We don't want flying

It is very simple.

Don’t use a flying mount, no flying, enjoy!


I want flying
I love flying ingame
I find it cathartic.
I love to fly as high as I can, explore mountain tops and the edges of the world…


I might have believed that if you didn’t have any flying mounts…just saying.


I do care tho. I can’t even use my OH mount until flying comes out D:

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your title says “we don’t want flying”

why do you refer to yourself in the third person?

also, even after flying gets put in, you still can run around on your ground mounts.

have fun down there getting dazed!


I want flying I’m sick and tired of going to a flight path that’s camped by Horde/Alliance… yay you land into 10 people and insta die… or they tag you so you can’t use the flight path to escape and basically have to die…


speak for yourself.
I dont play WoD, Legion or BfA because of lack of flying, since I aint doing pathfinder on two accounts.
I’ll just stay in old content and wont be purchasing any new expansions while things remain as they are with flight.

NO one I know who plays has PF and a few of the people I know have played for many years.
Just exactly what they wanted and why they created PF.
Soon flight will be removed entirely as they wanted to do in WoD.


you don’t know anyone who has pathfinder?

have you been playing the game? it really isn’t that hard to get

It’s days like this that you think that getting rid of downvote button was a mistake, look I’ve done the outpost upgrades and all that stuff, but I don’t even use them, they are pointless; I want flying.


No one? You must know a limited amount of people then. No offense. Lol

Why is it that all these so-called champions of hating flying always have more flying mounts than me?


yeah yeah yeah…isnt that hard to get IF you enjoy playing the game like your running a gauntlet.
We dont.
There are TONS of things to do in this game besides running the exact path to pathfinder.
I play FAR more hours a day than MOST of you here, I promise you that. It has nothing to do with time played/hours spent…I have all that and more.
Just dont enjoy asinine rep grinds for a mode of travel that used to be purchased for gold and max level.

blizzards INTENT in WoD was to remove flight permanently.
Theyre making it clear that that is STILL the intent.
Keep making flight a pain so fewer and fewer will run it and eventually when a small enough percentage care, then they can remove it entirely and those of you who do have it will be so few that they wont need to worry about losing your business

Speak for yourself, midget.

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How many people making pathfinder posts in here in a given month?
did you somehow miss all that?

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They’re not going to remove flying, just like they aren’t going to remove Pathfinder. Its time to troll with a new topic. :rainbow:


you hate rep grinds? ok, just do 4 WQ’s per day and they hand you 1500 rep for that faction.

play for a month and you will have all the reps to exalted. given how much you play, that is a 20 minute/day solution.

the rest of pathfinder is a joke… just do the zone quests.

No its not a Gnome thing, give me my flying.

Typical clueless BE :crazy_face: :grinning:


Oh the people complaining about pathfinder I kind of ignore for the most part. I was talking about you not knowing anyone who has pathfinder from previous xpacs. I don’t even socialize that much in the game anymore and I still know people who have it. That’s my point anyways.

Edit: I was kind of surprised that’s all.

Again…since you somehow missed it…I dont l like to run the gauntlet for a mode of travel.
I have TWO accounts. Not running for PF on TWO accounts.

We done here?

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get it on one account and you will get it on the other.

it sounds to me like you ADHD because you have had months to get something that only takes a month of focusing on.

the problem is you. sorry.