"we feel that the min max meta limits choices."

Imagine if they stop trying to make dumb systems each expansion and just let loot drop instead

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i can see it, and it looks glorious.

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Not sure if you can really compare them though. I wouldn’t ask you what talents/azerite/essences/corruptions are because 3 of the 4 are easily changed in town, while the 4th is a little trickier but not as much since the vendor was added.

It’s just kinda assumed that since it’s so easy to have all the options available, you’d select the right ones before you queue.

In SL, without the ability to change willy nilly, it could be a thing people ask (or just an extra line in Rio, idk).

the thing is, your raider io reflects what you can do as you are kitted. if you do the dps to set the team up for a 1-2 chest, you will chest more keys than someone that does less dps. this snowballs.

now, we have dungeon buffs, which means we really, really want every covenant represented. so yes, people will be looking for specific covenants.

you know whats fun. say your a boomchicken, night fae is looking to be your best pick, but one of the top meta healers, top meta tanks, and 2 meta melee dps specks look like they are going to be night fae. so, are you gonna pick night fae and never be taken, or are you gonna pick venthyr because many top meta picks dont need them, and wont be taking them.

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