We got the combat ress

New Ability: Intercession – Petition the Light on the behalf of a fallen ally, restoring spirit to body and allowing then to reenter battle with 60% health and at least 20% mana. 2 second cast time for Retribution and Holy specializations, instant cast and requires 3 Holy Power for Protection specialization.


2 second cast time

With a 3.8 speed weapon and heavy reliance on auto-attacks

Thanks, I hate it


Didn’t even name it Divine Intervention. They don’t even try. :frowning:


Sometimes its better to name it something new. Causes less confusion that way.

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Blessing of Summer says otherwise! :wink:

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I’ve just went on the Alpha/Beta to see the new Class tree changes of positioning.
I’m not a fan. :confused:

  1. They cut down on the 3 pointers to 2, but the position of the talents… is still pretty bad.

  2. Fist of Justice is now in the way of getting Judgment (25% more dmg on judged targets) and then down further is Seal of Reprisal.
    Holy Aegis is further up but it’s still mandatory as it offers 4% crit.

  3. There are as many throughput talents as before, even though stuff was shuffled.

  4. Also Divine Protection is back in the Ret tree, but this time it was added as 2 min cd, so we’re back to zero.

  5. Seal of Alacrity is 4% haste for 2 points, the one on the other side is Seal of Might for 8% Mastery during AW.

Here, you can take a look for yourselves:

P.S. This is a copied character from Live so only lvl 60, lvl 70 premades aren’t available.

As such i’m missing 5 points from each tree.

P.P.S Obduracy is a non-throughput talent past the last gate, which means you’ll most likely skip it to go on the side and get the 10% Consecration buff.
They should add throughput talents to chose from after the last gate, and only utility during the first 2 parts of the tree.

This feels like a bad non-choice, i quite like speed, even 2%, but it feels bad to go around it and get a lousy 10% Consecration… it really does.


No, not at all, as its fundamentally staying the same ability effect wise. The Divine Intervention of the past though is a drastically different ability from this new battle res. Though I will admit it isn’t the first the name Divine Intervention has been reused for different abilities.

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My first impression is that it looks like a big improvement. Easy to get the throughput talents in the top 2/3 of the tree, leaving most of your points for utility before going past the 2nd gate for more throughput.
The bottom 1/3 of the tree looks dedicated to throughput, which is good - all the utility is in the top 2/3 and your last 10 points are on throughput.

Still loads of problems, like Retribution Aura is an Aura and not just a passive effect.


Easy to get, but the fact that they exist there, it means they are 100% required to get.
Throughput talents should only exist at the end of the tree.

If you are on the Beta, go and make the tree, it feels still very restrictive, i’ll do a step by step later to show what i mean.

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Thanks for the upload.

That class tree is so horrid to look at, and it seems they still have no idea what to do with Ret Paladins still. It just feels like bloat.

It seems that the Ret tree received positional changes as well to the talents, but on the Alpha the only changes are those listed ~2 weeks ago.

It says on basically everything that: Talent position has changed.
Which doesn’t seem to be reflected.

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They did say:

  • Developers’ note: This week we focused on pathing adjustments for the Class & Protection trees. In the coming weeks, we will be transitioning towards talent iteration and tuning.

Hopefully over the next few weeks they will do to Paladins what they recently did for DKs. I want DK, Priest, Feral, etc… to be viable and fun as well. But Paladins seem to always get the bare minimum effort put into it’s design.

Here’s hoping DF is different. =/


I saw that, but i don’t get why talent movements are listed in this Alpha build for the Ret tree and they are not in.

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Small indie company trying to push an expansion release before Bobby’s holiday vacation.


Rated PVP’r so it’s something I’ll never use, but it’s something I guess.
Still waiting on some HPal changes, all we’ve seen is Ret.

I’m curious to see Holy changes too, but to be fair, all Ret’s gotten is 2 talent changes.

Paladins in general have almost not been touched and our Class Tree is still the way it was when Holy wasn’t even implemented, lol.

We are literally where DKs were a month and a half ago, now.

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Priests had the least amount of feedback and then sensational changes announced yesterday. So there’s hope.

Note: Luckily the tree was updated fast on Wowhead.
I’ll list what i meant by saying that it’s still too restrictive(from a PVE Ret PoV), by steps:

  1. First you need to get the Judgment upg talent, then you need to get Divine Steed to reach Avenging Wrath… and ofc Cavalier to then reach Holy Aegis. (3 points to spend now)
    You are forced to waste 2 points on Fist of Justice.
  1. With those 3 points you can chose between: Lay on Hands, Blessing of Freedom, Rep/Blinding, Devo/Con aura… or you can waste 2 points on Seasoned Warhorse.
    So you can get 3/5 abilities, or 2/5 if you waste 2 points on SW.
    So you have 2 point choices here basically on which abilities not to get, in the previous iteration you had 1 choice.
  1. Next up you’ll want to get Recompense(required as you’ll need to sync 1 point into Aspirations at the least), AW, Seal of Reprisal and Touch/Incandescence as they are all dmg increases.

You have 3 points left to spend, but ofc, you’ll want to get Unbreakable Spirit and Blessing of Spellwarding, which means you’ll need to get BoP as well, as you can’t skip it.

Now we’re finally at the last gate and we can pass it… besides the first gate choices, the rest seemed pretty mandatory to get, but maybe it’s just me?

  1. Now i just filled the last part with throughput talents, which is fine, but Obduracy is just there and it feels like it will be ignored 100% in PVE, since it’s not exactly a DPS increase.

For example i took the last point and placed it in Aspirations.

Though i could take 2 Seal of Might points and place them in Aspirations 2nd point and of Dusk and Dawn, they would provide a better increase most likely.

Now it’s just a matter of simming between Mad Paragon or Seal of Order, if Seal of Order is better then you have to sim Seal of Might versus Seal of the Crusader.

It is a bit improved from the last tree, but still leaves a sour taste in my mouth for the 2 first parts of the tree, especially the mid area, which seems like i’m required to take everything i took, i can’t look at other talents.
Last part is only Obduracy existing there that annoys me.

Tl;DR I’d rather they cut out more of the throughput talents from the 1st and 2nd part of the tree, and filled the last part with them, leaving only utility choices for first parts.

Feels like it really opened up

Here is a path that takes all the throughput talents before the 2nd gate - there are still 3 talent points to go before opening the 2nd gate to more throughput. It takes Incandescence (which is probably weak enough that it can be skipped) and Recompense (which should be removed because it is degenerate gameplay). Everything else you can spend points on at this point is utility.
It also takes 2 points in Seasoned Warhorse to fill out the first 8 points, that could be swapped for Blinging Light / Devotion Aura / Cleanse Toxins for even more utility.

This is a huge improvement over the previous design. Needs more work, though - I’m not particularly excited by many of these utility picks since they are just abilities that we already had before Dragonflight.


It’s definitely gotten better in terms of opening up the trees, but that wasn’t a bar set very high lol.

My issue is the “nothing to be excited about.” Opening up the talents is great, but what its opening up too just feels super lack luster and just blah.

LoH, BoF, Cleanse, and Auras don’t feel like they should be such an obstacle to acquire. Auras, Divine Steed, and BoP need to stop soaking up talents aswell.


idk, these would be my questions/feedback for this iteration of the tree.

Again, where is the “fun?”