We Get It, Blizzard


It’s true; Blizzard ruining Classic is a deep state organized false flag operation. Why do you think they left China? :clown_face:


I rofl’d. For real.

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LOL Bringing politics in to a game. :roll_eyes: :rofl: :rofl:


Don’t body shame.

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lots of more deserving specs to buff than fury warriors tbh

…go check logs.
Warriors & Ferals are pretty much 1 to 1 right now

I swear its the same dude posting on an army of alts. What a load of :poop:

Warriors do not need buffs. In any shape or form. You’re fine.

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Vision for wrath :rofl:

I think they found out that the more they’ll keep going and do expansions with classic, the more the game will need heavy changes and dev time which they clearly don’t have. They wanted something easy to re-print but that doesn’t satisfy most people.

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I get the feeling about being left in the dust. Think they overshot with feral imo. They seemed to land right on the money with Ret.

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Yep. AV says otherwise. At least for my runs last night to close out my 80 ona hunter…lots of people like xp bearing, instanced and teleporting content.

it wasn’t alot of bots in them. If I saw 3 dk’s…they were real people even lol.

the only “bots” were the noob hill real players we were saying the past few matches horde are backcapping for turtle attempts. please put in 6+ per tower.

nah, we got thi…wait you people can’t hold IBT.

Dude, we done told you (well the peanut gallery in raid chat). Us 4 in IBT met 8 horde. IBT was lost. Just like we said would happen in the damned cave.

I…actually liked the turles so I won either way. It wasn’t a race for me. this was closing off a hunter that I haven’t fully pvp’d in wrath yet. Practice make perfect as the saying goes. Retail hunter I do, this is the first wrath one.

Bro you pick out the top 0.1% of players and ignore the 80 to 99th percentile acting like the top 0.1% isn’t polluted by degenerate parsing strats.
Stop spreading misinformation. Ferals are miles ahead of warriors in almost any avg or above avg raid. I agree they don’t need to be reverted but Fury does need a buff.


Do you not know how to read logs or are you just being dishonest? Because fury warriors and feral druids are nowhere near 1 to 1 right now following the buff to feral. They weren’t even 1 to 1 before the feral buff.

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Feral druids telling people they don’t need buffs is so freaking funny.

Arms is the literal worst spec in the game btw.

You’re obsessed. It must be a difficult life with the big bad liberals making things hard for you even on a video game forum.


We talk the Warrior class and we compare them to the Feral spec … because they made us wear a dress back in vanilla ;p

If people are seriously trying to have a fair and unbiased chat here talk spec for spec pls - Fury compared to Feral?

The discussion has dissolved into pure Warrior class hate lately. The bitterness is actually getting entertaining. At least the true colours are flying.

What’s funny about that is that feral in vanilla was better than a lot of specs in Wrath right now, including warrior.


They’re not though, the statistician in the other thread schooled you on how you were misrepresenting the information.

Never was & never will be a feral druid.
Feel free to check my logs. GL finding a single run as cat.

Ferals are identical to Fwarrs right now +/- 600 dps in either way.
I got no idea what yall crying about.

I must’ve missed learning battle rez and innervate. Do you think my warrior trainer is bugged?

Yeah, bc everyone can brez and innervate. Except for warriors.
All warrs do is shout. Like right now.