We listend...except we didnt

Its awesome that we finally get more classes to choose as Draktyr.

But why arent there any other major changes that have been asked for since forever?

Permanent Visage Form? It works for the other classes but not Evoker? Whats the issue here exactly? Three seconds of Deep Breath and a couple for Hover?

Improving Soar to work like Druid flight form together with Hover? Sure, I’d love to wait 10 seconds everytime I land for a herb or an ore vein, its fun and immersive…except it isnt. Ground mount hover form and then combine both Soar and mount hover to work like Druid flightform.

Visage forms still stuck to BE male and Human female? Really? We can learn to be a completely different class but changing our magical appearance is too hard to handle?

Come on, there’s still time, you can still do this!


Only thing I really care about is that Wing Buffet and Tail Sweep are getting nerfed. No longer able to get them to be 45 seconds, instead they will be 60 second cooldowns.

But we might also be able to get both at 1 minute instead of one 45 second and one 90 second, so it’ll probably just pan out.

Then again it’s not like anyone is taking the talents to reduce the cooldowns since the stop meta is supposedly going to be nerfed. Already noticed many mobs immune to push and knock.


I don’t post here that much to complain since things just aren’t that serious, but I have to say I’m disappointed at the news that Evoker is locked into Dracthyr form when the other classes aren’t.

Dracthyr Evokers will continue to use Dracthyr form during combat, as many of their abilities emphasize their draconic nature.

The rationale seems like a cop out to me. Is it an aesthetic decision? Is it a design or tech limitation? Either way it would be nice to be able to choose. Some people are going to be all “rawr, don’t play a dragon if you don’t like being a dragon!”. Fine I get you have deep feelings on this topic, and I respect that, but providing a choice doesn’t negatively affect anything.

If they would fix the transmog situation with Dracthyr form, this would be less of an issue. But they haven’t signaled they are doing that either.

It would be great if they would reconsider this and allow all Dracthyr, even Evokers, to choose their preferred form in and out of combat.


They’re making Permeating Chill baseline, putting the talent for one of the two on that node, and the other is staying where it is.

So Evoker is going to both at 1min instead of 45s/90s, correct.

Saying it’s a copout to you doesn’t make it a copout. They evidently see the drakonid form of Dracthyr as core to Evoker gameplay in combat.


That’s why I said “seems like”.

I feel like I’m one of the only people that actually likes being in my Dracthyr form… This feels like the Moonkin/Glyph of Stars issue on Druid all over again lol.


I don’t mind it necessarily. The limitations in the built in armor choices and the transmog interaction just make it sub-optimal from an aesthetic perspective IMO. Chosen Identity being kind of buggy doesn’t help the situation (e.g. doesn’t revert after Hover).

Certainly not a deal breaker after two years. Just would be a nice-to-have.

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Oh, I definitely agree with you here. I have a feeling one of these days they will get around to fixing Dracthyr form transmog. Something just tells me they are going to get around to it relatively soon, so maybe that’s why I’m not too pressed on the issue, I guess. But it will definitely be a game changer when it does happen! I’ve grown quite fond of my dragon boy.

I play 95% in dragon form. Its beautiful to me, but I’m a dragon nerd.


This is a slap in the face. The Evoker forums are filled with a new thread every day asking for permanent visage form. They can obviously work around being forced into the forms since they are adding new effects for the racials for non Evoker Dracthyr.

Who is it hurting if they give us, the player, a choice on which form we would like to use as Evokers?

Also, why are Evokers getting racials nerfed as well. At least make the talents they are adding revert the CD to our current times.

To you, this is validating to others of differing viewpoints.

And hopefully now they stop as blizzard has now definitively said no

Play as dragon class ya gotta be a dragon. It makes sense

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To you, this is validating to others of differing viewpoints.

Again, giving the player the choice makes infinite more sense than forcing them.

The players that want to be a dragon can still be a dragon should they choose to stay in that form all the time. In what world does giving someone else the option to stay in visage invalidate those players?


It’s a dragon class. If Blizzard wants it to remain forced into drakonid form for combat, that’s how it’ll be. Since none of the other classes need the animation set for Evoker’s drakonid-specific abilities, they won’t be required to stay in the drakonid form as Dracthyr.


Evading the question and impugning its validity doesn’t make it any less valid though. Playing the dragon class and expecting to not be a dragon is silly. It’s like Feral players asking for an equivalent to Glyph of Stars.


Except it’s the dragon class. You can’t be a demon hunter without the demon form. You can’t be a evoker without the draconic form.

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Force Dracthyr for the dragon spells and then change back to visage after they are done being cast.

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So every time you cast living flame and disintegrate you want to swap back till you hit another button? That’s so much effort for no reward. Just accept your a dragon already man. It’s been 2 years and now we have a definitive statement from blizzard

I’d be fine with the dragon if they gave it the full transmog.

Might as well save the art team the work and just put all their effort into the belt and shoulders and make the rest generic looking mail pieces.

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I do concede that tmog is an issue and we should be full and barber shop, have the ability to tmog, but not this middle of the road thing where nothing works


Seems worse to me; I used visage a lot out of combat (depending on mood and my feelings on how appropriate it is; Dornagal and Hallowfall I’m pretty much always in visage, I don’t hang out in the faction capitals so I don’t really care, if dragon NPCs are in visage I almost always shift to it too) but in combat I just don’t really see the point.

Like even Wrathion, who does fight in visage, is mostly useless in that form.

A lot of players approach drake form as a transformation rather than your natural form.