While overall I am a fan of #nochanges, the current situation is completely out of hand. It was a fatal mistake to introduce world pvp without fixing faction balance, because the servers are so much larger than they were in vanilla. By making the servers so much larger than original the developers have already changed the meta on PVP servers and caused immense harm to the gameplay.
Faction balance becomes an existential issue on a PVP server when the populations are so large. The less populated faction (Alliance on most PVP servers, Horde on a few) literally cannot play the game beyond becoming a ragdoll for the dominant faction’s honor farm. The game has become absolutely dead on these factions, with very few people logging in other than to raid (if that).
While the Horde dominate most PVP servers, the Horde on alliance dominated servers are experiencing the exact same thing, see: https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/e1zwz1/blizzard_why_are_we_being_punished_because_of_ha/
The obvious solution is to implement faction based queues. If one faction has more than 10% (or some other reasonable number) more people logged on than the other faction, they should be placed in a queue and given the option to transfer to another server. They should only be allowed to transfer to servers that typically have a queue for the opposite faction. This solution would instantly make the game playable again, and in a matter of weeks the overall faction balance issue would be completely resolved as people transfer or re-roll to avoid queues.
This simple change should be rolled out immediately, and frankly it seems insane that it was not already put in place BEFORE releasing world PVP on these gargantuan servers.
Without actual numbers, we really don’t know if it’s imbalance or the majority of the unrepresented faction getting destroyed in the open world are just staying in safe zones. Yea, there’s websites that try, but Blizzard is the only one with real numbers.
Figure that one out first, because if it’s as I suggest, faction Qs won’t fix your “problem”.
This solves the problem of imbalance on the servers. If one faction gets to 55% they are in queue to login NOT the race at 45%. Why punish the faction that is already being overrun with a queue to get in? Ally should NEVER have a queue when being completely overrun by the vast numbers of the horde. Why choke off reinforcements to even it out? It’s such a simple solution but, just like WOW vanilla, Blizzard seems unable to fix obvious problems with obvious fixes. So at least Classic is consistent in Blizzard’s ineptness to fix imbalances in factions/racial traits. ;p
Sounds like you needed to roll pve bud.
If you for no changes then why are you askin mang
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One problem.
Faction queues don’t exist.
As you are a level 41 Ally (obviously an alt so you can pretend to be Alliance), one might think you are out in the world and see the imbalance. As a level 55 I NEVER see Alliance in the world questing. Meanwhile, I often run around and see Horde questing, AFK and goofing off as if there is not an enemy within a million miles. Honestly, if I avoid the massive horde gank squads, it’s funny because the Horde in the world are basically sheep who likely have never even seen an Alliance player, let alone get engaged by one.
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Well, you’re wrong on a couple of things.
First, this is my main and it’s actually 47.
Second, I am on a PVE server because I was well aware that PVP servers aren’t for me. Tried it, didn’t even get a T-Shirt, never looked back.
But I understand those that love the chaos on a PVP server, and knew the risks before making the choice, shouldn’t be punished by players that can’t deal with it.
I don’t want PVE changed, therefore I fully support PVP players that feel the same. Can’t handle what you signed up for? You know what to do.
Love these theeads too you know how many tines alliance camps brm. All the tine. You know hiw many time kargath pass to get to bem is camped by ally all the tine. Yet herod is horde heavy
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Not going to happen. To late for anything like this.
Whine about it incessantly on the forums?
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Seems to be the way to fix it…
In this thread: A bunch of Horde who thought they could pile on the bandwagon and have ez mode in PVP, now scared that their ego affirmation might get diluted by fairness. You have no argument against this change other than “Waaaaaaah!”.
You know how you Horde players tell Alliance players to transfer servers or re-roll? Well guess what you can do if they implement fair faction populations on PVP servers: re-roll on PVE or transfer.
Even if there was perfect faction balance. One faction afking in capital cities creates more imbalance than anything else.
Fact is, rolling around solo is going to get you ganked. Period.
That’s the phase, get out into the world and PvP. Don’t like that. Then look to a normal realm as that’s the difference.
Even full dungeon groups are having to spend an entire hour corpse running just to get to the entrance. You’re totally misconstruing the issue by framing it as only being a problem for solo pvpers.
No, I am framing it as a “I want PvE on a PvP realm” problem.
PvP comes first.
If you all are in a group, every man for himselfing it to the instance portal, you are solo. Fight as a group and you will better chances of getting to your instance. Several groups fighting together, even better.
World PVP is great. If we had balanced factions there would be a back and forth instead of one side stomping the other into the ground everywhere in the world 100% of the time, to the point that it makes people unable to even play the game. That’s what I, and the rest of the minority faction players on pvp servers, want. Not “PVE on a PVP server”. Take your straw man argument and stuff it.
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Calling it a strawman is the only strawman.
100% certainty, your capital cities are loaded with people not willing to wPvP. Add those people to all the people wanting to rush to some PvE instance, not putting up a fight. That faction imbalance advantage goes away.
Use whatever excuse you like. The problem will still be, people rolled PvP when they don’t like wPvP.
wPvP is the ONLY difference between a normal realm and a PvP realm.
There are such overwhelming numbers of Horde in the zones that even if every person standing around in IF went out there they’d get corpse camped with no chance of competing. So people don’t leave IF because there would literally be no point. Your argument is invalid until the overall faction balance is there.