We did it! 2h frost!

I don’t want to use the “X started it!!” excuse, but the only people attacking Kelliste are doing so because Kelliste sees fit to go into every thread mentioning 2h Frost or Frostmourne and repeating the same negative things they’ve said for months over and over again. You can check any of the threads and it’s extremely likely they’ll be the top poster.

I do recall it being regular disagreement for a little bit, but that breaks down when one side will never concede and the other is aimlessly contrarian.

I do wish more people would stop responding though, the arguments are fruitless.


They only clutter up the forums. Sadly that wish will probably never come true because it seems that everyone HAS to prove that they are right about x or y. It just becomes an endless cycle of why I’m right and you are wrong, which is especially annoying when a lot of this is just opinion stuff.


Kelliste is a person who seems to enjoy antagonizing others, and then reports their posts when they take the bait. Strange way to live life.


Oh how wrong you guys are. Let’s see, this was a thread about 2h coming back which I stated has a long way to go to even be taken seriously.

I never said 2h shouldn’t return yet people still hold onto that lie.

I don’t bring up Frostmourne that is always brought up by other people and then they get into arguments with others because it’s unique and we all know what happened with artifacts and uniqueness.

I also only report posts that break the ToT. And I find it completely hilarious that people complain about something that their side has a history of banding together to try to silence opposing opinions. Do you know how many posts of mine have been hidden and then restored?

This also comes from the same side that is petty enough to make a character on my server just to leave an in mail game saying how much a piece of garbage I am

It’s entirely hypocritical at this point.

It’s also posts like you guys are doing right now, talking trash about another player (which your side is really notorious for doing) and getting the thread shut down and then turning around and blaming the very person that you guys were just trashing. It’s not hard to follow the CoC. I didn’t complain when I was reported for calling people idiots. I said I did it, and moved since it was no one else’s fault but mine.

And I am just stubborn. I am not going to not speak when I have something to say. I have absolutely no qualms with telling people that are right, or if I am wrong. I’ve done it plenty of times before. Yet the ones that are so headstrong are these other people. They even see things being said that aren’t even there. That very thing happened with Dreadmoore where I just asked him where he got that idea of what I said from what he quoted and it just wasn’t there. Some other people reported his posts and then ended up getting hidden.

So if you guys are going to say I do these things then you better back it up. Bring up where I said 2h shouldn’t return, show me where I bring up Frostmourne, show me where I am actually wrong or anything else. You guys might not like that I respond, but I can and will if I know something about it.

So in other words you are doing the exact thing you said you weren’t doing. Using play time to imply I don’t play enough so my input isn’t constructive.

Either address what is said, or don’t. They stand on their own merit. Funny how you guys want to keep trying to insult people all the while not actually putting forward anything at all. Do you have anything to actually address anything I have said? If not then you are just part of the problem you complain about.

isn’t you the other guy who didn’t want 2H too? :joy:

He is the only one creating walls of texts arguing and with anyone for the sake of arguing, so?


Nah I only wanted them to implement it correctly and not just toss it in half baked.
And if you don’t consider your constant jabs or your own walls of text as part of the issue, I don’t know what to tell you.

I had the same thing happen to me only they threatened how customer service was going to ban my account lol. It’s pretty clear who did it; Notice how they aren’t posting anymore on the forums. Just report it and move on.

I did, I didnt even read it fully, 2 lines, report. The entire point is the other side isnt all fluffy clouds and rainbows. Or how about the other person who insults me every time they get unbanned and then complains that they were banned and its my fault.

These people do not want to take responsibility for anything. Just look how its always my fault in a 2 party system. The other party is just as much involved as me, its just they are more spread out so it doesnt look like any one individual is as active, but they really just take turns.

“Hes the top poster” well im not replying to myself over here. Its not even an argument. Just like how I said 2h would be behind and the answer to that was basically “you dont know, you dont even play the game” and look at the state of 2h on the alpha, its trash.

