"We heard the Alliance was sick of Horse mounts..."

“I’m gonna call her Mystery”

“You’re a mystery, Spongebob”

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Patch 8.666

  • Pygmy stallion mount for Gnomes.

…ehh the Sea Horses look nice, but when are we going to get shark mounts? or Shark Druid forms at the very least? or the very least, a whale shark mount? Cause Blizzard love their whale sharks so gosh darn much, they put them in every expansion since cata?.. Maybe Jellyfish or Angler mounts?

Or if they must put in seahorse mounts, why not get more creative with it? like tiger striped seahorses? or Rainbow sparkling Sea horses, or an old god looking Sea horse? Or a mechanical sea horse? Or a bright somewhat transparent green Seahorse that it’s skeleton glows in the dark and lights up the area around it in greenish blacklight? or a dragon sea horse? Or a Bumble bee colored Sea Horse?

I want the red one. I want it now.

I want all of them. I have absolutely no problem with any horse-type mounts. Better another horse than one of those hideous mutant frog things (crawgs).

I like the red one.

Zandalari aquatic form is some sort of shark beast.