We got to stop this armor stuff please

The art team does amazing work but the new sets just looks terrible.
I was expecting more sophisticated less tidal tribal


What armor is this in reference to?

(Serious question haha)



Clickable link.

No, I don’t like it, personally, at all. But at least I can continue to put 0 effort into current content :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah I usually defend the art team but even I was like “oof nobody is using this nonsense…”


So, still using the first war front plate set? Gotcha.


Thank you (you too Fallynn ;))

Yeah, these are VERY thematically heavy, killing most transmog choices and combinations.

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I actually thought some of the azshara sets looked really good

mythic cloth

Mythic leather

mythic mail

mythic plate

fallynn flaunting that level 3 trust.
I keep getting banned never gana get that level q-q


Glad some can like it, at least. To me, it all looks terrible. But eh, if some can appreciate it? Cool, glad for them.

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Wowhead is a “trusted” site and doesn’t need Trust level.

More on topic: Yeah, these are incredibly ugly. It’s been said already, but some of the pre-Mythic versions look like leveling sets. They’re bland, and not in a “realistic” way, but in a “still ridiculous, but not cool ridiculous” way. I actually like it when sets look like they might be vaguely functional rather than ornamental, and I don’t like these.

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I like them, but they’re too exclusive in terms of theme.

If you’re not trying to look like a fish, your options are limited lol.

i will say the mythic looks nice… maybe the plate needs slight adjustments and the mail dosnt even loook close to a mail set. more clothy if anything.
But heroic normal and lfr are fraction of what mythic looks. definitely un appealing.


For the love of (insert higher being or whatever you do or do not believe in) and everything that exists can we PLEASE have unique class sets again??


If this is the result of “wearing gear that fits the raids they come from,” can we get better looking raids?


Lfr sets look better than normal and heroic

The mythic sets look fine to me but heroic and lower just look unfinished.

Looks nautical to me. Which is totally appropriate thematically to the setting. Reminds me of the costume design in Aquaman.

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yeah the plate isn’t my favorite, but the cloth set looks great (if you’re a warlock or shadow priest), and I actually really like the mail set, but yeah it doesn’t look anything like something a mail class would wear.

that really is some ugly armor sets… normally i’m not overly critical… but I won’t even go mog hunting for that stuff after the fact… and those mythic sets… Oo

[Post edited by Forum Moderator for language.]

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