We got jebaited lmaooo

Yea it’s not like it’s happened to so many top tier players during streams over and over again lmao. We prolly won’t see as many but I can assure you there will be random one shots out of nowhere 100%


If you honestly thought they would do class tuning the week of the tournament you jebaited yourself.

Even awc competitors thought so.

We should’ve gotten these changes weeks ago though, now it’s obviously not a good time due to awc, but if they happened 2 weeks ago then they would’ve given awc competitors time to adapt and we wouldn’t have to play through this clown fiesta for almost a month more than we should have.

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DH is still busted, just requires more skill and that’s why most dropped it. :wink: Well, maybe it’s also a bit undertuned, but let’s be compeletly honest here: Does anyone dislike that?

Wrong! Balance is a comparison word, so if everything is broken, then everything is equally strong. And when everything is equally strong, then nothing is “broken”, “op”, or what ever word you use to say that something is too strong from your point of view. That is just logical thinking man!

But somehow for most it’s impossible to get an objective point of view! And that is why the devs are not listening here, but checking ladder instead, watching arena streams, ask high rated arena players how they are feeling about it and let some of them test the PvP balance (isn’t Sodah working for them but also play arena from time to time with his old play mates? I think I have seen him playing with venruki not too long ago.).

But if everything needs minutes to die it is? We just got out of the slowest gameplay we ever had (bfa) and got back to a fast pace most enjoyed in the past and also now. Fast pace is the reason why we see so much more different specs and comps at the top, not just always RMX, LockXX, etc.

Only noobs that are waiting for the next arena game before they are popping cooldowns die within seconds. The fast pace is long enough implemented to know what can and will happen if a boomy still has his convoke, a mage still his combustion, a ret still his wings, a ww still his whole burst, an ele still his insane burst, same for enhancer and so on! Use your cooldowns to counter theirs and you will at the very least survive the first setup. Means that every game is at least 90 seconds.

So I am completely serious here: If you die in seconds, it’s mostly because you and/or your team did something terrible wrong OR are undergeared like crazy. Where we come to the only major point that is bad so far in SL: The insane advantage of PvErs versus PvPers, as PvErs get gear a lot faster. But in NA they enable at least 197 honor gear today (with renown 22). I hope they learn it for the next season and enable it much faster, as PvErs have proven how fast they gear up.

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we’re 2 weeks into January now, and there have been patches. just no pvp patches. this dereliction has nothing to do with the holidays.


Lies, Marksman ate a 20% damage nerf too. :wink:


If 90% of comps arent Hpal/firemage/X or Disc/firemage/X ill lick my shoe (I work in a hospital)

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Wait. . . fury got a buff? is it not super dog water now??? or still dog water after 3 “buffs”

You realize there CAN be a middle ground right? Everything doesnt HAVE to die in a global OR last minutes in a fight. If other games can do it, blizz can too. They just refuse to do so.


The only classes without at least one OP spec, are DH and DK. And I’d argue DH is still good. They pressure fine with meta up, and the hunt nearly one-shots.


You feedback is so positive :slight_smile: . Just learn your class, shammy is popping at the moment.

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I feel all of this you are saying everyday in arena lol Disc P main and warrior =/

I agree with everything said beside the “hpal still won’t cast or oom at all”. Breh you’re an rsham you cast less and oom slower than an hpal.

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Bruh warrior SLAPS in arena

im having the time of my life in arenas as resto shaman. As always, we have pretty much everything to counter those high burst 1 shot.

convoke? grounding
ret wings? hex/roots/cap
combust? purge it
darksoul? purge it
warriors? root 'em

this is coming from someone who pugged his way to 1800 (yes, laugh, rival, duh) in LFG with no comms at ALL. not a single game


resto isn’t :slight_smile:

What game are you playing? with healing stream conduit and unleash life my riptide crits for 8k-9k, meanwhile hpals wogs cost no mana, can be used just as often and crit for around 20k. Against any half decent team you’ll be forced to cast a lot as rsham, and will oom really really fast. At 1800 maybe you won’t need to cast, not the case at high rating though.

lol shamans are a warrs first target since yall wanna be mad squish

If half the classes are OP and half the classes aren’t, that’s not balanced. Period.

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Who about if they buff defensives.

There are just extreme over performing classes. Fire mage, Ret paladin, boomkin, arms warrior, ww, etc. Either nerf them or bring other classes up to their level

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