We need better sword models

Simply put in the thread title… sad thing is IMO all of the good sword models are from vanilla and they just look like crap in today’s game… I want properly sized weps that actually have points on them instead of all that extra bs that all of them are modeled with…

This game really needs a toggle to use the models for the vanilla weapons… even the legion artifact swords look like giant paddles instead of blades (looking at you dk artifacts)


Our weapon making skills regressed. We went from sharp, metal blades to chunky, chiseled stone like Neanderthals or something.

Toggles for smaller weapons, newer thin sharper blades, etc.



The workaround I’ve used for years is [Well-Used Greatsword] in conjunction with whichever obnoxious weapon enchant masks it’s lack polygon count best.

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It would be cool to get a tier of gear that looked really good, but was also a little more realistic in size. No giant pillars as weapons or flaming chainsaw shoulder plates. Just stuff like the heritage armors that really scream “WARCRAFT.”


Hmm I was under the impression from another poster that Rhielle was a bully, I don’t see that here though lol.

Everyone is a baddie in someone’s story.


I like the look of the one’s you get from Exile’s Reach.

More ‘plain but HD’ style weapons. I saw a fury warrior DWing the greatswords and it looked AWESOME


Magmort has been my arch nemesis for years.

That’s what happens when 2 unliving beings clash :man_shrugging:t3:

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I use the hook mog. It looks pretty weapony.


People are under lots of impressions. The bully comments come from the ones bullying me. Ironic, isn’t it? :wink:

The only way to make an opinion on someone is to get to know them yourself. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi! I’m Rhielle! I’m not really interesting. But I love transmog, the option for more glyphs and long walks by Olivia’s Pond in Stormwind! :grin:


Beginner greatsword + arathi plate + hmp = peak roleplaying

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I work a lot and play WoW, pretty uninteresting myself lol.

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I used to work a lot… but I’m on medical leave due to COVID.

kicks dirt

I miss my job and can’t wait to go back!

Also on topic… I want these weapons available for Heritage armor, too!


One way they could meet you halfway would be to unlock gray items for transmog. There are plenty of more realistic models that are basically useless.


They really should loosen dog restrictions.

This would be great too.

There’s only two good looking 2h axes in the game.

Gorehowl and the DK PvP transmog.

Axes >>> Swords when it comes to needing love.

Now imagine those in HD.


I want more swords that look cool but don’t look ridiculous.

Too many over the top, chunky, oversized, garbage looking swords in this game.

But then again, I feel every weapon type needs subtly cool swords.

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