We need a new tank class

Do what private servers did Mage/Warlock tanks half the stuff already built in or was. blizzard could learn from Ascension WoW and how they added them.

But i also want Healer specs like Why not add more mage and dk could easily be made into 4th spec healers. alrdy got frost abilities in lore that sooth and heal the body lol

Huh? I mean DH has always had sigils only reason they’re good is because they had double. Before they got the double they were just average. You’d still go with warrior or Pala season 1 or bear 2 or Dk in SL. Without double sigils DHs won’t be top unless they bring a lot more damage. DK shaping up to be strong if they can survive 1 shots.

Honestly no thank you. We’ve seen enough, this game has a few tanks and that’s enough.

What do you need more tank players for?

Vengeance dominated SL season 1.

Shaman tank is the easiest one for them to retcon

They could slap together a random “tank” spec based on the Enhancement tree/spells if they wanted to

This was found to be untrue based on Season of Discovery and its additional tanking specs.

I don’t think the amount of tank specs has anything to do with why there aren’t more tank players.

At the end of the day the majority have and always will prefer to play dps specs. Tanks and healers will always have to deal with far more toxicity and have a much higher barrier to entry for newer players.

Another aspect being other forms of content in the game make committing to a tank spec tough. In raiding there’s only 2 spots for a tank which means more often than not you’re going to be dpsing when raiding, and early in patches it’s way too hard to maintain 2 competitive sets of gear to do so.


It’s a specific style of play that doesn’t cater to every player, that’s simply how roles work/pan out.

There’s inherently going to be a discrepancy in player count per role.

Each new class/spec has an opportunity to draw new players. Period. If there’s a “shortage” of tanks, it’s advantageous to add a tank specs.

(After Plunderstorm, I’m dying to play a tank that can use Quaking Leap ha)

I said it before dragon should have had a tank form, remove all the extra movement the get in lew of huge armor and hp I wanna dragon that is just meaty

Yeah that’s what I said here:

People have six different playstyles to pick from now and they don’t do it. History says adding a new tank class isn’t going to magically make them change their mind about filling that role.

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People thought this with DKs, and DHs and it didn’t make one bit of difference. Tanks don’t want to put up with people’s crap.

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Nah. More specs in the most responsible and leader role in game won’t make more tank players.

Players themselves are the reason we lose and lack tanks. People don’t want to be patient for new tanks.

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But if the “shortage” is people who tank only do so for the guild because pugs are horribly toxic and unfun and disorganized than making a new class isn’t gonna make them want to pug tank.

You mess up in pugs as a tank you get dropped so fast and so hard. The lack of tanks is a player base attitude issue not a lack of tank choices.


Dracthyr - Diamondscale spec.

Depending on how it played, it could be the one thing that might, Might tempt me away from VDH (which I’ve mained since Legion).

Heckin Chonko spec! Definitely would have been nice, evokers could have been a no-dps class! (Well, semi-dps i guess since Aug is still technically one)

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