Oh and I should also mention that these same people made some thread on Hazzed video apparently. That same person isnt on the forums anymore either.

Just because someone doesnt post, doesnt mean theyre banned. Some people just dont live on the forums and have other things they would rather do with their time, to their credit. Regardless, 2h frost is back, period. so there is less need to post about how one wants 2h frost back.

Many of these recent posts are turning into walls of text about peoples sense of victimhood and how mean people are. Honestly, there are more important things to worry about in life than someone insulting someone on an online forum.

I only log on to look for updates to 2h frost in the alpha and suggest bliz equalize KM and Runeforges for DW and 2H.

I am merely responding to this in the hopes that the thread focuses less on how mean x person was to y person and more on 2h frost.


Who is saying that?! Its not me, its not Magi. No one is talking about nor has anyone said no one wants 2h frost back.

Not to mention these people are saying that they have been banned when they come back.

This thread really serves no purpose, its purpose was to celebrate something being half baked and gloating to people, especially me, that is entirely based off of a false claim.

No one has been able to show anywhere that I said 2h shouldnt come back, no one has been able to show where I have said no one wants 2h back, no one has been able to show me saying any of these things. Anywhere. Ever.

The only thing about 2h returning that I said is that it should not be accompanied with a split in the spec. I also stated that some people dont deserve it to come back.

So you guys really need to stop with these false arguments, its just strawman after strawman.

If you want to look at updates for alpha, go look at Wowhead or even posts that Blizzard makes. Or even read through the alpha forums where people are not only listing the changes that have been made, but the issues with those changes or other issues that should be addressed.

I mean even in your response you say you arent responding because you want more focus on 2h, and less focus with how mean people are, yet you state a bold faced lie. Have you not been following the thread? This is the exact thing that I am talking about. People dont read, make up some assumption, state that assumption like that person said it, and then when they say “no I didnt” people go off and look for something that might support it and find absolutely nothing.

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Great stuff DK forums! I come here to maybe see some news about 2H, and all I get is this.

Is there a real 2H thread that isn’t filled with people arguing about nothing that I can check?


Nope. Any 2h thread that picks up any momentum will end up like this due to a specific reason.

For news your best bet is just regular old wowhead, for discussion the Acherus discord probably has real discussion about 2h.


The alpha forums with feedback and such. Nothing has changed thus far so its still just behind.

My thoughts too. Well said.


Yeah, I keep checking the alpha forums for updates to Frost DK, enhancement and affliction.

Lots of great feedback there, but the class changes seem few and far between right now. I hope the development focus will shift to classes once all the levelling zones are playable.

maybe sometimes people also don’t have game time anymore, i was away a month due to work, but since world stopped with corona i came back

like people said, there isn’t much news to talk about, i think the last build had more warrior(DW is back) and venthyr abilities stuff, and its more or less a dead forum, people nowadays are on discord or discussing in the alpha area

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They did say there wouldn’t be major changes to the classes so I wouldn’t be too hopeful for there to be anything significant.

Considering your post history, you’re in no position to lecture another poster on how to behave, so please just stay on topic. As I told the other guy, 2H has just been added back about a month ago, so it is not going to be mechanically stabilized yet. If you know anything about Game Design, then you know that developing game mechanics involves implementing them into the live program for consumers to use so they can mass-test it and give feedback for the developers to use to properly tweak the numbers and code.

Shadowlands is only in its alpha stage right now, so there is an abundance of time to test 2H for its critical flaws and work to fix them. Again, I highly, highly doubt that it is going to left as it is. That would be utterly ridiculous, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Give it time. Blizzard may yet surprise us.


DK anima powers haven’t been added to Torghast. Considering how much dev time is put into making class and spec specific abilities into torghast, its likely that more DK class changes will happen in the patch that adds those in. I went into Torghast on my DK and all the class specific powers were placeholders.