We Demand Pre Nerf C'thun

“We” as in the people on these forums? oh dude you guys are worthless, you cant demand anything.

For 1 attack every 10(?) seconds. the rest of the time it’s straight back to being crit and crush vulnerable.

This is a stupid idea, for one you’d be locking out guilds from finishing the raid simply because they don’t have a full raid of sweaty neckbeards with a 100% optimal raid comp of like all warriors. Most raids don’t function in this manner, and never will.

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2 attacks every 5 seconds.

If Blizzard actually cared about Classic they’d just add a “heroic” mode to all the raids which gives the same gear, but which allows you to run the pre-nerf versions of the raids as they were at release. MC and BWL were also nerfed multiple times by the time 1.12 came around.

But Blizzard doesn’t care about Classic, just like they don’t care about anything else other than grabbing cash in the laziest way possible.

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The issue isn’t really that the raids were nerfed much, just that classes and mechanics were revised by patch 1.12. This made those raids which came out much before 1.12 much easier.

So, to “un-nerf” those raids you’d have to run an entirely different version of the game. Alternatively, you could just buff the raid to try to simulate the original difficulty.

:slight_smile: You and a few ppl “demand” it. I like the difficulty of the content. Not accessible to all, making it an accomplishment. But not so difficult that you need to pour hours and hours into achieving it.

No I do not want pre nerf’d Cthun. Prenerfed Cthun was buggy and frustrating because of those bugs. I want to farm AQ40 so that my guild can prep harder for Naxx.

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2 attacks ever 5 seconds if you have the right talents and most bosses dont auto very fast

It’s not just the talents, I played vanilla from release. BWL was significantly nerfed in vanilla shortly after release because noone could get anywhere. Many of the raids were also nerfed again around 1.12.

People aren’t saying to make it pre-nerf by default, but to give an option to play it that way to see if it is really impossible with the vastly higher performance that is possible these days. Doing things like this, or letting people play the pre-nerf ‘hard’ BWL would be a great addition to classic to let people who played at the cutting edge before try it again. It’s not even really against ‘no changes’ since its the original content, and it would be a good way to add more content to classic without disrupting the spirit of it at all.

Lots of people are bored with BWL and MC. Let them select the pre-nerf release versions if they want to (for the same loot), etc.

Things like this are no brainers and basically free content that would also be highly nostalgic. Blizzard just lazy and wasting the opportunity.

honestly, the way people play these days, it’s won’t matter. To get the overall Vanilla experience, it’ll need a full re-tune to increase the time taken (note, i didn’t say difficulty).

I don’t think it would make it truly difficult or prevent people from clearing, but it would be fun and nostalgic to play the more difficult versions because many people played them before at release. Many dad guilds probably would have more problems, even if Progress isn’t going to. And it gives people something new to do for minimal effort and cost. Many people play classic for the nostalgia, at least in part, this just adds to that. I remember doing the harder vael/drakes and then seeing them nerfed. It probably wasn’t hard by today’s standards, but you could tell then.

pre-beta forums, myself and a handful of others were clamoring for this. That was the original “no changes”. Then it got turned into “we want pservers”. And ironically enough, most of the retail folk and the pservers folk ended up on the same side because they both wanted things equally convenient.

Why do you want a broken encounter where tentacles spawn in the stomach and unstoppably wipe you?

It would be nice to have a hard mode option for people Who really want to try it. The hard part would be trying to tune it…there’s probably nowhere near as much code still in tact to recreate it since it wasnt as long lived.

Then you’ll get all the real neckbeards coming out saying how they remember tentacles coming out of the ceiling so this isn’t the TRUE pre-nerf C’thun. Then we’ll argue on the forums until Naxx comes out about whether pre-nerf actually should have been retuning the numbers / fixing RNG issues (3 tanks consumed) / fixing bugs (evading mobs) / etc.

Because it probably wouldn’t be unstoppable and its fun to show that things people thought were impossible, aren’t?

Hardmode hakkar was impossible in vanilla…until it died 5m after release on the first pull in classic.

Oh, there were nerfs for the raid content for sure. However, there were also a lot of buffs to the players, in general.

I think that content should have had severe buffs for a month or so, then make it easier each month. Stimulate the original patch schedule better through the difficulty of the content.

For example, buff a raid 100% for the first month, 50% for the second, 25% for the third, then no buff for the fourth. Maybe buff later raids a bit less than the early ones. By the time we get to Naxx the buffs should start out a lot lower than the early raids since Naxx was released on patch 1.11 and there weren’t as many changes between 1.11 and 1.12 as there were between 1.0 and 1.12.

But instead we get this super-easy game which hardly simulates Vanilla at all. It’s no wonder people get so bored so quickly!

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Its almost like, get this now i’m about to blow your mind absolutely…The people asking for pre-nerf cthun aren’t the same people who can’t one shot ony.


Mind blown!!!