Compromise? Lol, you got some pretty big dreams. I have already stated that there is a quest. It doesn’t make it lore, and it’s not overall a part of the story. The rest of the store plays out the same regardless if you have 1 or all the artifact weapons. Again, these quests were so you could play your other specs.
“Quests aren’t lore” is a pretty strange hill to die on.
Just let it go, the arguments lack any logic.
Where did I say that? Ohhhh right right. Nowhere.
There is a difference between it doesn’t make it lore, and as you said “quests aren’t lore”. It’s like how all thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs.
The quests don’t have you swapping between artifacts and upgrading or empowering each of them.
Oh hey, Senegos hold on a moment. I have 2 more artifacts to empower.
Or how about at the end, you don’t pull out and drain the other 2 artifacts do you? No, and neither do the other NPCs that are their either.
You can cherry pick things and create strawman arguments all day, it’s a strange hill to die on.
Yawn, got anything new?
The very fact that they were trying to compromise means that there is logic in the argument.
Tell me, how many people do you know that use an artifact that isn’t specific to that spec? And don’t say warriors with that glyph either.
Hrm. It almost sounds like they should add a legacy quest into Frost’s artifact that lets you combine Blades of the Fallen Prince into a single blade, or have the 2 hander disassemble the weapon into two smaller weapons.
Have it share the same item id, like Benediction and Anathema, or have the blades summon the 2-hander as a transmog like Thunderstrike / Shadowstrike did. We could even call this legacy artifact… I dunno, Frostmourne or something?
I think there was an item in the game called that once. I forget.
Private Ownusohard had a weapon like that.
Do what your players ask you for the first time, and then you won’t have to re-add things that you removed because you wanted to engage in exploratory game-design, and force players to endure years of a crappy and wildly flawed ‘design vision’
Warlocks, Balance Druids, and MoP Shadow Priests echo this statement. Stop screwing classes up. None of us have patience for it anymore and we’re not interested in being a development petri-dish for ideas that you give to another class 2-3 expansions later when all the bugs are worked out.
just for you to see the kind of people we are dealing here.
lore or gameplay are invalid if do not fit his argument, and sometimes he accept what blizzard says, other times he do not.
sounds like something someone would complain about lore of it, despite being completely lore friendly
Did I say quests arent lore? No I didnt, that is a strawman argument. What I said is that because a quest exists, doesnt automatically make it canon lore. There is a major difference and if you cant understand that then its a you problem.
Please explain what makes a quest canon lore.
Do people have to hold your hand through the most obvious things? Just like I had to explain how something was a gameplay decision 50 times before it clicked?
Apparently you do, otherwise it’s just “Kelleste’s arbitrary declaration makes it canon.” I’m not sure what I’m expecting, its not like you back up any of your other arguments.
EDIT: Also, if you have to even ask the question of if you have to explain something better, then you obviously do. If a variety of people are constantly not understanding what you’re trying to say, it’s also probably not a them problem, you’re probably just bad at explaining things.
EDIT 2: Also when I said I’ll accept that it’s a gameplay decision before it wasn’t because of a single thing you said or explained, it’s because everything that goes in to this game falls under the broad category of “gameplay decision”. Having quests in the game at all is a “gameplay decision”. There’s no reason that making a gameplay decision doesn’t make a quest lore. All this azerite nonsense is a gameplay decision and is still intrinsic to the story.
Do you not understand what an explanation is? If I walked you through 2+2=4 do you need a citation from a mathematician if it was explained to you? Do you need a citation if the sky is blue when you can just look outside on a clear day and see that the sky is blue?
Its getting to the point to where its an appeal to authority when the authority doesnt even find it important enough to mention anything about it because its so obvious.
So tell me, since none of you seem to want to answer the question. Can you use an artifact that belongs to another spec in another spec, for example Apoc with Blood? If the answer is no then they HAVE TO allow you to get the other weapons since they were the only weapons in the expansion. There is no other explanation that is more simple than that.
Other quests ask you to raise your artifact weapon, not weapons. The Balance of power quest line is technically just for 1 weapon. When you are at the Sword and you drain your artifact weapon you are only presenting 1 weapon. Tell me of a quest where you present more than 1 artifact weapon.
I will respnd this one time.
I really don’t care about the artifact. Given the fact that SL is clearly a DK themed exp, I feel fairly confident we will be getting a Frostmourne-esk skin one way or the other. No amount of faulty logic or gas-lighting will change that.
Have a wonderful day.
Gotcha, so you have nothing, just trolling.
Tell me, for all the time you spend here… Do you actually play the game?
So nothing to do with what I asked… ok?
Why do you care? Is it some thought process that playing the game means you know whats going on even though you can see people who play the game that know how nothing works.
How are those huge 2h obliterates turning out on the alpha right now? Oh they arent any bigger than DW and DW is bigger when KM procs? I dont have to play the alpha to know what is going on in the alpha. There is a thing called theorycrafting, something that you do or should do before you play something.
This “you dont play” argument has already been utterly destroyed by me being right on the outcome of lifting weapon restrictions.
So you dont want to answer my question… why?
Rather just call someone a troll which has lost all its meaning with people using it to call people who just disagree with them and not what a troll actually is. Saying something inflammatory, usually false, to elicit a response. An example being “If the Lich Kings mount is called invisible why can i still see it”. That is a troll statement.
Asking people questions that they then refuse to answer is not trolling. You guys wanted citations and I dont know what citation you want. What are you looking for?
Just that you have some unresolved issues on constantly getting the last word in. From debating whether 2h should return to arguing why it’s a bad idea the moment it became official. (It may or may not be that’s still to be decided).
Then you veer off suddenly and start arguing lore with people on this unrelated thread, also not a topic you started but just had to barge in with your opinions.
At this point you just come off as a sociopath whose grand purpose in life is to antagonize as many people as they possibly can, topics and results be damned.
P.S: I asked how much you play the game not to imply you don’t play it enough, but only cause at this point you sound more like a commentator, not a player of this game. From your profile you haven’t attempted playing end game DK so it’s kinda hard to take your comments as constructive
While I whole heartedly agree with what you’re saying, the whole situation has been exasperated by another group of people that have consistently been trolling and even attacking Kelliste and others for a few months now.
I am getting very tired of browsing the dk forums and only seeing walls of text from the same person arguing with anyone and everyone.