We Need Different Class Designers for Monk (Week 7)

numbers based on week ending on 12/03/2024


A follow-up from [We need different class designers for Monk ]We need different class designers for Monk (Week 6) )

According to mythicstats the top 2000 M+ keys last week for monk specs are:

  • 0.16% for windwalker monks ( down 0.44% from the previous week )
  • 0.6% for brewmaster monks (down 0.05% from the previous week)
  • 4.74% for mistweaver monks (up 0.02% from the previous week)

Among all key ranges: (popularity)

  • 3.2% for windwalker monks (tied lowest class of all dps with priest)
  • 6.7% for brewmaster monks (lowest class of all tanks)
  • 11.7% for mistweaver monks (second lowest class of all healers)


  • WW 3.2% out of 26 possible dps (3.8% would represent even representation )
  • Brew 6.8% out of 6 possible tanks (16% would represent even representation )
  • MW 11.2% out of 7 possible healers (14% would represent even representation )

Amongst all key ranges (popularity):
Windwalker is behind even representation by 16%
Brewmaster is behind even representation by 58%
Mistweaver is behind even representation by 20%

Amonst the top 2000 keys (competitive levels):
Windwalker is behind even representation by 96%
Brewmaster is behind even representation by 96%
Mistweaver is at behind even representation by 66%


According to mythicstats the top 2000 M+ keys last week for monk specs are:


Among all key ranges:



Honestly monk class as a whole felt like it never had a class lead who actually gave a crap about the class for their entire existence


All monk specs at this moment are not doing well. Historically Monk has not done well, otherwise I would say we need “tuning”. It’s a systemic problem for players of the class.

Although I am a Brewmaster I am surprised to see a staggering drop off for Windwalker despite receiving some buffs the previous week.

The class needs help. Maybe monk in Path of Exile 2 will be more balanced.


I don’t know if it’s a problem with numerical performance as much as it is a thematic disconnect with players. While WoW’s flavor of Monk is certainly unique to the WoW universe, most RPG players are primarily interested in a “Monk” being some table-top version of Goku or Diablo III’s Monk class.

Even when monk is performing incredibly well (it’s happened from time to time), it’s representation is still “lower than it “should” be”.


It’s rare to find in the Monk forums that do not “Enjoy” the class, even how its designed. Players are put off by its performance.

I only have eyes for Monk.

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i like monks but all i do is level and mess around at max level with world quests and the anniversary on my priest main.

i agree they should try to balance the classes though. although i am totally ignorant they obviously need some tuning based on the numbers and such.

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Taking one for the Monk team until Friday!

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I enjoy brewmaster, I like the aesthetic. I don’t enjoy feeling hamstrung by my class where other tanks do not struggle at all.

Things like:

  • Your main threat ability actually hits all the mobs in a pack
  • Your main defensive abilities don’t have a 6 minute base cooldown
  • Your strongest defensive ability doesn’t immediately disappear on a single hit
  • Your damage actually scales when theres more mobs in a pack
  • You do more damage during bloodlust (Haste might as well be a zero-stat for Brewmaster. IT DOESN’T EVEN MAKE OUR GCD FASTER WHAT THE HELL)

Will it actually satisfy you though? Or will we get another thread next week too?

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I think some Brewmasters would be fine with an acknowledgement from the devs that the spec exists.

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That didn’t answer my question.

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I think you’re assuming I’m asking for a section in the patch notes. Speaking for at least Brewmaster, the spec has been stale for years which is why I think its a staffing issue.

Tuning to me would last a few weeks at best, until season 2. We need representatives that are interested in the class and or interesting in making the game balanced. The lashing will continue until morale improves.

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And still did not answer the questions :rofl: Are you in politics by chance? I basically asked if this would placate you and prevent a week 8 spam post, and you still have not answered.

There is not answer because I believe the question is based on a faulty premise.

Will what satisfy me? I assume you mean buffs. And I responded that nowhere in this thread will you find a request for buffs :face_with_monocle:.

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I really wouldn’t judge balance/design based on infinite scaling meta nonsense.

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Will the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of MONKS by the DEVS in the post YOU linked satisfy the requirements needed to prevent you from spamming again next week?

Hopefully that was clear enough to comprehend.

Weird I didn’t understand that the question was about a post I made after you asked the question.

But no. Why would I post statistics on how poor every spec for monk is doing and then just ask the dev’s to acknowledge the class exists.

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Ok, then I will see you next week for the next set of spam. Take care! :wave:

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I mean, they’ve shown in the past that they will nerf a class that, at the top 0.01%, is doing slightly more damage than everyone else – such as when they nerfed brewmaster by a good 10% because Equinox did more dps one time because of paddign with trinkets