We don't want flying

i feel like They need to ban’s Troll’s Like this from the forums you may not want flying but some of us do.


not relevant that you dont see the issue.
I have two accounts.
when you want to do PF for me on two accounts you give me a ring.
I aint doing it.
And as I said…when I get irritated enough about it I’ll go find some other game to play.

Kinda funny how this worked out.
flying is a part of the game a huge part of the player base enjoys.
So what does blizzard do? Change the rules to make it something many of us wont do…thus making the game not quite a fun for a ton of us who wont do PF to get it.
I get it for CURRENT content, but geezus…it doesnt need to be there for old content. It only serves to slow leveling of alts down to a crawl.

Kinda like a car company who has been putting AC in their cars for years then they just decide to stop one day for no real reason other than ‘meh…we want to’.
Then next years model comes out without AC and if you want it you now have to do a bunch of pointless crap that you didnt have to do for the 4 previous models you were happy you bought and owned.
What would I do in that sort of scenario?
Id go find another car company to buy from.


Actually I did flight path twice in WOD did it on 2 accounts my account and my other account my husband was playing on for little while.

Likely because you choose not to see.


Many of us do want flying. In fact more want flying than don’t. So let me be very clear here. YOU PLAY THE WAY YOU WANT AND LET OTHERS PLAY THE WAY THEY WANT. Why do self entitled spoiled little brats think they can decide how everyone else should play. If you don’t want to fly then don’t. How is that so hard to comprehend?


Who is “we” you are talking about. You got a squirrel in that little gnome pocket you are referring to?

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I’ll say it here, and every other thread about flight.

Flight is glorified ~noclip and has no place in the game in it’s current form

Additionally. I’d like to point out that flight isn’t really an option when it’s implemented in game. Unless you only play by yourself, the social pressure and gameplay pressure will make not using not really an option.

Flying is bad for the game, y’all just lazy.

These types of players are nauseating. “I don’t want flying therefore you shouldn’t want it, or get it.” Here’s a little pro tip for you: If you don’t want to fly use ground mounts once flying is added. See how that works?


Speak for yourself. Plowing through weak mobs does nothing for immersion. I don’t care if I’m lazy this is a game, not a job.


My exact feeling on the subject. Flight was a cool addition and made the game fun, but now people think we HAVE to have it and that’s simply not the case.

With mage ports, flight paths, etc. flying is un-necessary and should just stay out of the game.

Stay on the ground then. I want flying back


So because I enjoy flying, and not riding through hours of content I’ve already seen for months, I’m lazy?

Can you guess where I would tell you to stick that opinion?


They should put a few more flight paths in (maybe 2 per zone?) and remove ground mounts too.

That’s the surprise for next expansion. The one after that players will be reduced to RP walk.

Many of us Do care.


Flight (when implemented) is only an option. There is this concept, foreign to most (and from your post you seem to fit the bill), called self control. The very fact that you feel the need to point out your lack of same is certainly revealing. I imagine when you were younger you were also the one that demanded to set the rules in whatever game you were participating in just to favor yourself? Notably referred to as the “I’m taking my ball and going home” approach to social intercourse.


If you don’t care, then it won’t affect you if they DO introduce flying.


I 100% support and agree with this. With flight whistles, it’s really not necessary anymore.

Except flight whistles don’t work everywhere.