The OP is doing it right then. No, not by posting a trolling thread on this topic, but by remaining at level 55 so she can forever be grounded.
Honestly, if they gave War Mode players permanent no fly shards but with compensatory bonuses (farming yield, xp, WQ rewards etc) for transportation inefficiency, I would be very happy and wouldn’t care at all if other players want to fly in ruined game play shards.
Lol ruined. Flying was embraced by the old devs and the community when wow had peak subs of 12 million. It was the best time to play wow and you could get flying BEFORE max level.
If anything is ruined it’s wow after MoP.
Because they don’t feel like they should have to pay the price for playing the game in the particular way they claim to prefer.
Well, guess what? I want to fly. Its what keeps me involved in this game. I don’t raid, I don’t PVP, but I do love world quests, I do like to do professions, I do like to do archaeology. What I don’t like doing is being knocked off my ground mount trying to get to those things. What I dont like doing is trying to get to something I want to do, only to find out I took the wrong path, and now need to spend 3 minutes trying to find it. I don’t have a ‘main’, I enjoy questing and leveling up alts. Running around on a ground mount isnt the enjoyable part, the collecting and killing and combat for quests is.
If you dont want to fly, don’t bother doing the requirements for it. Dont use flying mounts. Or if you just have to, dont hit the space bar after you mount up. Flying has been part of this game for over a decade, it’s not going anywhere. And on top of that, Blizzard should be ashamed they’re making us wait so long to unlock it.
Were these numbers acquired from subbed accounts?
Well the content is on the ground so ground mounts are fine with me. They pull another BC, Wrath or Cata “they best damn gimme my flyin’ back”
How about we compromise and and put a “Must be 36 inches tall to ride this bird” sign at all the flight paths.
Why is this still coming up? During WoD they said they were taking flying away, a bunch of people said “Hey don’t do that.” and Blizzard said “Nah, we’re going to.”
Then there was a bunch of protesting, internal conflict (people that work for Blizzard were torn on the subject, it was not unanimously agreed upon even by the developers), and loads and loads of discussion.
The compromise was what we have now. The expansions start off with no flying for however long, then we do some huge achievement to earn it. People who don’t care don’t do the huge achievement, people who do care do it. Some people complain about it because they hate the compromise, other people commend it saying it’s a great compromise and better than nothing.
Either way though, all of that happened over the course of a couple months if I recall correctly. The decision was made, worked into the game, and now…people are less happy than before?
Why is this still coming up. They said they were taking away flying and enough people said “No.” that they decided to keep it in the game in the form it is now. This is the compromise between the people that don’t want it at all and the people that do.
They won’t take it out permanently and they won’t put it back the way it was. It’s already been changed. What else can they do to “fix” it any more? They cannot take it out because that screws over the people who want to keep it, and they won’t put it back the way it was because it was a developer’s idea in the first place to remove it entirely. The devs don’t all agree it’s a good thing for the game and they don’t want to design certain aspects of the game around it.
What we have is literally the compromise. Have I been gotten by a troll post?
Poor gnomes …
I do. So speak for yourself.
I think it keeps coming up as a topic because yes, there are still people unhappy with their supposed “compromise”. From another thread, here is part of my response regarding that:
" The Pathfinder “compromise” wasn’t a compromise. It was a passive-aggressive edict handed down from devs who were peeved and embarrassed at being spanked by the player base who revolted against their attempt to take away flying forevermore. How many forum threads did you see before WoD asking for the devs to take away flying? Aside from a small number of PvP gankers who complained about their targets being able to get away, there weren’t any.
Who ASKED Blizzard to try and take away flying forever? No one. Who ASKED Blizzard to make flying a p.i.t.a. grind to get? No one. Blizzard did that all on their own , and if you think for one second that Pathfinder was a “compromise” with the players, you are sadly mislead. There may have been an internal “compromise” between devs, but PF was put in the game solely because of monetary reasons. I’m betting the suits in accounting told them to “fix it” and “fast”…otherwise, they would have stayed the course and we wouldn’t have ANY kind of flight in the game at this point."
In addition to that, there are people who don’t mind, and even like Pathfinder, except for the arbitrary time-gate between Parts One and Two. In a sickeningly funny way, these devs have pretty effectively gotten what they wanted anyway, which was no flight in the game, because by the time players do get flight in current content, it’s irrelevant. Oh, and then they release another no-flying end zone, so that’s just added insult to injury for the players who like to fly. Is it any wonder if there is player-base vs. devs attitude? In my opinion, the dev(s) were wrong to try to remove flight in the first place, and should have just left it alone.
This is why I think they should add an option. When you log into the game, a popup will appear! This will ask you if you want flying or not. Picking either choice is permanent and can never be changed. If you pick no flying, you will not be able to fly in any zone, in any expansion, ever. If you pick flying then, well, you get the idea. Would this please you?
Source plz?
Is the OP actually Ion? Ion is that you? Telling us what we don’t know we want, and how we don’t know how to have fun, or even what fun is?
And isn’t this where the white knights and PC people would jump in and say “Don’t pretend to talk for the majority!”? Oh wait, no, they only do that in threads that are negative to their precious Blizzard.
OP is using the royal “we.”
Oh and for the record, the Pathfinder thing cannot be called a compromise. It doesn’t fit the definition.
What it is, is the people inside Blizzard who didn’t get their way with removing flight entirely making flying an absolute freaking pain in the butt, and then some, and then add to that a whole YEAR without being able to fly. That’s for content we’ve now been exploring for months, been over every square inch hundreds of time, and thoroughly “experienced”. Wasn’t that the point?
No. Their “compromise” was them saying the following: “Sure, you’ll get flying. But we’ll make it as annoying and grindy as possible. Then we still won’t give it to you for a year, close to the time where it will be pretty much meaningless and most people will have quit until the next expansion.”
I kinda dare you to argue that.
Speak for yourself I WANT flying! I’ll do the my happy dance when it’s unlocked.
Speak for yourself.
You keep using that word . I do not think it means what you think it means. Compromise implies two or more parties discussed debated and came to a middle ground. There can be no middle ground in a dictatorship.