I don’t know what changed in Blizzard for them to finally start listening to people, but man am I so incredibly happy it’s happened.
PvP vendors, 2h Frost, unpruning, Shadowlands is going to have fun classes at the very least. I’ve gone from no hype to lots of hype.
It feels good to be on the right side of history!
Are there actually 2 playstyles because all it looks like is you can choose your weapon. If they split the playstyle then welcome to yet another balance nightmare.
They have to do some balance regardless even if they didnt split the spec which they shouldnt do.
Instant expansion pre-order.
The only way it will be mathematically equal is if they actually address the differences in the weapon sets. If they dont DW will be doing at least 15% more frost damage and more KM procs. The weapon doesnt really matter in terms of ability damage since they are almost equal, 15 damage with 266 weapons in favor of 2h which is basically nothing. I havent checked now that I got a higher ilvl 2h weapon.
DW has more going for it so if nothing is done with that. If nothing is done I give it a week until the new complains of damage is brought up. Been talking on this issue for months.
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Interesting. I was hoping the same for unholy. I really wish we could get some more diseases… while i do love the reduced cd on aotd i really really hope they add more diseases to the playstyle. I would like to see more rot in its mechanics
Gotta say, this news has made me want to play BfA significantly less. Now I know the superior Frost is coming relatively soon, using DW feels even more wrong than before.
So stoked! Can’t wait to try it out in the prepatch.
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It’s more the innate differences in using two one-handers to a single 2hander: KM procs and runeforging at least. That and most people who want 2hander want the big Obliterate crits are going to be disappointed when it’s most likely going to hit the same as DW but with the OH+MH added into one number since it’s based off of AP instead of weapon damage percentages.
It will be interesting to see what they do or don’t do to try to make sure that they perform on an equal playing field.
Weapon dps is in there as well. They use that for consistency.
As of right now, it looks like they just lifted weapon restriction on Frost. The only thing that will hit relatively equal unless more is done is Obliterate. All other abilities that is frost based will do more due to Razorice.
I can already hear the argument now “why give 2h back if its damage is this bad” or at least something along those lines. The only way to really know is get into testing to compare and contrast.
I however think most of their development time is going to be on Covenants and trying to balance that mess. I can already see Night Fae as a really good option because of the Str boost. It also reduces the damage affected enemies do to you.
So you get a abom limp with necrolord. Shadow Damage to nearby enemies, pull doesnt work on bosses.
For dk, at least in design, it comes down to Night Fae and Venthyr. One gives dodge, shadow damage to enemies within range, additional runic power. The other does shadow damage to enemies in the area, reduced damage done, str buff.
Congrats. Now they’ll never get the balancing right, and both 2h and dw will suffer from it.
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I don’t know about the sad truth of the DK from WoW history.
nor in the beginning of the WotLK did they give him justice as being his hero Arthas in his image and likeness, and can they JUST use him as a frost?
that’s why I’m glad to be a Demon hunter.
Weird take when they refuse to balance things already in the game like talents and azerite.
This is true, but why would you expect a company that can’t balance two things to be able to balance a 3rd?
I don’t expect it to be balanced, just fun.
I haven’t seen anything on Blizzard going into detail about what it is they actually did for the re-implementation, but I seriously doubt they benched the play-style for half a decade just to come back and say that they’ve ungreyed two abilities with zero numerical modifications. I don’t think they’d recover from the flak. Hopefully they release this change for the prepatch. I resubbed out of exhilaration when I read about its return, but I’ll likely just sit the forums for the rest of the month and then leave again until prepatch. I forget how excruciatingly boring it is in that half year stretch leading up to a new expansion where the storyline’s died down and there’s no new content.
WOOT for those of us that have posted for it and have been attacked by others or had walls of text thrown at us saying how it should not come back or that blizzard will not bring it back. Open some liquid refreshment and celebrate.
I am so happy this is coming back. Now I need to finish getting Shadowmourne and the the lego rag hammer
Man remember when people kept saying Classic would never happen and always tried shutting people down for asking for it… then it happened.
Then we ask for 2hand frost back and once again people tried shutting us down… and now we getting it back.
Why wouldnt they? People have been asking for 2h for the look, or because they want to use it. I even brought up the damage issue and I believe it was you who said it didnt matter.
Its also more than just 2 abilities. Of course you have Obliterate and Frost Strike, but you also have Frostscythe good aoe razorice applicator as well as a good way to reduce icecap cooldown in aoe situations if you go that build. Also cant use Glacial Advance though its just a bad ability.
How the announcement was worded was “you can choose now” which any reasonable person would think weapon restrictions were lifted because thats all it really says.
I also dont really know what people mean by playstyle. Is it just the look, or is it how the spec actually plays? People have been using it to mean both sooo I dont really know which one to really use as the meaning. I dont know what about the playstyle (actual gameplay) that would actually change with a weapon swap. If talents and everything else dont change, or dont change much, then its going to be the same exact thing, which I also brought up as a point long ago. I think it was along the lines of “if you dont like the playstyle now and they lifted weapon restrictions you wont like it with 2h”. And what was the response to that? I just want to use a 2h.
So are we actually seeing the real issue come to light now that 2h has made a return, you know that issue that me and others were bringing up but people were ignoring for the sake of an aesthetic which is the word you actually used in the other thread?
After all this gloat everyone is doing, are they actually looking at things beyond a weapon choice and seeing an issue, because it kind of looks that way from this post you made.