We Get It, Blizzard

looool had another wsg (70-79) where the entire alliance team was 10/10 dk bots. Blizz is trying to compete with chatGPT!

while wotlk is 15 years old :sweat_smile:

Wotlkc isn’t. The devs are picking and choosing metas now. This isn’t 2009.

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I like how this thread started out lambasting Blizzard for a ton of different things, but the actual conversation is entirely centered around Warrior complaints, including follow up posts from the thread maker.

Can you articulate what those complaints are?

I’d like to be sure we are talking about actual complaints versus people with opinions about the actual topic who have brown avatars?

You made a claim - quantify it, please.

just enjoy this product as what it is , a nostalgia iteration of 2009 wotlk. the rest is sauce and in one year everyone will move on after ICC , let’s not pretend that the majority of us will still be around here

I do. I’m not campaigning for buffs or changes. My brown avatar may lead you to believe otherwise lol.

I put a like on it for the other stuff.

I strongly disagree with all of these class balances changes being made.

My opinion just basically that you shouldn’t just ignore the leaking hot water tank and use extra money to renovate the kitchen. Which to me is exactly what the devs are doing.

I see the devs as only focusing on the stuff they find fun while neglecting any real issues. The OP IMO does highlight a number of the more challenging issues that are getting neglected so that classes in a game that is supposed to be “Classic” can be reworked.

As for why the replies are focusing on that, it’s the hot forum topic right now.


It’s quite funny - I think the Feral buff was a mistake but I’m not angling for more buffs or whatever at all.

I find the class stereotyping weird. I can say the same stuff on my Rogue and people like it and on my Warrior I cop a lot of angst.

There’s two huge problems with the game atm - bots, and PVP participation. Close to that is dying servers.

Class balance is becoming an issue, but it didn’t need to be - because Blizzard are actively making it one. They’ve created a rod for their backs.


Maybe “complaints” wasn’t the best way to describe it, but there has clearly been a lot of people asking to do something about Warriors if they’re willing to buff Ferals/Rets. I have never played Warrior outside of a leveling environment, but it seems like most of the issues are due to bottom barrel DPS and no utility, along with worries that ICC scaling won’t improve things.

For what it’s worth, I do think Blizzard should give you guys some attention if the class isn’t functioning as intended. I just think it’s silly for the OP to present this thread as some sort of general call to action, when it’s clearly a thinly veiled warrior thread.

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3 posts up from you is talking about bots.

Kinda ignoring the other discussions being had, huh?

Yes, another poster actually replied in good faith, that you didn’t actually reply to. Your own posts have been entirely focused on Warrior issues outside of attacking one guy for the # of posts his character has.

looks at 4 post history, all from this thread
How many toons have you been jumping between for this one thread?

Isn’t Rats the guild notorious for dropping N bombs in raids on Whitemane?

Gimmie dat leather belt. Beat it yellows.

Is this why people don’t post on their mains here? You slander my guild and accuse me of posting on multiple characters? For what, because I made some observations? You’ve put more effort into replying to me than you have for replying to people talking about things unrelated to your Warrior grievances.

I’ve noticed that too. It reminds me of the horde vs alliance stuff although I loved the horde vs alliance stuff because that was a focus of the game in my opinion. So you could also say I found it RP-like to have those fights which made them to me fun.

It could be argued that class balance arguments on the forums have always been a thing too. The video “Nerf you” by Nyhm highlights this. It was just not really something I expected from Classic. I mained my druid from day 1 of Classic and knew throughout Vanilla that the only thing druids were really good at is WSG flag carrying, but I played it because I liked it and never wanted or expected any changes. I very much think the #nochanges thing should have stuck.

This is part of why I have such a big problem with these changes. The focus from both the player base and Blizzard is being taken away from the real issues.

Every item on that list has been talked about in depth on these forums, but now everything is primarily about class balancing.

Someone asked if BGs were fun the other day. I replied to say that they’d probably have fun in them without the bots and there were way too many bots but since I haven’t been doing them the bots might be gone. Well… according to others the bots are still very much there. I guess when you’ve complained enough you end up quitting or expect that you’re playing against bots and so the topics mostly stop. I know Blizzard did do something about bots FINALLY after like 6 months but it’s like this is one of those huge issues that should be looked into a lot faster instead of spending tons of time reviewing and chatting it up in class discords.

Just pointing out that the guy rotating through alts to derail threads is from a guild well known for being cringe edge-lords on Whitemane for racist speech, gold buying, and generally scummy behavior…

And it’s not a problem that ever gets fixed because each change reshuffles the meta.

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Nah, just posting on my main with a low post count because I haven’t really visited the forums since Cata/MoP days. I don’t appreciate you spouting falsehoods while trying to paint my guild as a bunch of internet racists for the sake of an internet “argument”, all while hiding behind an alt character yourself. Really weird too, because I’ve straight up said in this thread that I think Blizzard should buff Warriors if things aren’t going as intended. I don’t understand why you’re being so hostile.

According to warcraft logs fury is the 8th most played DPS spec in the last week. 162k fury warriors.
Theres more fury warriors than; Enh shammys and ele shammys. Demo locks. Ret pallys. Combat rogues, feral druids and arcane mages.,
If your argument is that people wont take warriors, you might want to consider a different approach.