, so the addition of nonsensical choices do affect others.

Also, there are plenty of on-going threads already exploring these ideas in greater, more in-depth detail.

Won’t happen unless we somehow get Man’ari as a playable allied race. No way the Draenei would allow anything demonic within their race. Same with the Mag’har Orcs.

I agree it would be nice to see a lot more customization options added. I can’t imagine it takes all that much effort to add these in.


This wish surfaces from time to time and I think it is the most far-fetched one of all. They have pursued the Draenei for 25,000 years and been at war with Azeroth for 10,000 years. I don’t see them being welcome no matter how reformed they could claim to be. They may look cool to some in the game but do not fit.

For RP I think the general rule is not to have your pet demons out when in a city. If your existence is even known in the world I doubt you would last long IC as many players & guilds live for the purpose of purging evil. Even the criminal underground may join in for a good reward or revenge.

I mean RP wise even now people shouldn’t have their demons out anyway in the cities, but you’ll see it all the time. Either means people would walk up to them and try to start combat, chastise them, or flat out ignore them and pretend they aren’t there.

Good points. Comes with being a paladin I suppose lol.

The Krokul from legion are just draenei models with different faces/tails. Why not just offer those faces/tails as a customization option for the regular draenei? I doubt blizzard would ever add a third draenei race. But those faces/tails as customization options seem very doable. It would add more “grit” to the alliance. And the krokul/broken are already allied with the alliance/exodar.

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