We need better sword models

Yea it looks like a bent baseball bat with nails in it… doesn’t give me rune “blade” vibes

Oh you mean you didn’t see that from the one response he had made? If that’s your bar then it’s terribly low.

The Void Elf weapons too, please.

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So just transmog them. That is what it’s there for. Leveling gear is about as plain as you can get and there are plenty of options to choose from.

Even the new 2h starting hammer that has been datamined in the PTR is gorgeous. It’s simple and basic but gorgeous. It has this nice classic feel to it which I don’t see why Blizzard can’t do with swords.

You forgot shadowmourne

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I always opt for swords that look like they are made of steel with a sharp edge rather than some LARP sword made from plastic conduit and styrofoam.
Pity about the low poly counts.

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I’ll fully admit that my visual weapons of choice are always determined by these factors-

  1. Does the Weapon fit my concept of a Practical Weapon even if it may have some flaws to it?
  2. Does the Weapon look like something my Character would use as part of their Character fantasy?
  3. Does the Weapon visually clash with my Character’s Armor (or lack there of) enough to look out of place?

If everything checks out, I will use the Weapon on the Character.

I don’t mind if Weapons have some of the obvious “Fantasy” elements in their design, it’s more when the “Fantasy” seems to have run completely wild that I begin to lose my interest in using them on a particular Character, if not all Characters in general. There are quite a few I will fully admit I will never use and nobody could pay me to use them. They’re purely in the collection to fill the collection and that is it. Lol

That all said though, I also wish WoW had more simplistic weapons that looked both practical to use & visually pleasing. A little “Fantasy” here & there is fine so long as it doesn’t go overboard killing the Weapon’s practicality to use (unless of course, it’s intentionally designed to be practical for only one Race.)


Ashbringer is one of those paddles, I prefer the chromatic long sword but yeah pretty sure that’s from vanilla.

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Anyone else feel like they’ve been lazy with weapon designs in general? We were getting really unique weapon transmog with legion and now nothing special

Wheres a demo warlock artifact inspired off hand thats like a book that periodically flips its pages just for example. I love the demo artifact and really wish we’d get more stuff like it

Or what about an arthas inspired runeblade that sucks the souls out of the creatures you kill kind of like that ethereal pet

Blizzard is only limited by their imagination and their system but never seem to go out of their comfort zone with weapon/sets anymore

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Fair point!

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Agreed, it used to drive me nuts on my pally trying to find a cool 2h’er. At least now he has the sword from the Warfronts. Which I admit is pretty cool but its 1 in hundreds of models.

Like ok I get it, Blizz there’s some artistic value in making a giant sword that looks like a stone club but do a majority of the swords have to look like that?

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I feel like some people in this thread don’t understand the concept of an art style. WoW has a very, very defined art-style that is iconic and can be recognized across North America, Asia, and Europe.

It’s like whining about Superman’s costume and cape or something… you’re missing the point.

I agree here, it is hard to create a theme for mogging with being constantly being handed over sized and designed weapons.

It would be nice to have a few normal weapons for a change.

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I would add the Dragonslayer, the axe version of the fury artifact, though it might be because it’s the the blade portion resembles a hd gorehowl

Reminds me of Izuru Kira from Bleach who uses a pretty weird shaped sickle as a sword, “Wanna know why my sword is shaped like this?” uses gravity to turn the sickle into a guillotine