We don't want flying

I have friends that WPvP on bleeding hollow. They literally laughed at the “Flying ruins WPvP” strawman. Every single one of them has a net cannon and uses it quite a lot to get HKs from people that are in range but too high to absorb the fall.

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Flying is crap and ruins the game.

War Mode at least should not have flying.

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Tired or not it’s the truth.


OK on that note many of us don’t want pvp so it needs removed from the game.


I don’t want players under the age of 18 in the game,So now they need to be removed.

I like where this is going.


I feel like in almost every way possible flying is counter productive to an mmorpg. The entire point of outdoor content is that you see other people and interact with the architecture of the world.

When you can choose to skip this, I feel the game is just worse, and I don’t feel like any of the pro-flying crowd have any point that isn’t “flying is more convienent.”

It’s just travel, and it’s not supposed to be convienent all the time. It’s support to make you interact with the world.

But I do feel like implementing flying a year in works perfectly. Its The perfect compromise for me, because it acts as a nerf to outdoor content after it’s already been out for plenty long, and pathfinder requires you to demonstrate you are actually playing the game to earn flying.

I’m very satisfied with how they decided to handle this, but I’d be happier if flying was just removed from the game outright and the entire game adjusted to that.


Draenor Pathfinder is currently sitting at 48.2%
Broken Isles part 1 is currently at 71% Part 2 is currently at 69.7%
BfA is currently at 47.6%

Those numbers don’t look like the majority wants flight. Less than 50% of global population have completed WoD and and BfA. Legion is an outlier and will continue to be as part of part 1 is also tied to Allied Race unlocks

Do me a favor and correlate those achievement stat numbers to sub dropoff and you have your answer.

Then you can look at what current form of population has predated achieves,

Then you would have to correlate what xpacs they skipped/quit,Daunting task.


No it isn’t. The game has moved on from flight at max level for gold. Like it or not it isn’t coming back. You disagreeing with the reasoning doesn’t invalidate it

Anyone on alliance shouldn’t speak about this topic, considering the fact that their main city is compact and close together. Horde has to use flight paths to simply get from our chest to the mission board.


WOD: I didn’t play wod so I don’t think your numbers actually mean anything for those like me that skipped WOD but are too irked to go deal with the stupid grind that is Draenor pathfinder.
Legion: The first Expac with a large enough playerbase to consider
BFA: it’s still early

Honestly I think quoting percentages at this point is garbage, you’d need quite a few expacs to actually have datapoints worth talking about and even then you need to lens those datapoints against players that played the content while it was current. Otherwise it’s not even worth talking about because most people ignore old content. I for one am not going to spend time on flying in draenor because other than Alts it provides no material benefit to me. I would imagine that anyone who skipped legion probably feels the same about that (unsubstantiated of course). It is worth noting that I would like and would pay for even at 10k flying in Draenor even if it was per alt.


I think there is more than just flight causing mass drop offs…

you are reaching …

to the PvP players who want flight removed simply for WPvP purposes I think you mistake PvP with farming unskilled PvP players and need to learn to play PvP yourself…

I DO think flight causes issues with the over all game BUT that iis far too late to fix 12 or so years later…

Just like we’ll NEVER have classic servers? I mean with that huge wall of no it will never be a thing right?

Don’t act like something can never change.


I think there is a cathartic component to flying, but also to not opening your map all the time and exploring… this helps the game be more immersive.

Tell me when you’re out in the world do you pass by mobs? Are you not skipping content when you do? When you see other players do you stop to help every one of them? If you don’t you’re skipping content.

Flying has never skipped any content. Ever. It’s a means to get you to content.


That’s irrelevant. if your claim was correct that the majority wants flight those numbers would be closer to 100%. Skipping expansions is irrelevant because the achievement is there to be earned. Subs losses would happen irregardless of flight as more people have issues with actual things that are affecting game play, and currently flight isn’t one of them

Yeah sorry no. With the way they are making the new land masses, it is not fun to even run around on your ground mounts anymore. How about make a world where I am not suffering and begging for flying to come back because I can’t even stand one more second of the horrible mazes these new zones turn into. Once I am done leveling and all I am doing is my daily chores, I should be allowed to fly. Funny How I don’t really mind not having flight in the older zones which were much more open and had less mob masses. But in the recent expacs… I’m begging for flying because it’s turned into a huge headache.

You want to dump flying, then say goodbye to WoW. The massive hemorrhage that happened the last time they tried that proved a large number of people want it. Since I don’t believe they ever recovered from that, and each year nets them at a loss, doing something like getting rid of flight all together, would pretty much kill this game, and you will have nothing to play anymore.


When you are on the ground, you see those people and mobs. You know they are there and they know the same of you. You may get dazed off your mount and end up having to fight them, or you see some one getting ganking and join in. These things aren’t possible when you are in the air and that is counter productive to world content. You aren’t skipping it. You are refusing to participate in it, and allowing that option is not healthy for the game.


running around looking for hard to spot caves or entrances to go up the mountains is a chore, i welcome my flying overlords.

plus, my dragons!

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In your opinion, please don’t project or state things as if they are absolutes.