Why would anyone not want flying? What purpose would this option not being there serve?
I dont care when flight comes. I just aint doing pathfinder to get it. I’ll just keep playing old content where I can fly until I get bored, then I’ll go play something else.
This is the second post I’ve seen this morning thats noted as community flagged and hidden. And I’ve not seen one of these till now. Are people flagging more often now, has this become a habit for people who just don’t happen to like a post or a poster?
Click achievement ranking, then achievement stats, on the drop down menu select exploration
In this case I’m betting it’s been flagged due to being an unpopular opinion
The pronoun is I, not we. You might not want flying, but many others do.
When both parts out, it takes about 3 weeks of causal work to get flight… I dont see the issue… I started late legion and I had flight unlocked 3 weeks after hitting 110.
And yet another flying thread. You know why Blizzard? Because it’s important to people. The OP is clearly being a troll because they know that just mentioning flying brings people out of the woodwork, but it does show how important flying is to people.
Taking flying out of the game until content is over was the worst decision the Dev’s ever made IMHO. Am I right? It’s subjective, so, from my point of view and many others, i’m 100% correct. There are those that disagree, but at the end of the day, it’s all subjective.
However, the reason I have been playing this “game” for 12+ years is to have fun. I can’t lie, taking flying out of the game so I am forced to have to play the way a Dev wants me to play, rather than the way I want to enjoy the game has been wearing on me and a lot of people for a long time.
As to all the arguments that “flying allows you to skip content and not interact with the world” --> why do you use mounts at all then? Ground mounts allow you to run around content or run through content that you would otherwise have to fight. You should be forced to walk/run everywhere. It would ensure you always have to interact with the world around you right? Why wouldn’t you do that? Because it wouldn’t be fun would it? …imagine that…take the fun out of the game and people don’t want to play it.
I personally disagree with this post, but whoever is flagging it when it is clearly not against the CoC needs to stop. Just reply with the reasons that the OP is incorrect - don’t abuse the system because you don’t like her opinion.
And yet here you are, paying their salary lol
Will you reply to the posts saying We want flying and say the same then? Not all of us care about flying, Id rather more engaging content than fly atm ty.
When I feel like it, I always try to call out the “we” stuff that people try to use. Unless they know what every single person in this game wants, they can’t use the “we” statement to talk about everyone.
Engaging content has nothing to do with whether or not they flip a switch to let us fly. That’s a story and quest design department issue. And I agree that this expansion has left me wanting.
Checking the reasons for flagging, not liking a post isn’t sufficient reason for flagging it. Can people be punished for flagging something that doesn’t fit the criteria?
Who is this “we” you speak of?
Why is this flagged??? Anyhoo I love not being able to fly but then i love flying too im torn between the two
I want fly! I need fly! I Love Fly!
You’re speaking for yourself. I can’t wait to fly.
I love flying, but I am not a rabid “give it to us now or I will cut myself” type either.
Patience is a virtue, plus it gave me an opportunity to enjoy my relatively new moose mount.
Oh look another one of these threads look we get it you hate flight and you have no self control to stay grounded while rest of us fly this is a you problem most of us like and enjoy having flight.
So simple answer is don’t fly stay grounded but then again as stated you have no self control.
Don’t you have flying mounts? And cell phones…