We don’t have any specific Hunter changes to announce at this time

I loathe that my somewhat realistic suggestion got derailed by nonsense. ugh.

That came from Robu’s suggestion

Who ironically then said

Single target traps like freezing trap should either be “a little bit aoe” in the area its thrown into


they should choose enemy players if there are more than 1 target inside the trap area.

Its so irritating to use a utility to get into melee range with an enemy player(as mm hunter), then throw a trap, then see the trap being used on 1 of the 10 minions on top of the target.

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Open WoWHead / MMO-Champion

Hunter news!!


This has been me for the past 2 weeks.


Well, I disagree with Nondriel but that’s fine. That was my “last” addition to the list, really. And I had written it without that choice the first time, then changed it.

But what I didn’t do was splinter it out into the 35 or whatever choices that came after. lol. Take off 3B and you have what we already have now, just more well defined.

…Only because of arbitrary constraints to purposely forbid exactly that.

The Survivalist theme doesn’t necessitate a beast companion any more than of a Marksman.

It’s no less fallacious than to claim that a pet-using MM could not function. Kill Command is not our only means of managing uptime while out of melee range of our targets and there’s no reason to think its loss or replacement wouldn’t create a similar amount (weighted for risk) of relative uptime if SV was allowed a petless option.


well yeah, but if you have to change the entire spec description and one of the main abilities and two main cooldowns to make it “work” idk if it’s arbitrary?

I get that, I only really added 2 things though, melee for bm and ranged for survival, the pet / no pet thing already exists. I was just listing the most common requests I have seen. My personal preference is for a ranged survival but I get the other requests too. Really I think we need another physical dps class like Tinker but for now we are stuck with just two specs that offer ranged physical dps.

I think they moved from traps as DPS because I can safely say that majority didn’t like it. Targets tend to move out of them. Even steel trap that would put bleed on ST it can miss if you place it wrong. To much is going on screen effect wise for dps traps to be viable

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Traps being incorporated into rotation would not be ideal for dps. However, I think more options as utility would be some added assistance. Other have given suggestions for traps that can knock up, or stun.

I agree, survival would be nice with lone wolf, just make it a pure engineer gadet bomber spec.


It’s a generator, which could have been done in any given way, and a portion of capstone’s damage / means of activation that likewise could have been done in any different way.

That said, simply allowing Survival back a short-CD Flanking Strike or whatnot itself in place of Kill Command and decoupling CA from pet basic attacks does not require making Survival


right, but like I said at that point you’re changing the spec’s description, changing the fantasy, changing a generator, and changing two cooldowns. that’s a lot for a single lone wolf talent to do

Are there any visuals at all to see the differences between the various hero talent types? (aside dark ranger’s dog and dark arrows?)

The first version of Survival had little interaction with their pet. KC was added as a builder to give pets more impact on SV rotation.

if you’re referring to legion, that’s not entirely true as our mastery and flanking strike both involved the pet

if you’re referring to pre-legion, I’m not sure that’s relevant to the discussion rn

Legion SV it was discussed that there was not enough impact that pets played into rotation. KC was added as Survival focus builder to give pets more purpose to a class with a focus on pets.

sure, but I’m saying that there wasn’t “little” interaction with the pets: they supplied (albeit RNG) mongoose bite stacks as well as a lot of damage through flanking strike—as well as a variety of passive traits on talonclaw

My comments is why Survival being petless and having KC changed to some other builder would kill the theme of the spec.


I agree :slight_smile: