We don't want flying

Well, maybe it has been nuked, because it’s a post troll, it has the audacity to declare “We do not want to fly” as if it speaks for all, and not for “some of us”!

It is very stingy, wanting everyone not to fly, for thinking that this is good for you, regardless of the will of others!

It’s small meanie people thing!

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I see now i’ve been looking at op’s posts. I’m sorry i just woke up lol gotta love working graveyards and forgetting normal people are awake during the day. :rofl:

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If ground mounted players got a significant buff to things like farming and WQ quest rewards to compensate for the slower transportation, then fine…I’d consider earlier flying for you.

Every time I suggest that, pro-flyers reject it because they want to lord over the efficiency bonus.

So, don’t just say “don’t fly” when it creates a massive farming efficiency differential.

[quote=“Piselie-moon-guard, post:1, topic:37530”]
Many of us don’t care at all.
[/quote] Many do, and many don’t. What’s your point? 2/10 though for the bites.

Since PvP servers are gone, they can create new “Flying” and “Grounded” servers. And all of you guys (and the devs) can play on your happy Grounded servers and leave the rest of us alone.


^ This.

OP, you do not speak for me. I have refused to buy BfA because they have delayed flight too long. I was burned in Warlords and Blizzard has done nothing to earn my trust and confidence back since then.


I want flying.


When OP goes into other threads and leaves comments like this:

Only to make their own thread to whine about not wanting flying, it’s clear that OP only made the thread to troll. Not to have a proper talk about the issue. That’s why it was flagged. That and they are trying to speak for the masses when they know a good number of people do not agree with them.


Poster speak for yourself not others.

I want flying. A few minutes into bfa i instantly wanted flying back. Being stuck on the ground is just annoying. Its a waste of time.

If you like being on the ground then you have the ability to freely choose to do so. Don’t grind pathfinder and your set. You wanna gimp yourself thats your business.


Draenor pathfinding came out way too late for it to matter (which is why I don’t have it since there was already a portal to the raid by the time flying came out). Legion is at 70% which is…weird. A majority. Flying isn’t even out yet and isn’t coming out for like 6 months so people don’t feel pressured to get the achievement now when it will be gated later anyway behind another rep in 8.2 or some other arbitrary time gate. The main thing keeping people out of flying right now is most likely tortollan rep because those WQs are annoying and rarely worth the time and people still have like 6 months to get them to revered.

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Don’t want it, don’t use it then. No one makes you use it if it’s available.


just report for trolling and move on. that’s all the OP is doing after all.


That my friends, is bait.


Oh snap! Nice find. LOL

Post where you’re getting these numbers, and this is probably counting in accounts that are no longer active also and new accounts that havent had a chance to complete them.

So, your numbers are probably inaccurate

if YOU dont want flying, then dont use your flying mounts or delete them when they drop for you…
I want flying. yesterday.


I among among the 52.4% that doesn’t have Pathfinder Pt 1 in BfA - and its not because I don’t want flight, it’s because I am SO over Pathfinder grinding that I’ve given up smashing through it. When it happens, it happens. I very much want flight but I can only cope with grinding WQs over and over so many times before I start munching on the furniture.


Spud with Wings!!! :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

… Blizzard, MAKE IT SO!!!

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The title of your thread is incredibly arrogant and stupid. “I don’t want flying.” was what you should have put, and I say good for you, use your ground mounts even after you finish pathfinder 1&2 and stick to your guns.

Everyone knows you won’t of course, but hey, hide your profile and troll some more after you rush to finish pathfinder 1&2. Pfft.

Semper Fi!


Whether you care, a lot of us do care.

And if we have flight? You don’t have to fly.

So if you don’t care, that’s fine. But we can have flight enabled in a reasonable time frame and you can continue not to care.