We got jebaited lmaooo

obv you’re not watching any tourney server wargames xd

As the other user mentioned, shamans have a good kit to counter/prevent a lot of damage. Paladins have very little so they’re compensated by having big heals. Unless I’m missing some magical conduit, holy power doesn’t just grow on trees. Holy pallies cast quite a bit

Have you played a paladin this xpac?

The “just purge it” comments always kill me, like they’re pretending they’re not annihilating your entire team with instant casts through defensives while you’re fishing for combust as he gets triune and other buffs from the healer.


S priests are amazing, sub rogues are still extremely viable and have insane burst. All classes feel strong at the moment. Except DH. Bless their soul in these tragic times.

P.s every class (except DH) is strong. Not every spec.

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I mean yeah…if you don’t want to use class and spec interchangeably. Fact remains though there are serious gaps in performance between specs

They don’t need to cast, you can generate holy power so easily without casting. All you cast is holy light when you have either aura mastery or divine favor, so you can’t even get kicked at all. I can count with my fingers the amount of hard casted flash of light ive seen this xpac. If you see any high rated hpal play, they won’t cast a single time without divine favor or aura mastery because they don’t need to.

On a slower meta yea, on this fast meta where numbers are so big our preventive cd’s are god damn awful.

Big heals and immunes/good reactive cd’s are the only way to survive this meta effectively, which is what hpals excel at, hence why they’re so op right now.

You haven’t realized that there CAN’T, right? The slower the game becomes, the more important cc chains become, the less viable comps/specs we have, the less balance is achieved.

From the fact that the skill-based part in the ACTION mmo also disappears. We saw what happened when they tried to make the game more casual friendly (slow down a lot): Legion and BfA have reduced the skill level to a minimum thanks to many passives (auto bubble as the extreme example, or passive survivability of destro locks in BFA).

It became more a strategy game, just with the difference that games often were decided before they even started, thanks to comp and map advantages.

And when you watch high rated streams where the top player fighting each other right now, with comparable gear, what game is shorter than 2 minutes? When that happens and it barely does, then only because they messed up! People often argue like “mimi, I died in a stun!” and I am like “Aren’t you supposed to die in a stun?”. I mean, how much time do people want to have to react? Isn’t it a lot more skill to see situations coming before they happen and preemptively counter it, instead of reacting to it?

When the games at 1,500 usually remains 5 minutes, the games on AWC level will often get to 90% dampening! I would say we will take a look at the awc games coming this weekend and see how the balance state of this game really is. I bet it is better than most of the people here in the forum claim.

Lets be completely honest: How often does that happen and when it happens, was it really the game that messed up or was it you because you haven’t reacted to it? I mean, does the stuff that can sometimes global you really come without any counterplay? NO!

I am also not saying that they shouldn’t fix stuff (like the rng of convoke for example) or tune stuff (like the haste legendary of ww monks that’s totally overtuned for pvp imo). I am just saying that the general fast pace we see is healthy for the game. People shouldn’t die in literally one global, but they should die in 3-4 globals (like a perfect stun setup). And that is what we have in SL in my honest opinion.


In what world is casting with divine favor/aura mastery not considered casting? You can easily get kicked at good ratings because spell stealing/purging Divine Favor is quite easy. There’s not too much buff covering and I’ve only seen Cdew coordinate it well enough, and with this bursty season you need it to be covered almost instantly (which still requires luck that divine favor doesn’t get purged). Mind you hpals typically run Light’s Grace depending on the comp for the stacking damage reduction (only from holy lights).

Of course you don’t see much flash of light spamming, it ooms the crap out of hpals even more, beside we want the stacks from Light’s Grace.

I’m going to assume you mean aura mastery casting as in popping aura mastery on conc aura to cast. If you actually saw any high rated hpal play you’ll notice that they hardly pop aura mastery on conc aura unless they’re playing with a convoke boomkin (not typical at high rating) so that’s not even a valid argument.

Big heals and immunes/good reactive cd’s are the only way to survive this meta effectively

I don’t know if you remember but we started this discussion about paladins not having to cast or use mana. I brought up reactive cds because they can prevent a lot of dmg thus you not having to heal as much. Paladins have 3 preventative cds, all being > 3 minutes long, all able to be dispelled, and only 1 preventing all dmg. This is assuming they run with double bop which isn’t always the case anyway. So yes paladins have big heals because they can’t prevent a lot of dmg lol

Who thought this?


You realize that there CAN, right? Again, fights dont have to last MINUTES or fractional seconds. They can have a middle ground, blizzard just refuses to do that. Not reading your wall of text. The fact you’re defending fractional fights is the most laughable thing to date.

Nobody thought that lol atleast not anyone who’s played this game before. They never do tuning before a tourny I’m fairly sure. Also for only 1 class getting nerfed that’s not true lol mm and ret were both nerfed. Does hybrid healing need nerfed? Yea it does.

you have to be lucky to purge it through other stuff in a 1s cast and only shamans mages and priests can purge at a consistent rate, otherwise there’s no way to counter it, so it’s not counted as a cast most of the time since there’s no way to stop it really, it’s just as good as an instant cast.

