Hmmm, they don’t look that bad… But I have to agree that its not their best work.
After Heritage armor and some of the PvP Legion armors sets its hard to top does looks! (IMO)
Hmmm, they don’t look that bad… But I have to agree that its not their best work.
After Heritage armor and some of the PvP Legion armors sets its hard to top does looks! (IMO)
It’s a Naga raid, idk what you wanted other than a ‘tidal’ look.
I think the sets are fine,nothing special. There not too bad but also nothing I care too much to go out of my way for. What I really like is the Aspirant PvP gear.
If the Alliance get the fish dudes from the new zones as a new AR in the future I think that gear would look great on them.
I mean, I’m ok with it. It goes with the artifact fishing pole so it’ll be my fishing outfit.
It’s hard to have any lower expectations.
This plate set had potential until they slapped coral on it.
Why not just a sallet without the ugly coral?
Can never have any decent, semi-realistic armor anymore without some dumb gimmick being slapped onto it.
So close to being an awesome set.
Man, at the beginning of the expac, I was really excited because I thought for sure the Alliance armor was going to look nautical and have so many long coats and naval looking accessories.
I thought by around now, the armor was going to be stunning just based on what we saw on Kul Tirans.
Makes me think of when I was playing SWTOR. There was this real cool trooper set but they added this stupid satellite dish onto the helmet. Had a nice stormtrooper vibe to it.
I agree, it’d look nice without the coral.
Yeah this is definitely lacking.
Would still prefer class themed sets.
Take me by the hand
lead me to the land that you understand
The voyage
to the corner of the
globe is a real trip
The crust of a tan man
imbibed by the sand
Soaking up the
thirst of the land
hmm I wouldn’t say they were ugly but they kinda look the same to me.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but as a forum vet I can safely say people have been calling Nearly every tier design garbage since Cataclysm.
I remember defending one of the MoP tiers one time because everyone “hated it”. Stay classy forums.
The only one id say is ‘bad’ is the normie mail sets. Please give a pants option?
But… I’m a hunter. My tier sets do usually suck.
I was really hoping for some tentacles. Or eyeballs. Or tentacles and eyeballs.
I was disappointed.
Lol, that was one of the sets I thought more interesting.
Just goes to show that we all have different tastes and anything they come out with is going to be liked by some and not so much by others.
So tired of scales. It doesn’t matter what xpac it is, hunters(mail) are always slapped with scales. And robes? What hunter runs around in robes???
Normal and heroic plate doesn’t look so bad.
Cloth and leather look hopeless.
Apologies if there’s someone out there who really likes all of these looks.
The issue is, ONLY the Mythic sets look decent.
Except that Cloth one. That Cloth one is hnnngggh amazing. FOR N’ZOTH!
I like the leather and plate.
Mail gets more skirts.
Sure. I just really want some semi-realistic armor that isn’t 15 years old or painted like a lego.
This was soooo close to being it. haha
The PVP armor looks better than the raid armor. Sad.