We did it! 2h frost!

This position makes no sense. A focus on spec fantasy over class fantasy means at best you’re playing half a class. Having extra options in your toolkit isn’t going to force you in to any role, it’ll just make you more well rounded. Using your warrior example, having shield slam isn’t going to magically going to make people force you to tank – if they were going to do that they’d be doing it already, since you can swap specs at will in the middle of a run.

Switch gears for a moment and think of druids. Just because a cat has picked guardian affinity doesn’t mean people expect them to tank runs. It does mean that they can swap to bear in the middle of a fight if the tank goes down to avoid a wipe. This is because even though they specialize in feral, they’re still a druid, with a druid toolkit available to them.

Similarly if you’re a warrior that specializes in Fury, you’re still a warrior, and should be able to respond to situations with the tools available to a warrior.

TLDR spec fantasy is garbage, class fantasy is where it’s at.


So you can choose to only use that skin with your spec. Don’t try to mess it up for others :slight_smile:
As a DK myself, I don’t give the slightest crap about a warrior wearing a re-skinned DK set; it doesn’t make me any less of a death knight.

As others have stated, I earned those skins by having enough skill/knowledge/whatever in that spec – -I’ve already proven it, and especially as the leader of death knights lorewise, I ought to have access to the skins I’ve earned, regardless of my spec.

Can’t help but feel you’re making a problem out of something that’s really just a problem for you.


If you are going to straw-man your way into this argument i suggest you to stop.

yes, and they are gone, but you as the class still have it, therefore, you can still use it.

i care more about class, class overtop spec any day

that is a nonsense blabbling

because one thing is making class use weapons of the spec within the class, the other is you wanting other classes using other classes stuff.

and even that, there is tons of recolors and other sets to let people do that, i have the entire Normal Death knight Antorus set on my warrior :^)


Clearly no one cares about spec fantasy no more and it is always about the class? what defines warrior, you never bring up what defines warrior then off tanking or is there something I am missing?

what nonsense am I babbling about, I am saying people will never play that spec and will play other soec and use other spec artifact weapon into their prefer spec’s mog for only look and ignore lore and value of it

This post sums up that class fantasy is important, but Spec fantasy helps defines aspects of each fantasy of warrior and helps give it more flavor

You don’t know, and even if they did, whats the matters? its their weapon, they collect then, they have all the appearance, is mine he can use in whatever spec he likes

there is no more value of it, the weapons are gone because of the sargeras sword, and don’t try to say “lore” when most of then were just out of nowhere weapons who never were just locked for a spec.

The silver hand? nowhere is said it was just a holy paladin weapons, paladins before smashed undead with him, why can’t i use the appearance in my Ret? that is bullcrap

it did exactly the opposite

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then make old tier sets transmoggable since i earn them, is still don’t get where hate for specs and their weapons come from?

do explain what makes warrior?

you are comparing apples to oranges

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A warrior is a master of arms, using all manner of weapons and armor, combined with unparalleled martial skill and physical strength, to defeat his opponents. Game mechanics should be designed to fit the class fantasy, they are not the class fantasy in and of themselves.

In the case of a warrior, just because you specialize in swinging around two weapons should not mean that you forget how shields work, it should just mean you’re not as good with them as a warrior who specializes in shields.


Heres a thought, how about some of you get together and make your own game in how you want it to be. Its what you are trying to do with WoW and its not even your game.

Warriors can get the DK t10 10m tier set if they want too, and a lot of others. Tier sets are not exclusive to that class unless Blizzard just decided to not have those items drop, like the t10 25m heroic tier set isnt complete from ICC, neither is a lot of others. They can get the Dk set though. Its just what Blizzard decides to allow.

Artifacts are spec specific, too bad, move on.

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Hope this ages well like your other incredible takes :wink:


What is this referencing specifically? Just curious, because with this logic we shouldn’t be criticizing anything in the game, and I’d like to think that’s not what you’re saying.

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You mean the one where I said if weapon restrictions were lifted it wouldnt do anything and 2h would be behind? That one is true, look at the alpha. Hows those 22 KM procs per 12 minutes for 2h vs the 85 DW has working out for the state of 2h? The runeforge difference?

Looks like I was right in what I said, it was you guys who got what I said 100% wrong and wanted to make a strawman.

There is a difference between criticizing, and not liking basically anything about the game except for what you want to be in it.

Its the same people who complain about things like comic books and want them to be something that they arent, and then when they make their own comics they belly up. Or games. Or anime, or tv shows.

And saying Artifacts should be class wide and not spec specific is nothing but people wanting things their way and nothing else. Would the Arcane artifact make any sense in Fire? No, none at all, it talks about mana which fire doesnt even have to remotely worry about. What about the Demo artifact? Hes a master summoner basically making fun of you because you cant do things your self and has specific voice lines when you use things like Call Dreadstalkers and Hand of Gul’dan.

I do like some of the looks of the artifacts like the hidden artifact skin for Blood. But that doesnt mean that Unholy should have it, it was made specifically for that spec.

Could they change their minds at a later date? Of course its always a possibility, but they were made to be spec specific just like tier sets were made to be class specific yet somehow its different because… reasons.

Funniest thing I’ve read today. Thank you :slight_smile:

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I’m sorry, but no. The various artifacts are incredibly specific, and tailored to their respective specs both in theme and (at the time) design. A, B and C all having their own instrument doesn’t mean all of their instruments are interchangeable between members of the group.

Players having the ability to get all three artifacts was mostly done for gameplay. I’m pretty sure if Blizzard could’ve gotten away with it they would’ve locked your ability to get secondary artifacts much more than they did. From a lore perspective, it would’ve made more sense. Blood DKs didn’t go hunt for Apocalypse. Unholy DKs didn’t go reforge Frostmourne’s shards. Frost DKs didn’t go acquire the Maw of the Damned. There’s a reason they’re still spec-specific.

Oh boy you are just against everything aren’t you

already saved, together with some others


They aren’t rly that specific, most of then are generic and arbitrary shoved in the specs to pretend a false sense of “spec fantasy”

most of then are garbage created from the spot too

and since they are powerless pieces of junk it is just fair to let the class use his weapons as he please, because is just an appearance

It is completely obnoxious saying is the same thing as letting anyone using anything, you ill not make artifacts usable in other classes

Are you for real? the SAME Death knight got all the weapons, the same Death knight did all those things, let the same death knight use his appearances as he please, that is a more sense lore perspective.

And there still the point that you can use the appearance with another character of the same class and he didn’t get sh’t, so? point invalid


Go ahead and save it, whats going to happen?

Nothing I said was actually wrong. It seems like you guys just hate the DK, just about everything is wrong with them. Artifacts are spec specific, too bad, move on. You cant even be happy (called it by the way) that 2h came back. Funny how things actually turned out eh? I said lifting weapon restrictions and people will complain that 2h is behind and what was the argument? Hmm? “You dont know that” and yet here it is 2h is just flat out behind.

And yes, they are for real. What they said is fact. If you were going for Maw, the Blades or Apoc it forced you into that respective spec. The function of the transmog system is not an argument.

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I’m happy 2H Frost is back.
I am not sure why they chose Blades of the Fallen Prince to only be 2x swords rather than a single 2 Hander, but it’s been since then that Frost was 2x weapons only.
While there may not be a 2H Artifact Legion Weapon to transmog for Frost (unless they allow for Apocalypse 2H to be allowed for Frost and Unholy), it’s still nice to have.

Right now, if it’s behind, it’s alpha and they have time to tweak it or at least mitigate HOW FAR BEHIND.