We did it! 2h frost!

Know what would have been neat that when we had our artifacts instead of the lackluster crystal thing which was another half baked thing they did for us. Is tu|n into an echo of arthas as a DK welding Frostmourn for 30 sec with upgraded abilities.

Nope we can’t have nice things the devs won’t allow it


In a thread talking about death and decay, where you only ever mention death and decay, while saying that death and decay would be one of the top two contributors to AoE damage…
Can’t backpedal away from that, it’s pretty obvious but you won’t be able to admit it. That I can guarantee.




Good news: 2h frost is back.

Bad news: Its clunky as hell.

Worse news: With how Frost DK talents, mastery scaling, and KM procs work; 2h Frost is going to be garbage without hard changes to Frost’s base kit and talents.


It doesn’t feel great on alpha atm. DW is still looking to be the only viable option as always. There is still time between now and release tho so fingers crossed

Mhm that was back in November. I went from not wanting it back because I wanted them to focus on dual wield play style because I wasn’t super happy with BoS focus. I then saw why people wanted 2h back and went from not wanting it to hoping they implemented it correctly if they were ever going to add it.
Also a few out of context quotes there but good to see you remain the same forum troll as always.

When is your next round of in game mail harassment going out? I know a few of us are looking forward to that.
Hopefully they change frost in some way because right now 2h is not lookin so hot.

They are going to need to change how talents and KM procs work with 2h. This is also without going into how reliant 2h is for haste/crit/vers over mastery.

I think Frost in general needs spec redesign if they want to go this route.

EDIT: Someone on the Alpha Class discussion mentioned how 2h was only getting 22 KM procs in 12 minutes compared to DW’s 85 in a test.

How is this spec going to function as a 2h if we are so AA reliant to output damage?

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I think they will attempt to balance 2h and dw, I cant imagine they would just give frost 2h just for the sake of it. But will it be like MotFW or something else? Either way, I think balancing the 2 will be the reoccurring issue for frost in SL.

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Which was my point, at the moment…2h doesnt work that well with the current iteration of Frost and there has been a lot of feedback of DK players in Alpha saying that.

This is something that was brought up months ago about the viability of 2h if it was going to return. They’re going to have to somehow either add specific 2h passives that change the way 2h spec plays or procs as opposed to reworking the entire spec when the way the spec plays now is solid enough for DW.

Haters gonna hate
Keep sending me in game harassment mail, see where that gets you.
You can continue to mass flag on alts if you want but my posts will just be restored.
Back to not derailing the thread,
A buff to KM proc rate for 2h and potentially damage from KM could bring it in line with DW BoS with the use of Obliteration. Regardless I don’t know how to make it feel less clunky than it does in alpha currently.


I’ve been staying out of these threads recently since they’ve all been degenerating into the same handful of people getting in vague circular arguments, but I just wanted to stop in and say that I’m glad that you listened to people and changed your mind accordingly. It’s commendable and something that not many people are capable of these days.


So ideas on how to make 2h frost non clunky.

First give 2h frost the ability to put 2 runes on their weapon.

Second Bake RI into mastery for frost spec so mastery does frost damage increase and gives the RI debuff.

Third change the KM formula either by splitting it for dw and 2h or how ever so that you can increase 2h procs to get them even with dw. 

Fourth you change the talient obliteration.  Now you do this for those people that want obliterate to be most of the damage.  You change it so obliterate gets 100% crit and 10-15% crit damage.  You also make it so that obliterate  does physical damage with km procs.
Fifth remove BoS for a better talent.

Sixth Death's Reach is now baseline and just baked into DG.

This is some of the things that could be done to help frost.


You dont have to remove BoS, just make Icecap competitive. Its on the verge.


Icecap is already present in many top parses, the problem with it is that compared to breath it’s uninteresting. Obliteration is the one that isn’t competitive.

I think adding back MotFW and buffing Obliteration to work similarly to UH’s Gargoyle (RP spent increases Obliterate damage or crit multiplayer if it REALLY needs that bad a buff) are two really simple things that could narrow the gap between 2h and DW a bit, give people the old Obliterate feelings, and give a nice little difference between 2h and DW. I’ve always seen DW as a Breathe focused thing anyways, it seems more apparent with Rune of Hysteria, Hypothermic Presence, and Razorice all having great chemistry.


I would still love them to make icecap baseline then make obliteration more of a Obliterate empowering focused talent. They could keep BoS for those who enjoy that playstyle, but add a new final tier talent which would be interesting.

This would, of course, be in addition to equalizing runeforges and KM procs for 2hs.

I don’t think there’s any real way to solve the runeforge issue that would be easily applicable of practical. I’d rather see FC just take on a stronger form for 2h or completely new 2h specific RF’s. KM procs working off crit could be fixed by applying a passive buff to 2h’s just increasing auto attack crit chance but that would be really boring. I’d prefer something to make 2h vs DW actually different. DW about fast more consistent damage while 2h for more burst ramping up. Something like the previously mentioned buff to Obliteration along with just MotFW back would help with that immensely, but addressing the problem of when IC isn’t up is a whole other can of worms. Overall, I think the final row is overall good minus Obliteration being garbo. Icecap for more general uptime, Breath for resource managment/passive burst focusing on keeping uptime and Obliteration (ideally) being active builder/spender burst with less uptime.

Why? Just make a 2h Only runeforge of RI and FC combined. KM seems like the slightly more tricky issue.


Maybe they could add (what I’m calling it) a runestone that goes in your offhand that allows a second runeforge for 2 handers, and works with unholy and blood.