We don't want flying

And I’m sorry to read that you ‘think’ sacrifices’ have to be made.
This is a GAME, that I PAY to play; I do NOT need to make ‘sacrifices’ or anything else like that.
As for ‘holding the game hostage’, that is just too stupid for words.

Flying was never an issue until blizzard made it one.


No one is talking about “skipping content.” If I said that somewhere to make you so obsessed with it, I apologize.


  1. Say something stupid
  2. People think you’re stupid
  3. ???

pvp servers only died when phasing became a thing, before then the best wow stories were always some pvp incident that sparked drama.

Even for pvp servers pre MOP, the biggest issue we had were carebears joining pvp servers and never pvping. For most of them it was how badass a pvp server description sounded. Hell the joy of finding that care bear who never wanted to pvp and camping them till they server change was always euphoric.
I will admit because of my love of world pvp, that i am biased against flying mounts. Loved it during bc, hated it when it was global in cata.

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flying should have never been added.

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Disagree and this thread explains clearly why it’s still an issue. If it never existed no one would care but giving free and easy travel in a game that relies on is world content is very unhealthy for said content and it’s time to find ways around that.

If you don’t enjoy interacting with the WORLD of Warcraft then I’m sorry to hear that but the answer isn’t to be able to fly over all the things you dislike. It’s to make them more fun. Imo

My first MMORPG was UO and one of the best things about it was the recall stones and portals. As long as you went to a place you could always instantly travel back there. Yet even with near instant teleportation nobody ever claimed that made it less of a mmorpg. I actually made a nice amount of money on it making a recall and dye house and having venders with recall scrolls for sale.

Agreed 100 percent. If it wasn’t the people would have never cared about it in the first place.

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Not to mention it wouldn’t even be ‘skipping content’ if they designed the world with flying in mind. Evil birds from Terrokar Forest anyone?


Fair enough. That’s usually the regurgitated argument against flying. You’ve talked about not interacting with the environment or people which can be translated to “content”.

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No, it is NOT ‘fine as it is’ or are you under the delusion that the current ‘catch-up’ mechanics actually work?

As for 'no flying until the next expac: this shows how you and too many others clearly do not understand this game: until WoD you could only get flying in the relevant content. Worked fine, until Blizzard ‘fixed’ it.


I’m picturing you IRL walking five miles to the grocery store and carrying a big stick with the bags hanging off each end as you walk back home.:rofl:


I have appreciated and agreed with your form of reasoning up until this post,It’s not that i agree with most of what you say,although i agree with some of what you say,the manner in which you rationalize it is what i mostly agree with and can appreciate.

But this post…

Sorry but this is ignorance.

The game actually “Can” and “will” be “held hostage” like that. because that is the job of the consumer to vote with their dollar. Except it’s not called holding hostage… It’s called consumerism working as intended.

And the consequences are the developers to bare.
They are creating a supply.
The consumer has the demand.

Supply meets said demand.
Supply does not meet demand? Consumer changes suppliers.

Lets be real okay? There are Ideals and there is reality. Lets try to lean toward reality.


It did and does exist. It was a MAJOR selling point of BC and it was loved and embraced by the community and devs at the pinnacle of wow’s popularity. Not saying that was the reason wow was that popular but having that freedom provided some magic for a lot of people.


It’s actually interesting that in their ‘compromise’ they shoehorned folks into doing Reputation Grinds instead of the content they find enjoyable.


Quit twisting my words; and yes you are making the argument that it is to skip content. If I want to play the game that way, I will. If you, or anyone else, does not like it, tough.
To force an issue, as blizzard has done, is to remove fun, not enhance it.
As for forcing people into content they’d rather not do tell me, how is that fun?

Before you respond that last question, please bear in mind that one of my IRL titles is ‘Ubara’.


We get it that you love staying on the ground. Some people like competing in the special olympics, I wouldnt dream of taking that away from them. Just dont try and make everyone compete in the special olympics.

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And now MMOs aren’t as popular. People want faster games. MMOs are time sinks. People want Fortnite and PUBG type games. It’s all nostalgia. You want what the game was not was it is currently

I just think blizzard should think things out before they do them, who would want a main city that requires a goblin glider or a flight path to reach everything they might need on any given day. It just seems like an oversight that could of been easily avoided if they took the time to think through their decision at all.


That’s not how supply and demand work. That’s called a boycott. The people voting with their dollar, they’re just leaving. Everyone here is just stomping their feet. Put your money where your mouth is. If not, try to provide constructive feedback. There are better ways to get a solution than college-campus style protests. Nobody takes them seriously either, which is why the term millennial has a negative connotation.

You can talk, but you have to listen (not the person I’m replying to directly, but the people getting worked up in this thread as a whole).