We dont need a new gap closer

We need Steed of Glory as a choice for a PvP talent for Retribution.
Replace Seasoned Warhorse with Steed Of Glory.

The Blessing of Freedom it gives you isn’t dispel able


And on another note, Yes sucks that Ret Aura is gone. They need to just give us Blessing of Might and Blessing of Kings back. Pretty simple.


Whatever we get, I just desperately pray we never get a leap or a charge


Can you elaborate on the issues you have with a leap


Yes, I don’t want to play a warrior

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We get a leap, and get rooted right after… Now what?
Steed of Glory, we are unstoppable juggernauts like we are supposed to be

What we need is the Leap from Plunderstorm. :slight_smile:


Two solutions, choice node for pony or leap, or change the animation
It could look like old aatroxs ( from lol) dash, or heck even a portal from which we fly down from the heavens.

Add a pvp talent to give immunity to movement impairing affects. But also, blessing of freedom?

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Like I said above, Steed of Glory makes it so the free Blessing of Freedom you get when you press steed is un-dispellable


No reason something like that couldn’t be added to a leap type movement ability

As far as I know almost every paladin npc LEAPS into battle using an Actual leap. And not just warriors have a leap.

This is not just for pvp. It would have so many uses in pve. A way to get out of mechanics or a way to get back to the boss or pack quickly.


What a weird thing to say. Almost as if you are just being a contrarian


I’m a fan of getting steed of glory as a retribution pvp talent or a class core talent

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Yea what talent are you gonna leave behind reckoning? Sanc? Spellwarding? Ret is stuck with must take talents adding yet another one thR will never see play like the new turn evil is just idiotic.

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We should get a choice node to pick a leap or a pony. Literally everyone wins.


Its really starting to feel like the community has no idea what they actually want.
People talk about our mobility being bad but then want things like:
-Long Arm of the Law
-Persuit of Justice
But dont take time to really think it through. In my opinion Steed is a nice ability, the only issue with it is the fact we can be slowed while using it and it doesnt break roots or snares, thats the entire issue with it because with the 3 other options listed above, once you have a snare on you, you are still slow. Which makes them just as useless.
Things we need to focus on are improvements on things we already have and not completely different abilities. Which is why i sugguested Steed, its a PvP talent for Prot, all we have to do is make it available for the rest of the class and i promise all our mobility problems would be gone. Because in the tww beta Dks veing able to fight mounted up while fighting and not being slowed because of desths advance makes it feel like a mockery of Steed.
We also need to focus on things like our slows, for a melee class to have a wimpy 30% slow on jusdgment with a 10% reward is lack luster. I understand they are trying to force us intonthis insane Concecrstion build with the 50% aoe slow but talking about leaps and falling swords isnt going tonget us anywhere.


Long arm of the law (speed boost) and burden of guilt (slow) are not new abilities. Just make them proc off judgement and you are done.

Emmancipate is another great adition to te paladin fantasy of removing things that hinder us.

Pursuit of justice is a passive. 5% movement speed per holy power. Or make it start at 15% baseline and up to 25% per hp its just balancing… But saying these are all outlandish or brand new buttons is just lazy.


But giving it immunity to snare and roots, along with BoF, would give Paladins near 100% immunity to roots and snares. That would be too much uptime especially in PvP.

We don’t need Emancipate, nor would it really fit into the rotation as a large majority of our spells have pretty far ranges on them. We would hardly use the GCD on Emancipate because we’re spending it on Judgement, HoW, BoJ, and FV.

These sort of exist already, just to a much lesser degree.

Judgement of Justice (Ret Talent) gives you 10% movement speed, and Obduracy (Class Talent) gives you 2% movement speed.

These don’t need to be the Paladin’s “Gap Closer” , but just the passive movement speed that every class gets. These talents just need to be put in the Class Tree and be readjusted as needed.

  • Obduracy = Renamed to Pursuit of Justice
    • Pursuit of Justice
      Increase movement speed by X% and reduces the damage taken from area of effect attacks by Y%.
  • Justification = Renamed to Long Arm of the Law
    • Long Arm of the Law
      Judgement’s damage is increased by X% and casting judgement increases your movement speed by Y% for Z sec.

It slightly buffs Holy and Prot by giving them the movement speed increase from Judgement, and Ret sees literally zero changes.

The reason for a Leap right now is three main reasons.

  1. It’s fun. Plain and simple, leaps are fun buttons to press.

  2. It creates a higher skill cap for the Paladin. Jumping to the wrong place instantly is a lot more punishing than sitting on your Steed for 10 seconds running around in circles.
    It also creates situations where you can instantly gap close to a target and Rebuke them, which is split second game play actions. With the removal of Crusader’s Reprieve this is much more important.

  3. It combats the Z-axis, which is more important in PvP, but is becoming more common in PvE. Being able to influence the Z-axis with Leaps, Teleports, Grips, or Knockbacks is something only Paladins lack.


I’m agreeing with the OP of the thread, that’s literally the exact opposite of contrarian.

You arent playing 1, you’re playing a priest. Also you don’t know sht about Paladins nor the lore behind it to be making such a stupid statement. Warcraft/World of Warcraft Paladins as a majority are Warrior Priest or Knight Priest depending on which specialty they specialize in during their martial training. Since you don’t know your lore, here they are:

Warcraft 3 manual
The Archbishop, Alonsus Faol, prior to the Second War, founded the Order
of the Knights of the Silver Hand. The holy knights, or paladins, as they are
commonly called, led the battle against the evil orcs and helped to save the
lands of Lordaeron from ruin. Though it has been nearly fifteen years since
the end of the Second War, the paladins still work selflessly to protect
humanity from the gnawing jaws of evil. Empowered by the Light, these
mighty warriors brandish both their warhammers and holy fire in the battle
against all who would trample the meek and innocent.

World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness (pp. 85-86)

“Uther will be dangerous to the Horde, that’s certain,” Khadgar replied, “but I do not think he can command men other than fellow Paladins. His piety is too strong, too abrasive, for most soldiers to endure.” Lothar nodded for his companion to continue. “Saidan and Tirion are much the same. Saidan was a knight first, and Tirion a warrior

World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness (p. 82)

There had to be a way to ensure that warriors fought for the Light and with the Light, using both its gifts and their own martial prowess, and still behaved in a manner appropriate to the Church’s teachings.” “And you found a way?” Lothar asked. “I have,” Faol agreed. “I will establish a new branch of the Church, the paladins. I have already selected the first candidates for this order. Some were knights before but others were priests. I chose these men for both their piety and their martial prowess. They will be trained, not only in war but in prayer and in healing. And each of these valiant fighters will possess both martial and spiritual power, particularly in blessing themselves and others with the strength of the Holy Light.”

A charge and a Leap is nothing undermining to Honor that Paladin would not use it; those are basic skills for anyone that’s trained in martial combat. What differentiates a Paladin from a typical warrior is that Paladins would not bleed their targets nor bleed them to death. Since Honor was a key thing to them before the Scarlet Crusader. Other than that, a Paladin whole trained more in the Holy Light with some martial combat skills would be a Holy Paladin; while those who have more Warriors & Knights training with some studies in the Holy Light fall under Ret & Prot.


Lets ask for Charge aswell. And they can give warriors bubble and ret aura.