We Need Faction Based Queues NOW

It may cause people to transfer, plenty of people are sitting in the 2-3 hour queue of Faerlina right now. Plenty will stay out of fear of a “dead” server, or having to deal with the otherside of imbalance.

However, the arbitrary queue created wouldn’t be as predictable being that it is artificially generated based upon the amount of the opposing faction logging on.

For instance, there isn’t enough HS Horde to support HS Alliance. Thus they couldn’t raid on schedules. This would cause a new host of problems and complaints.

And people that want to avoid it would simply avoid the queue, as we’ve seen countless times throughout Classic. Thus, those who avoid the queue could make the game actually unplayable (as in, I am in a 5k queue that hasn’t moved for 3 hours, not I was PvPed by a roving Alliance army) for those attempting to log in organically.

The result, players are punished for Blizzard’s mega servers. And those who exploit the queue will continue along, no problem.

Overwhelming odds have always been a part of wPvP, it’s why there are servers where you can PvP on your own terms. The massive population density may exacerbate the imbalance, but people wouldn’t accept vanilla-sized servers either.

Out of curiosity, with this proposal, what happens when peak raid hours end and people log off en masse? Many guilds are raid logging atm, and will log off when finished with their raid nights.

Let’s say you have 200 Horde raiding starting around 7:30, so 200 more Alliance get in. The Alliance raid at 8:30. When the Horde finish their MC/Ony raid at 9:00, 125 of them log off. Are 125 Alliance, mid pull on Garr, booted out of the game? Or would 125 Alliance in queue not be able to log in that night?