I’m sure you have so many fun lasting memories flying around the game. I mean, I can think of so many right off the bat.
Only speak for yourself please, A lot of people want flying and have made many post about it. It will make my life easier questing since I dont get much time to play, and it will allow me to do get in and streamline stuff for me.
Most of the people that want flying are playing a WQ farmville simulator style and they just want to farm it faster. Probably the same people pushing for that same boring content. #youruinedthegame
I haven’t gotten that mount from the warfront yet
Most of the people against it spend 90% of their play time inside instances.
No we spend our time climbing and having fun pvp’n near cliffs and edges and throwing eachother to our deaths. But don’t worry, there are no cliffs when flying comes out.
Classic is coming! It’s calling you.
You do not speak for everyone.
I want my flight. I will grudgingly wait until 8.2 for Part 2.
Let’s not repeat the lessons of WoD with the flying kerfluffle.
IF the zones weren’t designed for flight to get around I would agree with no flight…
Look at Vanilla and BC zones and you will see how a zone works without flight (well part of BC is only available with flight)…
The issue I have is with glide and “flap” to help 2 classes get about while all other classes have to do it the hard way and follow those idiotic paths (I won’t even tell you how much I love trying to follow the paths in Legion when they literally leap you off cliffs regularly).
No flight shouldn’t be necessary BUT the Devs designed the zones with it in mind so you are pretty much stuck with it.
Sadly it is part of the “120 grind” to unlock but they needed to put something in to keep players paying the monthly with little to no content to keep us going.
Based on pathfinder completion rates this factually incorrect. With the data available so far Legion is an outlier
Draenor Pathfinder is currently sitting at 48.2%
Broken Isles part 1 is currently at 71% Part 2 is currently at 69.7%
BfA is currently at 47.6%
I like flight as much as the next person but the numbers don’t back up the majority wants flight opinion
Yes we do want flying.
This is actually a pretty tired argument.
the reason people like me dont want flying is because flying ruins wpvp. People can just run away so easily with flight or reinforcements can arrive in a flash with it. I am sorry but me choosing not to use flying doesn’t fix this issue.
Everyone on the ground is how this game was intended to be. The game works and plays better that way regardless of how you feel.
Now the compromise is to just not have flying in war mode.
Flying was never a problem until activizzard made it a problem.
There were always a few people who trolled the forums about flying with a bunch of straw man issues.
Those who used world pvp can’t use that anymore with war mode option so they just say “WE” don’t want flying as if an individual speaks for everyone.
I want flying, I want flying to be hit max level in current content, do a 5 minute mini quest that grants pathfinder retroactive to level 60. IN all level open content for any toon on the account.
That is what I want.
It might even bring bliz back some folk who quit because having to do pathfinder for old content that can take weeks is beyond the aggravation it is worth so they just quit.
I would also like to see expansions to have enough content / land mass where you can’t fly over the whole area in 5 minutes. Not just a small zone with up and down and terrain puzzles like rats in a maze. With huge agro radius scaled mobs and hanging up on every pebble and having to go all the way around a mountain to find the one (usually almost hidden, path to get up that mountain, and where goblin gliders or parachutes are a must have to avoid the inevitable falling to your death, sometimes having to take rez sickness because you cannot even reach your poor dead body or if you rez you are in among 100 mobs that instantly agro on you and kill you again.
It’s simple,Change sub like someone sugested,14.99 a month for non flight 15.99 a month for flight,blizz gets an extra dolor,and the non flyers get proven wrong in the first month thus solidifying the truth,more would rather fly,it’s quite simple.
In previous expansions how many do you see flying at max level compared to on the ground?
Net cannons are a thing… use them. As for sudden appearance of reinforcements that can happen without flying so I’m not buying that.
not using flying is putting a disadvantage on yourself. That is the issue. and how does this solve the problems anyway?
Like I said the compromise is warmode to not have flying.
clearly you don’t wpvp enough
So since many of us dont give a hoot for heroic and mythic raiding or M+ above 2 blizz should just delete that too?? Thanks OP, you have made me happier since there will now be tons of extra dev time to devote to the things i want!
Who’s this “we” business? I do want flying. Pathfinder is fine but I would really enjoy flying right after that achievement is reached. If you don’t like flying then don’t. Its pretty simple really.