We have shadow priest, why not shadow Paladin?

Just spit balling here. With the coming expansion, I’d like to see a shadow paladin. I think it would be really cool to see. Same specs, just for void elf with void themed spells and abilities.

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If they ever did spell skins, then yeah.

Otherwise I don’t see much room for a new spec or even class abilities that use shadow magic for paladins.


Yeah I’d be surprised about new specs too, maybe some support spec depending on how Blizz judges the Augmentation experiment.

But they could do thematic changes (spell skins) through the new Hero talents medium.
It is supposed to be an evergreen feature and it wouldn’t be farfetched to see one make that twist happen.

Look at the wowhead article from 2021, it makes a compelling cases as far as visual goes.

Paladins are not priests so no shadow spec.

However, I could see a super glyph that turns the entire kit into void


Because paladins tap into the light, and channel it. If you want shadow, you should play DK


That’d be death magic.

They want void.

We’d need a glyph similar to green fire.

Nothing better than thinking about all those draenei and tauren void paladins running around. Why don’t we also throw in arcane paladins and death paladins and fel paladins while we’re at it? We can even get a glyph for hunters to get fel effects and summon demons instead of beasts! Nature death knights summoning treants anybody?

Paladins use the light. They should not use void. A void-based melee is fine, but it shouldn’t be paladin. If void elves get paladins, those paladins should use the light, because that’s what they do.


Heck let death knights channel light energy and be life knights, i want holy skins for all my abilities.

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It’s just a cool fantasy since light and void are two sides of the same coin.

So having a glyph that turns your spells void seems cool yet natural.

Like green fire.

Now a shadow spec is a no go since paladin and priests have their differences

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These forums already has a thread for this.

Void knights would be a different class then paladins.

So if this was to happen it would have to be like the green fire quest that warlocks had to do. Also after thinking about it I had wanted this also for the darker transmogs. I do think it could be justified in lore how look at the Naaru they are either creatures of light or void there is mix to if they start out light or void but still they have a duality of what they are.

If you look at how Blood Elves got their paladins by syphoning the paladin abilities from M’uru. There could be a case that when we syphoned our abilities from M’uru we could have gotten some of that potential to change to void.

Personally I would love to see red abilities for Blood Elf Paladins since we are known as Blood Knights and back in the day IIRC 2-3 of our abilities had a red color when we first used them. I knew seal of blood was one such ability and I can not remember if the others but that was still there.

I can agree to this. To a point. Personally I would love to see race themed Color changes for paladins…I know it will never happen but I would love to see it. I also think this could be applied to other classes.

But this is just my opinion. It could be done blizzard has broken lore to do what they want before. Wouldn’t be hard to figure out a lore reason for this.

Void don’t naturally heal nor empower unless you force it, and even then it takes incredible void power to do so.

void is about entropy, curruption, torture, mutation and dark emotions, the opposite of light. where light is about empowerment, healing, positive emotions, and perceived justice. the void would be a seperate class, one that loves to torture and attack the mind, that would seek to currupt everything around it.

No a void knight would be a totaly different class. Using the void to do any for of healing is just straight up bad.

It won’t. If they are making VE paladin NPC’s using light, there is no way they will do it now.

Yea its a shame that they won’t try.

And they shouldn’t. The void and light has more then enough differences that warrants a seperate class.

This is especially true since the void don’t have a class to itself yet the other cosmic powers at least has one.

I’d like a “Dark Paladin” class.

But what would the specs be? Tank is a given.

But if no dark healer spec then what would be the 2nd dose spec?

Maybe one burst spec and one dot spec? Dot spec could dual wield?

It would be baised on void lore mostly

The tank spec might be baised around playing with your foes sanity with some body curruption, causing your foe to struggle fighting you fighting off illusions or weakening their body (damage to you) via curruption. It can even delve into the theme of the void knights enjoying to torture it’s opponents.

The dps should be either a dps or a debuff support spec (opposite of augmentation evokers) focusing heavier on the void transforming terrain or their foes physcal bodies via void curruption. Either way, it should focus on the void underlying theme of wanting to currupt everything it cannot consume.

3rd spec should be about the hungering void, with attacks/mechanics about feeding the void to summon temperary void beings and impowering your own attacks by devouring said beings. Attacks could create portals, and when enough beings is around (they can act as pseudo combo points) consume them for an powerful chilled-void attack.

The class name would just be void knight. Or eldritch knight if copyright allows it’s use.

Eh I want “dark paladin” cuz it’s cheesy and edgy and would make my OCD feel better about having DH and Hunter as separate classes.

But, yeah. Maybe the tank spec could build off of mind games and reverse some incoming DMG as heals as one of their gimmicks.

They should definitely have a support spec for sure. Debuff oriented could be a nice spin.

Idk about having another pet spec though, might feel too much like unholy

More minion then pet. You don’t control them from the portals, but you’d “eat” them for an big attack.

Kinda like how DK’s sacrifial pact works with the heal (kills the ghoul) But for dps mechanics.

If your going with this then they should remove or change holy/disc priest for Void elves and they should change remove Shadow spec or change it priest for Lightforged Draenei. According to blizzards own lore when light and void touch it causes an explosion. This comes from Legion. But yet they do so if blizzard is going to ignore/retcon the lore they established then why not.

I think an easy workaround, at least for current paladin races, would be to reskin the spells - just add some glyphs for void instead of light, or have it like the green destro lock skills - make a questline to become fallen and obtain a void skin for light abilities.