"We cull the strong to protect the weak"

but that interpretation is just stupid. Strength is inherently better than weakness. Even Jesus said “my strength is made manifest in weakness” or something so he still went for strength just through weakness.


Don’t know if its pandering or not, but the Chinese demographic are highly in drastic need of more daughters than sons. Not that it helps cause China made their own version of WoW.

But, it is indeed based on something.

Nah. Nevermind.

It makes perfect sense if you think of it in terms of Robinhood.

Sometimes you have to force the elites to give up what they stole through laws they created to benefit themselves.

And just because something is a weakness in the way society is set up doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing.

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Until a stronger nation comes along and gobbles up the weak people since you got rid of all your strong people.


The Hunt. Basically.
Centaur : Kill all the beasts in the area.
Murder Hobos: Okay dokay.
Centaur : Omg! All the beasts have frenzied and rampaged. Better kill them too.


My favorite is the hunt where you saved injured beaver babies and slaughter their parents thus guaranteeing they die anyway, oh and then some thirsty animals come to the river for a drink and they have to die because how dare an animal be thirsty IN OUR HOUSE.


That isn’t our job. But it is theirs and they suck at it.


Wait, there is a hunt to save beavers?

Given their culture - where the women seem to often be in leadership positions, or become their version of a shaman - it makes sense. Doesn’t mean men are seen as lesser, just that women will go on to become leaders of the tribes - and also, y’know, keep the population going.

Which isn’t all that different from patriarchal societies where people gave/give the same blessing for sons.


It’s call.

You can look up the sound files on WoWHead and try to verify instead of jumping to conclusions.


Like you aren’t still struggling to remember the second beef patty on a Big-Mac after a decade on the line, but still have a job. You know this makes sense to you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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These are hunter gatherers living in hide huts. Weakness is always a bad thing for them. In these societies weak people were often cast out and left to die from exposure…

This quote doesn’t make sense because living in California has probably fried the devs brains so much they’d say up is down.


Let’s be real, do you think Blizzard would add a “May your family be blessed with sons” line?


Likely have somewhere, whether in a dialogue box or in a voice line on exiting. It ain’t that big a deal to anyone normal, anyway. :dracthyr_shrug:

But please keep showing fragile masculinity, it’s amusing.


They don’t pay them well, Blizzard is notorious for exploiting passion. Theres a reason Riot has been poaching so much of their top talent, if you are really good at what you do i doubt you’d work at Blizzard unless you really love the games.

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a few actually. Off the top of my head there’s one in the northern part of ohnaran plains where you save the baby beavers, one in thal where you save baby turtles, and one in azure span where you save baby vorquin.


I’m sorry but I think you’re being very dishonest. This is the same company that renamed the spell “Every Man for Himself” for being “offensive”


I wonder how a weakling like Selistra is supposed to cull the strong anyway. I bet a random djaradin would kick their butt.


Why suffer from boredom when you can suffer from Boredumb?

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