We did it! 2h frost!

I’ll find it when I have time, even though we know you’re going to move the goalposts yet again.

Also, that post supports my claims and the claims of everyone else you’ve been arguing with for the past year and a half. Funny how you suddenly have amnesia.

Moving what goal posts? You aren’t even near the goal to move the posts.

Year and a half? Yeah you are just trolling and making stuff up to goad people like you were called out with doing.

Being right, and arguing to make sure everyone knows it, is the key to 2H being balanced in shadowlands.

Keep up the good work!

They should already know the issues between the weapons. Its the same issues that have been in for 11 years. If they dont know the issues by now then I wouldnt have much faith in them to actually balance the 2.

Can’t wait to rock a huge 2hander and obliterate again. I can barely even see my 2 1h weapons as I kill things pre-SLs… Super unsatisfying, in my opinion.


I totally agree! I went and did ICC for shadowmourne as frost just to get a taste haha.

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Nice. I do hope we get a huge Frostmourne looking weapon as a late exp reward for something.

The raid gear already leaked looks amazing and super DK.


have you seen the Raid plate set? I think we’ll get something pretty thematic from there.\

EDIT haha just saw your edit

Hehe, sorry for the slow typing. Typing one handed while holding a baby in the other. :grinning:


Yay for babies!

I honestly do not know what to do with myself. I play Classic for a bit getting that RPG vibe again, but I really want to be playing a DK.

I log in to retail and wonder if I should level up yet another DK just for kicks. Shadowmourne is a good goal in the interim. Maybe hunting down some other 2H mogs too.

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Aaahhhh! Yes finally! I can go back to frost and keep my twohander!


Do you really think dnd is the number one or 2 dps for an unholy dk in a mythic key run or any AoE situation?? Absolutely not, you’re own key experience is severely lacking and all it takes is a look at logs for keys to see how wrong and ignorant that statement is “bud” lol.

Seriously you do know how unholy deals it’s AoE damage right?

This is your quote

Not to interject into a fight that’s not mine, but I think this is a misunderstanding. That doesn’t say that death and decay is one or two on the damage meters. It says that the targeted abilities are one or two, which I interpret as being the abilities that DnD turns in to AoE. I can see that being a little vague.

Even then, most of the damage from unholy is virulent plague and its eruption component. Sometimes Bursting Sores does better but it depends on pull sizes.

I dunno, I don’t play unholy, exclusively a frost DK. I was just hoping to clear up a misunderstanding.

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That’s the quote without the most important part edited out. Not going to address the rest of your post as it is just insults and Ad Hominems as usual.

This means abilities like Blizzard and Starfall, which most definitely top the damage charts in heavy AoE encounters, be it PvE or PvP. It is blatantly obvious that that’s what I was mainly referring to, as I said it earlier in that thread. Somebody was making the argument that the abilities are just plain bad, which is horrendously, demonstrably wrong. I’m not sure what he’s trying to achieve by denying it. Doesn’t matter though. He’s on permanent ignore, so back to 2H.


It would be so cool if they put in an optional class quest for DKs to combine the Blades of the Fallen Prince into a single blade that looks similar to Frostmourne.

Especially as we’re heading in to the Shadowlands where its creator is located.


You could go for the 2h legendary rag hammer from vanilla the one that requires you to craft the hammer and then get the item to meld it with to make hammer legendary

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Well as we are going to meet the smith that forged the weapon they could put in a quest where he feels the magic of frostmourne that has been shattered and ask us to bring the two swords and then he reforges them into Frostmourne.

That will be awesome if blizzard does this.

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