Not only do I want flying, I don’t mind doing Pathfinder to earn it. I’ve done it twice before, after all.
We changed our minds. We actually do want flying.
Since Blizzard is not releasing subscription numbers, there is no way to tell how accurate your completion rates are.
Personally, I would also not be at all surprised if your numbers for BfA are skewed by those (such as myself), who have not bought the expansion, and either plan to buy it after flying is available or don’t plan to buy it at all (I don’t plan to buy it at all).
…and I know that there are lots of people who won’t go to Draenor (if they are still playing at all) because they can’t fly there, and they don’t want to do the Pathfinder. I know of at least one person who is not only refusing to buy any new expansions, but will not do any content after Mists.
So… whether of not someone is willing to jump through the hoops that are called “Pathfinder” is no indication of whether they enjoy flight and want to be able to fly or not.
Absolutely untrue. Totally wishful thinking on your part. I have draenor and legion pathfinder. I don’t have BfA pathfinder, and you’d count me as a person who “hates flight”.
Except, of course, for the fact that there’s no way I’m going to buy BfA until after they come clean and stop stringing us along.
Your entire line of reasoning is basically a lie.
Skipping expansions is entirely relevant. It is incredibly costly to blizzard when players skip an expansion or two over this issue, and I’ve talked to a lot of them who were in the process of leaving again because of pathfinder.
It degrades the success of current content when players are forced to choose between hanging out in old content doing old achievements to earn back the most beloved qol feature in the game, and choose to wait. Especially it degrades the success of that new content when they give up, swear they’re never going to come back again, and tell all their friends not to buy the game because it’s a piece of trash run by a bunch of control freaks.
Wanting to believe that nobody actually leaves over flying doesn’t make it so.
I would in fact buy the game right now if it dropped down to $7. I would level up a few characters to 111 and twink them for better pvp.
I had actually canceled both of my wow subscriptions in Warlords when they announced no flight there or in any future expansion. I am only still here because they reversed course before my time ran out. If my time had run out before they introduced Pathfinder, there would have been nothing they could have done to bring me back.
Not quite true. If wow had not been the first to add flying, someone else would have… and that other game would have leached players away from wow.
There would not have been as much drama about it though, I will give you that. Most people would have simply moved on (as has happened with regards to other features wow doesn’t have or doesn’t do well).
Correction: You don’t want flying. I do, as do many others.
Good news though, when flying is implemented you won’t have to use it. Yay you!
They did say it.
I am everyone now.
I mean what were they thinking in wotlk?! They sold a flying book for gold at max level and you could mail this book to your ALTS?! I mean seriously, they were completely mad back in those days. People must have complained so much having been able to fly, I bet nobody was flying because they were truly disgusted by the concept of buying flying skill at max level.
Its kinda like being Tauren between 2 lovers?
You and people of this mindset are the minority.
This might be groundbreaking for you folks but let me try and explain this to y’all in as few words as possible. Don’t fly then.
I still log in to Archeage occasionally to glide around for fun. Plus, the graphics and music are still pretty good. Still some of the best water I’ve seen in any game.
Do not attempt to speak for me, I have no problems letting you know I want flying. I’m a druid, you take my bird form away permanently, you will lose a customer permanently.
Flying is what sets this game apart from its competitors, why is that so hard to understand? Don’t like flying? Good News! Classic is right around the corner, go walk the soles off ya boots.
Speak for yourself and the few who don’t want it. Many more do want it than don’t, and there is no logical reason to not have it.
You don’t speak for me, I welcome flying back. I can explore and admire the whole zone without being bound to the ground and dealing with getting dazed every minute. WQ I take seriously and go back to grinding only the ap and pet charm ones.
Speak for yourself. I can’t wait till flying gets here it makes the game all that more fun for me. Everyone has fun their own way, don’t ruin mine just because you don’t like it. You can always not fly. I hate pvp but i never ask for it to be removed i just don’t do it.
way to go drinking the dev kool-aid instead of demanding maximum value and content for your dollar
Yet cared enough to make a post about it on GD.
I don’t care if there is flying or not. I wouldn’t mind having it, but it’s not a deal breaker for me.
Some players really really like low sub numbers.