They finally added Flails to the game that are not limited time exclusives.
I’m very surprised nobody has talked about this, but here are the links for the two I’ve seen so far:
The first one is from the achievement Dune Dominance that requires killing the 3 rares that spawn in the sands area. They do share a spawn location so it can take a bit of time to get but the achievement unlocks several transmog rewards.
They all have a chance to drop a recolor of the flail along with several other weapons.
One of the other rares has a chance to drop a mount as well, Iska.
It was talked about a lot, 4 weeks ago.
I didn’t see a thing about it, must have been at a time I wasn’t on much.
I figured fan sites or something would have made mention, but I never even saw a thing on MMO-Champ or WoWhead and didn’t even see anything pop up on reddit.
It was a pleasant surprise when I got one. Still a bit out there on the design.
I’unno… I fully support the notion, it just comes off as a bit weird when the only version available is as design specific as these. It’s kind of like the Visions backpack - backpacks have been in super-high demand for a long time, and the backpack from there was really cool, but it’s still a very particular design. There’s no generic “everyman” version of the backpack (save for the refer-a-friend version, which is an absolute garbage state of affairs…) and there’s no really generic version of the flail.
But… the more it’s featured, the more “normalized” it becomes, and the more likely it is we get less overwrought versions. So I’m still really happy these exist.
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As a hunter, the unlocks gave me a polearm, I think? So I didn’t pay much attention to the other pieces in the set that I got from the achievement.
Good news is that it unlocks all the appearances account wide, so if you play a class that can use the flail or other stuff they will have access to it.
I completely missed that thread.
Although based on when it was posted I was very distracted by some irl stuff.
That is great news.
I will have to dust off a melee character.
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My DK can plow a field with the flail. It clips into the ground so bad. Gnome death knight.
That is one funky looking fail err i mean flail.
Looks nothing like a flail.
This has been in the game since the patch.
I didn’t see it either, Mok. I must have been asleep or worse, at work.
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I have won both I’m using the Chilling Domination Mace on her now.
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