We got to stop this armor stuff please

More like Nagatical. There’s no variety between the four sets. They have that same Naga look. Why not build a set that looks like a ship wreck? Coral? Sea anemone? How about a banana slug set? Just something to distinguish.

I like them tbh.

Plate and mail just feel like a downer raid armor wise

Tbh I like that some of the recolors are ugly. Old god things aren’t meant to be always pretty

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I just saw them too. They look terrible.

Blizzard said that they were going to stop doing class specific sets so that they could make gear look more unique and interesting. Instead they look boring and uninspired.


Design team: So what’s this raid about?

Devs: Oh, old gods, you know. Fighting Naga and old allies.

Design: So the armor should look like…

Devs: Fish.


Oye, ok so the plate imo looks quite bad. Even though they’re all pretty similar, I would say I mind the leather set the least.

I’m ready to become Rikuo from Darkstalkers.


The plate is horrible, the rest are horrendous.
They actually paid someone to create that garbage?

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Exactly what I was thinking.

Just think! We have how many months to go of looking like fish, fighting fish, in fish-themed zones!

Aren’t you excited for 8.2?

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The mythics are fine for the most part, but, IMO, the non-mythic versions look like high res cata dungeon gear.

I guess I was hoping for more of an undersea feel with vibrant colors, more sea creatures themed, and some of the exotic coral type design.

I don’t hate them or anything. They’re just underwhelming to me.

I understand want the freedom of not being locked to a class theme but so far i feel like the raid themes don’t seem to be challenging them enough to get more creative with their designs. I personally really liked BoD sets but Uldir and these are kinda meh to me

Personally, I feel like the war front and even the non-elite pvp gear has been FAAAAAAAR superior looking to raid gear the entire expansion.

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yeah that’s true. The warfront/pvp gear has been fantastic. Though I wish there were robe versions for the mail sets, but that’s more of a personal gripe.

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These sets don’t really scream “Azshara” to me…

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If we were getting playable Naga of some form, then these armor sets would be pretty neat.

I can see why they look as they do.
Seems like there could have been a bit more visual variety.
Dunno that I’d really wear any of them unless I was playing a Naga character.

Yeah, I think they could have done a bit more to go that route.

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I like the leather that’s not lfr and the plate. mail would have been cool if it wasn’t a dress

The normal mail color looks nice when I imagine it on my character. At least I’ll have a robe. I think one of the biggest problems when we see new armor sets is that they’re always shown on human males…

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When I was wondering what they’d do for Azshara’s Palace armor I was really thinking more along these lines…

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Mythic looks kind of cool, however the majority of us will never see that until the next expansion. lol

I don’t see me changing up my transmog anytime soon.

I actually liked the warfront sets and the BoD sets. These sets are going to be a hard pass on any transmog for my toons, though. I get the look, but all of them look too alike and there’s no variety. At least, that’s my opinion of them currently. Could change!

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