We don't want flying

Then the flight master whistle also needs removed, it does the same thing, it lets you “fly” past content.


Travel since WoD has been absolute garbage. There is ONE correct path to your destination and you HAVE to travel it every time you go to said location. That’s not engaging that’s tedium.


Let’s not pretend they withhold flying for ANY reason other than increasing time /played.


Aerial combat! Let you get knocked off your mount by flying mobs until you get pathfinder. There, solved.

Seriously, I agree with you. I also understand everyones opinions on this. That being said, I agree people shouldn’t skip content that the developers took the time to make. That completely dissolve the argument of “no flying because resources”, yada yada, “but they made pathfinding and that cost resources”, yada yada.
So Blizzard is supposed to dump extra resources into building a world that only a few will make contact with, so people can immediately fly and skip it? I know that this argument won’t go anywhere, because many of the people arguing have no points, and just want a “gimme” because they’re used to being given what they want, when they want it.
Some people here are making valid arguments for flying, and they’re getting lost in the mix.

Your fundamentals of reality are all wrong though. 51% is only a simple majority and still wouldn’t indicate that a majority want it. If anything it 51% would show that globally people are apathetic about whether they have it or not because there would still be a good chunk without it.

Lets face it though, WoD could have a much higher completion rate based on the number of people who want it for their alts and yet it isn’t.

Legion part 1 was released when the game went live and it’s still low based on all the crying over flight and in fact I’m willing to bet it’s only as high as it because of the number of people going back to unlock allied races

BfA part 1 was released when it went live. It’s less than 50% globally as well. People quit all the time and come back. People go back and farm old raids constantly for mounts and transmog, but attach flight to old content and they can’t be bothered

The flying mount argument is the one thing id say that is a legitimate reason to still have flight for sure.

It’s really regrettable that flying mounts have been such a big part of the game and removing the ability to fly would be too much.

Sadly, if you want a big change you have to make a sacrifice and I think it would be worth it.

I’m sorry to hear you would quit over that but the game can’t afford to be held hostage like that. If they believed the game needed to be free of the problems flying caused on the world, then the consequences would be there’s to bare.

Which they currently do not, but hypothetically, of course.


And they did, which is why we have pathfinder

Correct, it’s a great reason why you shouldn’t need flight in the first point. It’s often faster to use it than to mount up.

It’s only there for those players, and would be pointless if flying was removed outright and the game was changed around that function.

But IF PvP servers are dead while PvE servers still have a fair number of players doesn’t this tell you something about the population and what the majority wants…

I usually PvE more than anything else but used to do BGs and the Open world BGs though I often thought of myself as a speed bump to save the better equipped players for a little later BUT I did find it fun an interesting (sadly they really didn’t give players like myself the ability to get PvP gear in early xpacs without first going through the tiers I guess so it got old fast)…

You are again deciding what makes up a MMORPG.

Of course they are. People not leveling alts or doing WQ because they can’t fly is clearly not their goal. Their goal is to release it as a major patch selling point like they did with Legion. Come back to WoW for patch 8.2 NOW WITH FLYING!


Sorry you feel that way! I disagree and also disagree that there is only one right way to get places. I’m sure that’s the case some time but there are always alternative options with things like gliders in the game.

So you are totally against player flying, which allows for voluntary interaction with the world, but are fine with FPs, ‘whistles’ and the various ‘waypoints’…I MEAN…teleporters and such that do allow you to skip content?

This GAME is supposed to be FUN.
Compromises are not FUN.
Your ‘vision’ is not everyone else’s, as this thread, alonfg with countless others, have made plain over the years.
The ‘pathfinder’ requirement was forced on us by a bunch of snarky devs, in retaliation for having their boneheaded error of trying to remove flight in WoD stymied by the absolute revolt the players made over it.

One final little item: if all the reasons are as you claim, then tell is please: WHY do we still need to do ‘pathfinder’ quests for Draenor, WoD and Legion zones?


And it can change back. When the game was most popular and a world wide phenomenon, flying was embraced and loved.


Speak for yourself. I find the lack of utilization of flying a incredibly silly thing on Blizzards part. There’s a whole empty sky up there just waiting to be enchanted with boats and islands. They just need to get creative.


I want flying!! I am upset that flying is still a premium at this point. It should be that at the beginning of any new Expac not something you have to work for. We paid large some of gold for it we done massive amount of quests to unlock it again and again enough already. I played this game since 2005 and I almost canceled it this time over this issue. The game is always better with flying.


My thoughts on this is, if the content is good and fun, people wont skip it. If the content they make can’t hold its own, and instead had to use gimmicks like taking flight away, etc… to force people to do it, then that kinda tells me something.


Wouldn’t gliders be skipping content?


I’d be fine with removing pathfinder from previous expansions for sure. But it’s stil fine as it is. Demonstrate you have done the content and you get to fly.

My second best choice would be flying just comes free with prepatch of following expansion though. So all of legion you can’t fly until bfa comes out then everyone gets it for free.

Actually that is exactly how a majority works. 51% is a majority. hell 50.01% is a majority. Please face reality or there is no purpose of us responding to each other.

Wod in most cases is just a useless thing to discuss as almost every person i know logged in,messed with the table/ship and logged out for an entire year. there was literally nothing of merit to do.

Even with this being my new account as my last one is gone,i still have not completed legion/wod flying,because i really don’t care to fly there,there is a lack of content.,i quit half way through WOD,came back a month for legion realized it was the same carrot on the stick,didnt bother to learn flying there either, Stats don’t tell an entire story,You are drawing correlation from silly assumptions.

Many people like myself refuse to do pathfinder in wod/legion ,time consumption for little content/benefit,not worth my time at all.

And of course people farm old content,I farm old content constantly for transmog and many other things i sell,currently at 12.7m gold between all chars,but invest time into getting pathfinder for wod or legion? waste of my money making time.

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At 120? It’s not a challenge at all

Based on people asking for WoD to be unlocked for gold so alts can fly I’d say it’s still relevant

That’s irrelevant because outside of the Legendary quests from Warlords and MoP and Mage Tower from Legion they tend to leave old content alone so people can go back and work on them. People farm old raids all the time for mounts and transmog and the only time they complain is when stat squishes get screwed up and make it so they can’t. The achievement is there, it can be worked on by anyone, whether the played when it was current or not