Yea how many do other healers have? rshams don’t have any preventive but earthen totem which is complete trash in this meta, only taken because there’s nothing better in that row. Besides that none of the other cd’s are even good lol link they kill thru, ascendance they kill thru, tide heals less than healing stream. Bop sac and bubble are all so much better than any rsham cd in this meta.

Mw only has coocoon which any team can kill through. Rdru has barkskin, a 20% reduced dmg which any team can burst through.

Hpal is literally any healers dream right now, you don’t even have to take my word, go ask cdew or any high rated multiclasser healer they’ll all tell you the same, hpal has the best reactive cd’s in the game, without having to cast or ooming. That makes them overtuned as hell compared to any other healer in the game.

And i don’t even mind them being that good as long as other healers are just as good tbh.
Btw, preventive cd’s are cds that are used to reduce incoming dmg, before that dmg is even done. Paladin’s cds are reactive not preventive, they are used to stop partners from dying when low hp, you don’t use them when they’re full hp to prevent them from taking insane dmg, like u would do with a wall or barkskin etc.

Sac, bop, bubble, are all used mostly when about to die to prevent death, not full hp to prevent inc dmg. Add those insane cd’s to them doing 20k+ instants without mana cost and u have the best healer possible in the game.

Even heard cdew saying they were prolly gonna pull some tuning and they’d have to deal with it right b4 tourny, which sucked but was probably happening either way.

Can? Sure, we saw in BfA what happend. You want that back? I don’t and I guess a lot of people do agree with me here. BfA was a waste of time, that’s why so many people stopped playing!

But we already do have that, except for some spells that might need a bit tuning. I already said that Convoke needs to be tuned to be less RNG. Or Divine Toll maybe. Or the haste legendary for monk (when they use xuen), as it is increasing the burst of ww like crazy!

But again: Isn’t it in a good state when people die in a stun when the opponents are bursting and nobody is reacting to it? To get literally globaled is not good, but that only does happen to convoke for example. But dying in 3-4 globals is completely fine if you got outplayed or wasted your cooldowns!

That’s is how the game is supposed to be! Intense and action, not slowmo strategy game where you have several seconds time to think about what you will do next. Or where a wall used at 30% hp secures that you will survive. That has nothing to do with skill as already mentioned!

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Yes. I don’t expect a company to just cease operations for a month.

The issue with damage at higher levels of play is that some specs like Fire Mage can unleash their combust far more often than people have defensives, so they’ll eventually crumble under the pressure.

With a few exceptions, most class damage values are fine. The fact everyone has to respect cooldowns is a significant and good difference from the BfA meta.

We’re already at the point where some healers can survive excessive amount of beating. If damage is nerfed across the board, they’d need to be nerfed accordingly otherwise the game will become slow garbage again.

I don’t believe we were jebaited, there was absolutely no indication that there was any class changes coming today that were directed towards pvp. As much as I wish we did receive balance changes today, Blizzard is just going to take their sweet time with them.

When the balance changes happen everyone will eventually end up at the rating they’re supposed to be at.

Gosh, when I read stuff like that. Check the ladder, where do you see people at the top that have never been there before? Or people are too far away from their usual spot in the ladder and that has nothing to do with an extreme gear advantage or disadvantage? Except for some undertuned specs like MW for example and maybe rdruid or udk, or overtuned stuff like prot pala, I don’t see any surprise in the ladder. At least at high ratings.

I mean, we could also argue, that people just are playing on the rating they deserve right now, while they got virtually boosted during BfA for example, right? So as much as I do respect your opinion, it’s just your opinion, not a general rule.

you don’t even have to take my word

I don’t need to take your word for it, I play one at 2400 lol.

Paladin’s cds are reactive not preventive

Sorry to be so uncultured. This doesn’t help your argument. In that case, paladin’s only have 1 preventive cd and that is 20% only usable on themselves. Unless you want to consider sac preventive but that’s more of redirecting damage, not sure which you’d like to classify it as. With 3 AT MOST reactive cds (assuming double bop is talented)

Play a paladin and try to not oom or cast, let me know how it goes. Or better yet since they’re so good why aren’t you maining one?

buddy its a delayed expansion launch after major crunch time during a pandemic, did u genuinely think they’d work through holidays and vacation to make wow pvp better?

ur expectations are troll lmao


That’s the thing, reactive cd’s are much better than preventive cd’s in this meta, and paladin has the most and the best reactive cd’s in the game, plus having the best healing in the game with most of them being instant. Only healers to have consistent 20k+ instant heals (which are insanely good in this meta) are hpals and disc priests, with hpal’s one costing no mana and being more frecuent. My hard casted healing surge with both conduit and unleash life crit for less than wog which is an instant…

Literally all tournament healers have been playing hpal these past few weeks to train for tournament since it’s the strongest healer. I highly doubt we’ll see any healer besides hpal and disc in the upcoming tournament tomorrow tbh.

because i don’t change my main depending on what’s the flavour of the month, i stick to rsham whatever happens lol.

This is a multi billion company we’re talking about, not some small indie company working from their garage at home. Besides that, it’s been 2 weeks since new years already, and had almost 3 weeks of season before christmas.

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