or shared faction ratios, and even if you went with private party server counts, supposedly benediction was a balanced server from what i’ve heard, now its overrun with horde everywhere to point where getting on a boat in menethil is becoming tedious, let along the neutral FPs.
More people wanna play horde so your solution is to put them in a q to maintain balance…so essentially there would always be horde waiting in q because it’s a larger faction, at least it seems that way from all the alliance QQ on the forums. I don’t see this going well for blizzard as if people can’t log in they will simply unsub. What you’re asking is essentially for blizzard to require people to roll alliance or deal with q-times
Yes, I didn’t just blindly sign up for the first server that I could and then ignore the numerous times blizzard warned of long q times…if you couldn’t see the problems with the mega servers than you’re naive
This is a good idea. And I’m saying this as a Horde on a Horde dominated server. Having balanced populations makes the game better for everyone. Too bad most people can’t understand that
You sit in a 2.5 hour queue. Get online finally, and then spend 50-75% of your time dead anytime you’re not in an instance or major city. You’re unable to farm. You’re unable to efficiently make groups, let alone raids. Any groups or raids you do manage to make, are camped so hard at every flight path the INSTANT you land all the way to the instance portal that it takes an extra 40-50 minutes and 10+ death runs to get to said instance. Even full 40 man raids (which are rare because most go with 25-30) are easily outnumbered by any zone’s static Horde population. Horde don’t need to organize big raid groups because there’s so many of them in any particular major area that they can counter FULL alliance raids with just whoever happens to be there at the time.
Meanwhile, the Horde sit in a 2.5 hour queue, log in, and have literally free reign of literally every play zone with very low risk of death, let alone being camped to the point that they’re inconvenienced in the slightest. They can farm, they can fish. Whatever they want. Oh, and there’s free honor everywhere because no matter where you are, if you attack an alliance character even solo, there’s almost no chance that there’s not another friendly horde player nearby who’s going to jump in. In fact, there’s usually 4-5.
The Horde having to wait a few minutes more to prioritize getting the underrepresented faction online at it’s fullest possible strength is a tiny inconvenience in comparison to the massive, nearly game-breaking advantage they receive in trade off.
Isn’t that the entire point? The Horde vs Alliance war? You’re mad that Horde controls the server but the war is an integral part of the game. I’ve said it all day but I’ll say it again for you snowflake…I don’t think playing alliance on Herod is the thing for you…maybe try a pve server?
I’ll make you the same offer I made the other guy. If it’s not game breakingly bad on Herod, come roll an Alliance character. I’ll even buy you your first mount and full 14 slots to start.
Shoot, I’ll carry you thru stocks still you hit the mid 20s.
If you’re not willing to put your time where your mouth is, perhaps you shouldn’t be opening it.
Lol no thanks, I’m not a fool…I want no part of alliance on Herod and it sucks you’re stuck there however forcing others into a separate q for your benefit isn’t the answer either
Stupid analogy. Just because your shooting yourself in the foot, doesn’t mean someone else needs to shot themselves to see that its a poor decision on your part.
Maybe you didn’t pull the trigger the first time, but now you keep doing it and complaining about it when you can start fresh.
“F, my foot is getting shot, but I don’t want to have to go get new J’s!”
Plus, I’ve offered you a chance to get a new foot, and to start equipping it with some killer kicks too.
No, the comment was that “Herod just isnt for me, and I should roll PVE”.
The insinuation is that its not that bad and I’m being dramatic, as you have also said. Yet when I suggest either of you come check it out and see for yourselves suddenly it’s not so unreasonable and you’re not interested.
That’s fine and all, but if you’re going to talk trash because I’m trying to do Something to save the server from it’s imminent death spiral for the Alliance at least do it from a place other than ignorance.
Nah, I’ve invested time into my character I’d prefer to keep it. If Blizzard intends to let the server die off they should just let people leave instead of locking the side that’s facing the issue down to it.