We need a new gearing system

And no not a new loot system, kill the thing and get the loot is fine, but I don’t like carrying around 6 trinkets and a PVE and PVP set of gear in my bags. And another bag type is also bad, my reagent bag has 3 things in it.

We need something like this:


PvE and PvP…maybe not 2 but 3 tabs of equipment already on your character.

PvP gearing is almost perfect. Don’t change it. :dracthyr_love_animated: Please.


Perfect? Nerf whatever class that guy is…

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Coming in Embers of Neltharion the way of gearing is changing by differentiating the gear and its upgrade paths.

More information on here and the link to the official wow article.

A limited version of FFXIV’s armoury chest would be nice. You don’t need as much space as the armoury chest in that game because you can only have one class per character, but some place to stash your off-spec’s weapons and as the OP mentions PvP gear would be nice.

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Both didn’t get the thread…it´s about the gear space not the way gear is acquired for pve/pvp. If you do pve (raid, m+) and pvp on the same character then you must have a lot of gear pieces in your bags almost all the time.

BTW, can someone paste this image?


I lost access to that function :slightly_frowning_face:, that image shows a way to solve this problem by adding gear tabs, I’m not talking about the current “favorite gear sets” that just change the sets from your bags, more like a way to handle your gear sets in your character.

Yeah, having an armory is really nice.
(For those who don’t play FF, each equipment slot has it’s own bag of 30ish slots you can pop gear into, which is very necessary for a game where you can potentially have a gear set for each class)

WoW wouldn’t need 30ish slots, of course, but maybe a small bag for weapons and trinkets, and if they want to go all out a second paper doll for PVP gear.

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This is similar to the gear tabs that I posted above, its a great idea, obviously FF has a design considering all classes with 1 character and Blizzard should copy a lot of things from FF regarding how to handle a game from that point of view, since We got a lot of rng grinds that for a player with 1 character are almost imposible.

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Image says deleted for me. Who knows.

Scratch that…


Ok you got it, Some tabs with gear that you can equip instead of using space in your bags, its better that the current favorite gear sets function.

I’m not talking about changing PVP or PVE gear, but it’s just a waste of space, there has to be a better way.

And granted to max them out you can pay for retainers that hold 175 items each. And you have a choco saddlebag that holds items. You get 2 retainers for free it’s like 14.99 to get access to all of them. I pay 28.99 for my sub and all the retainters…

And now they added a sweet QoL thing. Each retainer has a button that says deposit duplicates. Hit that and everything thats the same goes in there

So what would you suggest be done?

Could I ask why? Not a dig against you, I’m just curious.
I’m max level in almost everything, and I’ve never had to buy extra retainers, or even felt like I was cramped for space aside from transitioning from one expansion to another.

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And didn’t take it as a dig at all. I get it all the time Vincent. Even from in the FC. All Good my friend

I’m a pack rat to be honest. If I need something to craft an item that is low level for a say lvl 25 bsm quest I go farm it and most times get 99 and then just throw them in the retainers. Never know when I might need something lol.

And with my ad/d the only thing I do on the same toons is craft so if I need a few ores, someone in my FC will help me move it over to my other toon.

That’s the only thing I wish they would allow mail to yourself.

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we need gear sets tabs. pve, pvp and rp lol

Won’t argue against a “gear” inventory/bank slot.

It does get annoying, especially with all the silly little things we need to collect to purchase a lot of the Renown stuff with.

You should probably remove “gearing” from the title then.

No because the loot system is fine.