We need an answer on transfers

My whole guild is spread out throughout 2 servers now due to ques that we tried to get away from. I need to hear something from blizzard if they are going to allow high pop to go to low pop


Eventually? Probably. 3 days after release? Probably not.


just have everyone move to 1 now, its literally been less than 3 days


If the answer is ‘late vanilla’ then I’ll have to reroll if the answer is ‘in a month’ I won’t. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t be added sooner than later. There is no downside

Wouldn’t mind an official answer from Blizzard if they plan on doing them any time soon or not.

Blizzard never once insinuated they would provide free transfers. You’re waiting on an answer that doesn’t exist because it’s an idea propagated by people that are angry they have to wait to play.


They most certainly did.

They said it is a possible solution.

Just level where you are now, and in 1 month paid transfers will be open. No company will pass up on that much free money.

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Read and learn

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You might want to read.

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Just reroll all you lazy poeple asking for tranfers after just a few days…

Did you read the comment I was commenting to or does context just not work for you.

He said blizzard never once insinuated that they would offer transfers. What I linked is exactly that.

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You really don’t understand what the word may means do you?

edited to add that apparently you don’t understand the word free either.

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Just lol, you are clearly wrong, just apologize to him and move on.

Considering reading this:

“May” is not definitive. If they haven’t mentioned it yet, chances are they aren’t going to provide it.

Queues are going to die down. As it stands, they already are. If you can’t wait long enough to play the game and play on another server away from your guild, that’s on you.

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Imagine thinking you know facts, and spread them as truth, when you don’t and you’re wrong. :zipper_mouth_face:

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No I’m clearly not. He said they never insinuated that they would do this. This is them literally saying they are considering. Learn what insinuated means.

So are they or aren’t they? Communication can’t hurt.

Imagine not being able to read what they actually said and thinking you’re entitled to an answer just because they said “maybe”.

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