"We heard the Alliance was sick of Horse mounts..."

“…so we added 7 new aquatic horse mounts for you to collect!” *Note, only 3 actual datamined mounts so far, and they’re the un-armored models.

Also, this is meant as a silly thread to get some laughs, because people are being way too serious right now in General Discussion with all the Classic Discussion and the Dev Interview about Tyrande and the Night Elves.

Just a reminder to relax and enjoy the game, even if you aren’t happy with the way things are going. I’m not happy with the direction things are going, but even I can find things to laugh at, because if you can’t, then that’s when you’re taking a game too seriously and should probably take a step back.


I find this a bit hilarious since I always called the Seabraid Stallion my sea pony on my Alliance characters.

Yet i’m still waiting for a new model of the quel’dorei steed.

I think they are beautiful and can’t wait to get them.


heh sea horse

Oooo… purdy! WANT! I can haz please?



I mean they look cool. But if the underwater speed on these mounts are the same, then unfortunately I won’t be using them. Just wish they moved a bit faster.

Same. I rode it all the time on my Alliance characters, now I use Seabraid Stallion if I want a horse.

Pls update Cenarion War Hippogryph, Argent Hippogryph, Flameward Hippogryph and Silver Covenant Hippogryph, Blizzard. Please.

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I watched a video where you can get a piece of equipment to use these on land.

Is that the waterwalking inflated hooves or are they making the water mounts be able to be used on land?

Maybe-possibly-could-likely-might see more high elven steeds since Alleria and Vereesa have to offer closer for Sylvanas.

It looked like you could use any water walking mount on land. Let me see if I can find the video again.

Oh? That’d actually be really cool.

They like alright. My concern is the new zone. If its anything like the cataclysm under water zone i wont be involved with it.

It was by SignsOfKelani but I can’t seem to find which video it was. He was in the new zone and using a sea horse mount on land.

Some interesting facts about seahorses: The male is the one who carry the babies inside his body until they born. Seahorses couples are monogamous, and when one of them dies the other choose to die with his partner.

It’s a consumable item you can use that lasts until you leave Nazjatar that lets you use underwater mounts on land in Nazjatar only.

It uses the same currency as item upgrade tokens to purchase though, so I doubt anyone will buy them though.


They should be amphibious mounts capable of flying, running and swimming :wink:

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I would love these as mounts. So pretty and cool!

Was fine with it until that last part you said. That’s pretty dumb imo. They should just put it in a vendor for chump change.

Thanks for the info.